Practicing Grassroots Democracy in the Spirit of the 13th Party Congress’s Resolution

Our Party has always defined democracy as the objective and motivation for the country’s growth during the process of leading the revolution. Democracy at grassroots units, in particular, is a ...

Practicing Grassroots Democracy in the Spirit of the 13th Party Congress’s Resolution

Practicing Grassroots Democracy in the Spirit of the 13th Party Congress’s Resolution

Our Party has always defined democracy as the objective and motivation for the country’s growth during the process of leading the revolution. Democracy at grassroots units, in particular, is a necessary condition for people to advance their mastery in all aspects of social life. The 13th Party Congress’s Resolution emphasized the motto: “People know, people discuss, people execute, people supervise, people benefit”. It shows that our Party is always innovative in thoughts and actions in order to be more responsive to the country’s specific situation.

Party Document Collection 06:07 21-09-2024 6 tháng trước

Ho Chi Minh Ideology

“The Communist Party of Vietnam, since its birth (in 1930), has played a leading role in the national liberation movement in Vietnam and after the success of the August Revolution, became the ruling Party. President Ho Chi Minh is both the founder and the person who guides and trains the Party. Therefore, he paid due attention to the Party's leading and ruling methods so that the Party can fulfill ... “

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Tran Thi Minh Tuyet

Assoc. Prof. PhD, Academy of Journalism and Communication

“Abstract: Stemming from the role, position, and mission of leading class and nation of the Communist Party of Vietnam, pioneering is the first "attribute" of a genuine party member. The development requirements of our country's revolution today require the example and pioneering of each party member to become highly self-aware. In this article, on the basis of analyzing President Ho Chi Minh's ... “

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Mai Duc Ngoc

Assoc. Prof. PhD, Academy of Journalism and Communication