Từ khoá : mighty aspirations

1 bài viết

Mission of Vietnamese youth in realizing the aspiration in line with the 13th Party Congress.

Mission of Vietnamese youth in realizing the aspiration in line with the 13th Party Congress.

Abstract: The 13th National Party Congress introduced various new points and important highlights, among which it set forth a strategic vision not only for a 5-year term (2021 - 2025) but also for the mid-21st century with the theme "Awakening the aspirations for the development of a prosperous and happy country." This vision, along with the consistent ideology, clearly reflects the spirit of harnessing the strength of national unity through courage and determination, embodying the aspirations of the Vietnamese people for a powerful nation. To achieve the set goals, the country will heavily rely on the younger generation, the future owners of the nation. Therefore, Vietnamese youth need to recognize their roles, missions, and tasks to realize these aspirations.