Socialism construction reality
Building an increasingly strong intellectual workforce to meet the demands of national development in the new situation
Building a modern, civilized farmer class, aiming towards the goal of developing a prosperous and happy nation.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) - Challenges in protecting the Party's ideological foundation in Vietnam today
Harmoniously resolving personal, collective, and societal interests - a characteristic of Vietnamese socialism
Ho Chi Minh's cultural philosophy
Ho Chi Minh's cultural philosophy
Equal, sustainable development, for people’s happiness through the writing entitled “A number of theories and practices on socialism and path to socialism in Vietnam” by General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong
Equal, sustainable development, for people’s happiness through the writing entitled “A number of theories and practices on socialism and path to socialism in Vietnam” by General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong
Issues in the process of promoting research, transfer and application of scientific technological advances and innovations for rapid and sustainable economic development in Vietnam today
Issues in the process of promoting research, transfer and application of scientific technological advances and innovations for rapid and sustainable economic development in Vietnam today
Party building and rectification through 35 years of renovation with the realization of national independence and socialism: achievements, limitations and solutions
Party building and rectification through 35 years of renovation with the realization of national independence and socialism: achievements, limitations and solutions
Press performs the function of social supervision and criticism – issues and solutions.
Press performs the function of social supervision and criticism – issues and solutions.
Abstract: Journalism is a crucial means of mass communication in social life. It not only reflects reality by delivering the most up-to-date and accurate information on current domestic and international issues, orienting information and public opinion, but also plays a function of social supervision and criticism. Moreover, in the context of national reform and strong international integration, the press’s role in providing information, orientation, social supervision and criticism becomes more important than ever. This article clarifies some theoretical and practical issues of the press in performing the function of social supervision and criticism as a means to promote socialist democracy and ensure people's roles as owners of society in the new situation.
Ho Chi Minh's cultural philosophy
Ho Chi Minh's cultural philosophy
Abstract: Ho Chi Minh's cultural philosophy is a system of scientific, revolutionary and theoretical viewpoints on culture and the construction of Vietnamese culture. It resulted from creative application and development of Marxism-Leninism into the specific conditions of Vietnam. It inherited and developed the nation’s traditional values while acquiring humanity's cultural essence. This is a heritage of tremendous value both theoretically and practically for Vietnam's revolution. In this article, the author analyzes the essence of Ho Chi Minh's cultural philosophy and clarifies certain fundamental orientations of Vietnamese Communist Party on building an advanced culture imbued with the cultural identity in current conditions.
Ho Chi Minh Ideology “
“The Communist Party of Vietnam, since its birth (in 1930), has played a leading role in the national liberation movement in Vietnam and after the success of the August Revolution, became the ruling Party. President Ho Chi Minh is both the founder and the person who guides and trains the Party. Therefore, he paid due attention to the Party's leading and ruling methods so that the Party can fulfill ... “
View more“Abstract: Stemming from the role, position, and mission of leading class and nation of the Communist Party of Vietnam, pioneering is the first "attribute" of a genuine party member. The development requirements of our country's revolution today require the example and pioneering of each party member to become highly self-aware. In this article, on the basis of analyzing President Ho Chi Minh's ... “
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