Từ khoá : Ho Chi Minh's ideology

2 bài viết

Inheriting Ho Chi Minh's revolutionary journalism ideology, contributing to building the ethics and culture of the Party.

Inheriting Ho Chi Minh's revolutionary journalism ideology, contributing to building the ethics and culture of the Party.

Abstract: President Ho Chi Minh laid the foundation for Vietnam's revolutionary journalism, considering it an essential part of the revolutionary cause throughout his revolutionary activities. He repeatedly emphasized that the press was a sharp weapon in the struggle for national independence and in building a new life for the people. Inheriting and developing Ho Chi Minh's ideology regarding the role of revolutionary journalism, Resolution 13 of the Party has determined: "Building a professional, humane, and modern press and media" (1). At the same time, our Party always emphasizes the research, supplementation, and perfection of revolutionary ethical values in the spirit that "Our Party is ethical and civilized". In the current period of deepening international integration, it is increasingly practical to research Ho Chi Minh's ideology regarding the role of Vietnam's revolutionary press to promote the cultural and revolutionary ethical nature of the Vietnamese press thereby contributing to enhancing the ethics and culture of the Party.