Socialism construction reality
Building an increasingly strong intellectual workforce to meet the demands of national development in the new situation
Building a modern, civilized farmer class, aiming towards the goal of developing a prosperous and happy nation.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) - Challenges in protecting the Party's ideological foundation in Vietnam today
Harmoniously resolving personal, collective, and societal interests - a characteristic of Vietnamese socialism
President Ho Chi Minh - The visionary of the patriotic emulation movement
President Ho Chi Minh - The visionary of the patriotic emulation movement
Increasing political consciousness for ethnic minorities in the Central Highlands today
Increasing political consciousness for ethnic minorities in the Central Highlands today
Factors affecting the construction of national governance in Vietnam today
Factors affecting the construction of national governance in Vietnam today
Relationship of "virtue" and "talent" in the practice of public service ethics in our country today
Relationship of "virtue" and "talent" in the practice of public service ethics in our country today
Content and methods in building the Communist Party of Vietnam on ethics
Content and methods in building the Communist Party of Vietnam on ethics
Ho Chi Minh's thought on responsibility of cadres and party members for setting examples
Ho Chi Minh's thought on responsibility of cadres and party members for setting examples
Ensuring the implementation of human rights in Vietnam is undeniable
Ensuring the implementation of human rights in Vietnam is undeniable
Marxist-Leninist viewpoints on social development management and application in Vietnam today
Marxist-Leninist viewpoints on social development management and application in Vietnam today
Protecting the Party’s ideological foundation: an important task in researching, disseminating and teaching Scientific Socialism in Vietnam today
Protecting the Party’s ideological foundation: an important task in researching, disseminating and teaching Scientific Socialism in Vietnam today
Some principles in identifying distortion tricks and unfounded inferences made by hostile forces, reactionaries and political opportunists
Some principles in identifying distortion tricks and unfounded inferences made by hostile forces, reactionaries and political opportunists
Building a contingent of cadres to actively participate in the current Fourth Industrial Revolution
Building a contingent of cadres to actively participate in the current Fourth Industrial Revolution
Rejecting arguments that deny the achievements of anti-corruption in Vietnam
Rejecting arguments that deny the achievements of anti-corruption in Vietnam
People in sustainable development
People in sustainable development
Foundation for “resignation culture” in Vietnam today
Foundation for “resignation culture” in Vietnam today
The book of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, a handbook on the fight against corruption and negativity in Vietnam that provides lessons of self-examination and self-correction for current cadres and party members
The book of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, a handbook on the fight against corruption and negativity in Vietnam that provides lessons of self-examination and self-correction for current cadres and party members
Relationships in the mechanism of "Party’s leadership, State’s management, and People’s mastery" in Vietnam today
Abstract: Based on an analysis of the positions, roles of the various subjects, and relationships within the mechanism of 'Party’s leadership, State’s management, and people's mastery', the article assesses the current situation of these subjects and relationships in the current context. Thereby, it proposes solutions to properly leverage the roles of these entities and effectively address the relationships within that mechanism in Vietnam today.
Developing number of Party members among students in Vietnamese public universities
Developing number of Party members among students in Vietnamese public universities
Abstract: Developing party members among students in Vietnamese public universities contributes to rejuvenating the party's membership and enriching intellectual resources for the Party. The responsibility of the party committees in public universities is to excel in developing party members among students, ensuring an appropriate number and structure of members, and harnessing the strength of young party members to successfully lead universities in the context of higher education autonomy and international integration. The article discusses several concepts, with a focus on clarifying the principles, content, and methods for developing party members among students within the Party cells at public universities in our country today.
Generating work motivation for the public administrative workforce in Vietnam today
Generating work motivation for the public administrative workforce in Vietnam today
Abstract: Work motivation for individuals and the responsibility to create work motivation for the public administrative workforce plays a crucial role in maintaining and developing the state administrative apparatus and system. Within organizations responsible for enforcing state power, managing various social sectors, and providing public services, work motivation is a critical aspect of managing the public administrative workforce. However, the process of generating work motivation for the public administrative workforce is influenced by various factors. Therefore, in order to enhance the efficiency of administrative agencies, attention must be paid to this issue. Work motivation has depth and a broad scope, and this article only contributes to pointing out the influencing factors and proposing solutions for generating work motivation for the public administrative workforce in Vietnam today.
Some issues regarding the leadership style of strategic-level officials in our country today
Some issues regarding the leadership style of strategic-level officials in our country today
Abstract: The Party and State of our country always pay special attention to the contingent of staff at the strategic level. The Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress sets forth higher demands for this backbone team. To have strategic-level staff with the necessary qualities, capabilities, credibility, and competence compatible to their tasks, it is necessary to innovate the leadership style in order to meet the elevated requirements of the current period, characterized by vigorous industrialization, modernization, and integration.
President Ho Chi Minh - The visionary of the patriotic emulation movement
President Ho Chi Minh - The visionary of the patriotic emulation movement
Abstract: President Ho Chi Minh was not only the initiator and promoter of patriotic emulation movements but also served as an exemplary model in these movements. His call for patriotic emulation particularly and his ideology about striving for the nation generally not only holds significance for the struggle for national liberation but also serves as a guideline and a source of strength for the current nation-building and development endeavors.
Increasing political consciousness for ethnic minorities in the Central Highlands today
Increasing political consciousness for ethnic minorities in the Central Highlands today
Abstract: Today, hostile forces are daily and hourly looking for ways to damage the revolutionary cause, to propagandize slanderous statements against our Party and State. They target grassroots areas, especially in remote and isolated areas where many ethnic minorities live, especially in Central Highlands. Therefore, in order to fight against the plots of hostile forces, ethnic minorities must know how to identify them and analyze distorted claims. To do so, they need good political awareness. They must be educated, trained to raise political awareness, sharpen their awareness and ideology so as to create immunity against the plots of hostile forces, contributing to political stability and social stability.
Factors affecting the construction of national governance in Vietnam today
Factors affecting the construction of national governance in Vietnam today
Abstract: It is an objective requirement to build and gradually perfect the national governance in Vietnam, meeting the requirements of the country's development in the context of globalization, international integration and the Fourth Industrial Revolution. That process is influenced by many factors which are both internal and external, both objective and subjective. The article focuses on analyzing a number of factors affecting the construction of national governance in Vietnam in the current context.
Relationship of "virtue" and "talent" in the practice of public service ethics in our country today
Relationship of "virtue" and "talent" in the practice of public service ethics in our country today
Abstract: The objective reality of economic, political and social life in the Doi Moi period has had a strong impact on how cadres and civil servants in the political-administrative system perform official duties. Therefore, shaping standard values, creating a civilized and favorable environment in implementing public service ethics for cadres and civil servants need to be conducted based on unity and harmony between " virtue" and "talent". This is considered an important requirement of institutional and apparatus reform in the process of building and perfecting the socialist rule-of-law state in our country today.
Content and methods in building the Communist Party of Vietnam on ethics
Content and methods in building the Communist Party of Vietnam on ethics
Abstract: During 93 years of its construction, growth and development, the Communist Party of Vietnam has led our people to gain great historic achievements. The current international and domestic context witnesses the intertwine among opportunities, advantages, difficulties and challenges. Therefore, it requires continuing to build a clean and strong Party in terms of politics, ideology, morality, organization and staff. "Building the party on ethics" is considered a new highlighted point.
Ho Chi Minh's thought on responsibility of cadres and party members for setting examples
Ho Chi Minh's thought on responsibility of cadres and party members for setting examples
Abstract: Stemming from the role, position, and mission of leading class and nation of the Communist Party of Vietnam, pioneering is the first "attribute" of a genuine party member. The development requirements of our country's revolution today require the example and pioneering of each party member to become highly self-aware. In this article, on the basis of analyzing President Ho Chi Minh's views on the responsibility to set an example and the current situation of setting examples of current cadres and party members, the author proposes content and solutions to implement the problem. in order to bring the exemplary method into the Party's culture so that the Party will forever accompany and deserve to be the pioneering force leading the whole nation.
Ensuring the implementation of human rights in Vietnam is undeniable
Ensuring the implementation of human rights in Vietnam is undeniable
Abstract: In Vietnam, the Party's guidelines as well as policies and laws of the State are always aimed at ensuring human rights, citizenship, caring for the happiness and natural development of all people. These important contents were affirmed in the Party’s first political credo in 1930, the Credo for building the country during the transition to socialism in 1991 and its supplemented and developed version in 2011, Document of the Party Congress. They are also institutionalized by the Constitution and laws and seriously implemented in practice.
Marxist-Leninist viewpoints on social development management and application in Vietnam today
Marxist-Leninist viewpoints on social development management and application in Vietnam today
Abstract: Although the Marxist-Leninist classics did not have works specializing in the study of social development management, their works on economy - politics - society contained basic arguments about social development management. They help social managers see the whole picture of society in a materialistic and specific way via people's practical social activities.
Protecting the Party’s ideological foundation: an important task in researching, disseminating and teaching Scientific Socialism in Vietnam today
Abstract: Nowadays, protecting the ideological and theoretical foundations of international Communist parties and workers on a global scale has become an important task in the research and teaching of Scientific Socialism, which is one of the three components constituting Marxism - Leninism. In Vietnam, that task becomes even more urgent when our country is carrying out the Doi Moi process, actively integrating into the world in the context of strong globalization with intertwined opportunities and challenges; especially when hostile, reactionary and opportunistic forces are making false arguments to distort and negate the Party’s theoretical foundation and the path to socialism in our country today.
Some principles in identifying distortion tricks and unfounded inferences made by hostile forces, reactionaries and political opportunists
Abstract: One of the tricks that hostile and reactionary forces use to damage our Party’s ideological foundation is their distortion and unfounded inferences which lead to social suspicions and panic, shaking people's hearts and distracting the society. Their actions erode the people's confidence in the regime and the path to socialism in Vietnam, making it hard to implement the Party's guidelines and resolutions, affecting the realization of the goal of building socialism in our country. Therefore, identifying the tricks of these forces is extremely necessary. To do this, we need to effectively apply the methodological principles of dialectical materialism and historical materialism, which will be discussed in this article.
Building a contingent of cadres to actively participate in the current Fourth Industrial Revolution
Building a contingent of cadres to actively participate in the current Fourth Industrial Revolution
Abstract: In order to participate in and promote the role of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in national development in all aspects, one of the tasks emphasized by the Party is to improve the quality of human resources, especially leaders and managers at all levels. The article analyzes the impact of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and requirements of staff building. On that basis, it puts forward recommendations to build up a contingent of cadres to actively participate in this revolution.
Ho Chi Minh Ideology “
“The Communist Party of Vietnam, since its birth (in 1930), has played a leading role in the national liberation movement in Vietnam and after the success of the August Revolution, became the ruling Party. President Ho Chi Minh is both the founder and the person who guides and trains the Party. Therefore, he paid due attention to the Party's leading and ruling methods so that the Party can fulfill ... “
View more“Abstract: Stemming from the role, position, and mission of leading class and nation of the Communist Party of Vietnam, pioneering is the first "attribute" of a genuine party member. The development requirements of our country's revolution today require the example and pioneering of each party member to become highly self-aware. In this article, on the basis of analyzing President Ho Chi Minh's ... “
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