Sunday, 20:22 18-04-2021

President Ho Chi Minh’s thought, morality and style lead and illuminate the cause of innovation, development and defense of the Fatherland

Political theory Sunday, 20:22 18-04-2021
On the 130th anniversary of President Ho Chi Minh’s birthday (May 19, 1890 - May 19, 2020), Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics hosted and coordinated with the Central Commission for Information and Education and Nghe An Provincial Party Committee to organize a national scientific seminar themed “President Ho Chi Minh with the cause of innovation, development and defense of the Fatherland” on May 8, 2020 in Ha Noi. Comrade Tran Quoc Vuong, Politburo Member, Standing Secretariat of the Central Communist Party of Viet Nam attended and delivered the opening speech at the Conference. The Communist Review would like to introduce the full content of his presentation.

1- In the heroic and emotional atmosphere of the historic May days, the 45th anniversary of the Southern Liberation and National Reunification, the 66th Anniversary of Dien Bien Phu Victory in Ha Noi and different locations in the country today, we solemnly organize the National Science Seminar themed “President Ho Chi Minh with the cause of innovation, development and defense of the Fatherland”, practically celebrating the 130th of our beloved Uncle Ho’s birthday.

With all our respect, we express our infinite gratitude to President Ho Chi Minh, the Founder, Leader and Trainer of the Communist Party of Viet Nam, the great Teacher of the Vietnamese Revolution, National Liberation Hero, and World Cultural Celebrity. He has dedicated his whole life to the independence of the nation, freedom and happiness of the people, for peace, friendship between peoples and social progress across the world. President Ho Chi Minh is a symbol of the most beautiful and harmonious combination of Vietnamese national culture and the essence of human culture, between patriotism and pure internationalism; he is also radiant great man who is the shining symbol of the national liberation movement, of peace and friendship between nations all over the world. President Ho Chi Minh’s lofty revolutionary ideology, life and career originated and have been inhered in every step of development and all great victories of the Vietnamese revolution.

With deep and passionate spirit of patriotism and compassion, witnessing the continuous defeat of domestic patriotic movements and the different tendencies in the struggles against the French invaders, Nguyen Ai Quoc - Ho Chi Minh decided to go abroad and find his own route to salvage the country and its people. He travelled across five continents, immersing himself in the life of the working class, as well as working with theoretical research and exploring practices of world revolution. In 1920, he approached Marxism-Leninism and found the only way to save our country which was national liberation associated with class liberation and human liberation, and national independence coupled with socialism. His revolutionary path is not only considered as a breakthrough thought and awareness, but also a wise and correct choice. The path met the urgent requirements of the nation and suited the era’s development trend.

In a wide variety of difficulties encountered, with his extraordinary genius, intelligence, long-sighted vision and outstanding management talent that went beyond his era, President Ho Chi Minh creatively applied Marxism-Leninism to Vietnamese revolutionary practices, while working hard to prepare political and ideological conditions, as well as organisation and staff for the birth of a genuine revolutionary party, the pioneer of the working class, the vanguard of the Vietnamese working people as well as the whole nation. In 1930, the establishment of the Communist Party of Viet Nam together with its first Political Platform basically formed the way of national salvation. The correctness of original Vietnamese revolutionary ideas and methods outlined by President Ho Chi Minh have been proved and confirmed through practice. During the revolutionary evolution, the ideology and route has been supplemented, developed and perfected, becoming a torch to guide the nation’s revolutionary path.

Under the leadership of President Ho Chi Minh and the Communist Party of Viet Nam, the country’s revolution overcame numerous difficulties and challenges with victories after victories. That was the victory of the August Revolution in 1945, which led to the establishment of the Democratic Republic of Viet Nam, the first people-owned State in the nation’s history. That was the victory of the resistance war against the French colonialists, peaking with the Battle of Dien Bien Phu “shaking five continents and the whole world”, entirely liberated the North while building a great rear for the struggle to unify the country. That was the great victory of the resistance war against the US to save the country, which ended with the historic Ho Chi Minh Campaign, resulting in the complete liberation of the South and the reunification of the nation, pushing the country into an era of national independence and socialism. That was an initial victory with great and historic achievements in the process of renewing, building and defending the Fatherland, international integration that the Vietnamese people are currently undertaking.

2- Inheriting and promoting the traditional values ​​of the nation, absorbing the quintessence of human culture; researching, exploring, creatively applying and developing Marxism-Leninism into the specific conditions of the Vietnamese revolution; the glorious life, full of arduous sacrifices, but noble, rich, pure and beautiful of President Ho Chi Minh, has left the Vietnamese people and the next generations a huge fortune, an extremely valuable legacy. That is the Ho Chi Minh Era - the most brilliant and glorious era in the thousands of years’ history of Viet Nam. That is Ho Chi Minh’s  thought - a comprehensive and profound system of views and theories on the basic issues of the Vietnamese revolution: liberating the nation, freeing the working class, liberating the society and people; national independence associated with socialism; about combining national strength with the power of the times; on the strength of the people, on the great national unity; on people’s ownership; on building the state of the people, by the people, for the people; on the all-people national defense, people’s security, building the people’s armed forces; on economic and cultural development, constantly improving the people’s material and spiritual life; about revolutionary morality; about the care and fostering of the next revolutionary generation; on building and reorganizing the Party, etc. These are also Ho Chi Minh’s views and moral examples on absolute loyalty, steadfastness in revolutionary ideals, placing the interests of the Communist Party of Viet Nam, the country, the people first and foremost; wholeheartedly serving the Fatherland, serving the people, being loyal to the country, devoting to the people; wholeheartedly loving people, comrades; possessing four types of ethics: thrift, integrity, uprightness, public-mindedness; truly be the public servant, determined to fight against individualism, opportunism, etc. That is Ho Chi Minh’s style, which reflects core values ​​of his ideology and morality. They are expressed in a vivid, natural, unique, attractive, magical way in his daily activities and behavior. It is an independent, autonomous, creative thinking style that always link theory to reality; a democratic, scientific, thorough, specific working style; a behavior style that is delicate, full of humanity, imbued with the spirit of love and respect for the people; a style of words go along with actions, win people’s hearts; brief in writing and speaking style which is easy to understand and to remember; an elegant, clean, simple lifestyle; a popular, democratic, example-setting style, etc.

In early 1946, when responding to foreign journalists and also to announce to local people and foreign dignitaries, President Ho Chi Minh said: “I absolutely do not want weath and fame at all. Now I have to undertake the President as being entrusted by my fellow citizens; thus, I have to work hard, just as a soldier obeys the orders in the frontline. Whenever my people require, I would gladly resign. I have only one and ultimate desire that is to make our country completely independent, our people completely free, and that everyone is fed and dressed, everyone can get educational opportunities. As for me, I would build a small house surrounded by green mountains and blue waters in order that I can fish, grow flowers, and be accompanied with the old people picking firewood, children herding buffaloes, not being involved in the fame and wealth”.(1) President Ho Chi Minh’s words are simple, humble, affectionate, which allocate the head of state’s responsibility for the Fatherland as a newly independent country  and its people.

The example of Ho Chi Minh’s style and morality is extremely pure and noble. Ho Chi Minh is not only a prominent cultural thinker who created a new culture - Viet Nam revolutionary culture, and a new era in the history of the national culture, but he himself, his life, and his normal daily deeds are the embodiment of Vietnamese culture, the model of Vietnamese people. Ho Chi Minh’s thought, soul, and personality is the perfect combination of genuine patriotism with pure internationalism, crystallizing Eastern and Western cultural, traditional and modern, national and international values. President Ho Chi Minh has radiated the light of culture to grasp the future. As time goes by, the seemingly normal and simple things in his daily life and work has become greater and greater, with the human values far ahead of his time.

Over half a century ago, President Ho Chi Minh paid a great deal of attention to the issue of environmental protection. He initiated and launched a tree-planting festival in spring with the hope of greening up the country. This is a testament to his idea that was ahead of the time and he himself was exemplary. That idea has become a fine cultural and traditional value of the nation, the people of Viet Nam and now has tremendous stature and profound significance.

3- From the time he prepared to establish the Communist Party of Viet Nam till the time he passed away, President Ho Chi Minh’s first concern was to build up the Party and he strongly emphasized the need of the Party’s ethics foundation. President Ho Chi Minh frequently reminded that the Revolutionary Party must have ethics foundation in order to lead the people, just as trees must have roots, otherwise the tree will wilt, in the same way rivers must have a source of water, otherwise the river will be dry. The revolutionists must have ethics no matter how talented they are or they cannot lead the people. The revolutionary ethics of cadres and party members is natural-born but is developed and reinforced by constant struggle and training, “as pearl needs polishing or gold needs forging to be finer”. In the Testament, President Ho Chi Minh said: “The Vietnamese Communist Party is a ruling party. Each party member and official must be truly imbued with revolutionary ethics, practicing thrift, integrity, uprightness, and public-mindedness. It is a must to keep our Party clean and worthy of being the leader and servant to the people.”(2)

President Ho Chi Minh’s words are the profound summary of theory as well as the fundamental principles of the truly Marxist-based Communist Party of Viet Nam, which are “moral, civilizied”, represent the wisdom, conscience and dignity of the nation. These are the principles and goals for the Vietnamese people to persistently build a clean and strong party, enhance leadership capacity and combativeness of the Party, Party committees, and Party organizations, cadres and party members, help each branch and each party member fulfill the tasks assigned by the Party; thus, creating the strength of unity, consolidation, gathering forces, and strengthening the faith of the people towards the Communist Party of Vietnam, as well as the regime.

Not only making great historical achievements after nearly 35 years of Doi Moi, Viet Nam has been developing strongly and comprehensively. Viet Nam’s position, national synergy and international reputation have been increasingly promoted, creating important premises for the cause of the country’s development and defense. These achievements strongly affirm that the Party’s renovation policies are correct, meet the needs and aspirations of the Vietnamese people, and in accordance with domestic and international practices. This is the best demonstration of the great values, enlightenment and guidance of Ho Chi Minh’s thoughts, morality and style. It also demonstrates the intellectual stature and bravery of the Communist Party of Viet Nam in creatively applying, supplementing and developing Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh’s thoughts in the cause of national renewal, development and defense.

Besides the great advantages and opportunities, Viet Nam is fully aware that the Vietnamese revolution is facing a wide range of difficulties and challenges. There still exist four dangers that were previously pointed out by the Communist Party of Vietnam, some aspects of which are even more severe. The risk of falling into the “middle income trap” is still a major challenge. Corruption, wastefulness, bureaucracy, deterioration of the political ideology, morality, lifestyles, internally “self-evolving”, “self-transforming” as well as social conflicts are still troubling. The hostile forces continued to increase their resistance against the Party and the State. Protecting national independence, sovereignty, unity, territorial integrity and strategic interests; maintaining a peaceful and stable environment; disease prevention and control, as well as natural disasters and climate change adaptation are huge challenges that have been directly affecting Vietnam. More than ever, the more difficulties and challenges we face, the more deeply we must be imbued with President Ho Chi Minh’s words that teach us to be steadfast to continue to apply Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh’s thought properly and creatively Viet Nam and world contexts today.

Recently, despite of economic difficulties, limited technical and medical facilities, Viet Nam has been proving the preeminent strength of the political system and national great unity to achieve initial success in effectively coping with COVID-19 pandemic, which received public support and greatly appreciated by the international community. This is a typical and vivid demonstration of the unity between the Party’s will and the People’s heart and the strength of national unity under the Communist Party of Viet Nam’s leadership. Accordingly, we are fuelled by stronger motivation, beliefs and aspirations for renewing and developing a peaceful, unified, independent, democratic and prosperous country which can stand shoulder to shoulder with the powers of the five continents as President Ho Chi Minh always wanted.

4- Celebrating the 130th President Ho Chi Minh’s birthday, with the theme of innovation and development, we need to grasp, instill and sharpen some of the following issues:

Firstly, clarifying and sharpening the great contributions of President Ho Chi Minh to the revolutionary cause of the Communist Party of Viet Nam, the Vietnamese people, and mankind; clarifying and sharpening the contents of Ho Chi Minh’s thoughts, especially those on renovation, national development, national construction and defense; continuing to affirm and highlight his noble personality and traits, moral examples and style. Thereby, highlighting the stature and image of a genius leader, founder, leader and trainer of the Communist Party of Viet Nam, a hero of national liberation, world cultural celebrity; strongly claiming the great and enduring value of the legacy that he left to the Communist Party of Viet Nam, the Vietnamese people, namely the Ho Chi Minh era, Ho Chi Minh’s thoughts, morality and style.

Secondly, elaborating the application, supplement and development of Ho Chi Minh’s thoughts by the Communist Party of Viet Nam in the cause of the Vietnamese revolution, especially in the current national renovation, development and defense and their achievements, thereby strongly affirming the Party’s leadership which based on the foundation of Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh’s thoughts plays a leading role in the victory of the Vietnamese revolution. At the same time, sharing good experiences and valuable lessons from the reality of agencies, localities, units in promoting, improving the efficiency in studying and following Ho Chi Minh’s thoughts, morality and style, hence practically contributing to build and rectify the cleaner and stronger Communist Party of Viet Nam.

Thirdly, analyzing and clarifying the new contexts as well as the requirements for renewal, national development, construction and defense at present, thereby deeper understanding the meaning, importance and directions to inherit and promote Ho Chi Minh’s heritage, to promote studying and following Ho Chi Minh’s thoughts, morality and style; being steadfast, creatively applying, supplementing and developing Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh’s thoughts in the cause of today’s national renewal,  construction and defense; firmly defending the Party’s ideological foundation, effectively fighting against wrong and hostile views; consolidating the belief in the Party and the people about the noble ideals and goals that the Communist Party of Viet Nam, President Ho Chi Minh and the people of Vietnam have chosen.

The people, the country, and the Communist Party of Viet Nam are immensely grateful for the heavenly merits of President Ho Chi Minh. All the Vietnamese people vow to be entirely faithful to the revolutionary ideals of the Party, while inheriting and constantly developing revolutionary career of President Ho Chi Minh to create a solid ideological foundation and firmly step on the glorious path of national independence associated with socialism which has been chosen by President Ho Chi Minh, the Communist Party and the people of Viet Nam.

In order to fulfill that great historical responsibility and mission, each party committee, party organization, each cadre and party member has to always inscribe in his heart the President Ho Chi Minh’s direction: “It is important to maintain a pure Party worthy of leading and faithfully serving the people”; “Preserving the unity of the Party as if keeping the apple of one’s eye”, regularly and seriously practicing self-criticism and criticism; enhancing and widely practicing democracy, upholding and preserving the Party’s discipline and order at the same time based on the comradeship, considering it as the “universal key” to deal with all revolutionary challenges, especially those in mobilization and forces-gathering, strengthening the power and mastery of the people.

Grasping President Ho Chi Minh’s last instructions, the Vietnamese people are determined to build and rectify a clean and strong Party and political system, successfully organize the Party Congress at all levels prior to the 13th National Committee of the Communist Party of Viet Nam, implementing tasks, overcoming difficulties and challenges in order to fulfill the responsibility towards the Party and the People, preparing for a new term with will, belief and strength, “the Party, the people and the army unite and strive for building Viet Nam into a peaceful, united, independent, democratic and prosperous country” as President Ho Chi Minh and Vietnamese people always want/.


(1) Ho Chi Minh (2011), Completed works, The National Political Publishing House, Vol. 4, p. 187

(2) Ho Chi Minh (2011), Completed works, The National Political Publishing House, Vol. 15, p. 622

Source: This article was published in the Communist Review, No. 942 (May, 2020)


Politburo Member, Standing Secretariat of the Party Central Committee

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