Saturday, 10:02 02-04-2022

Solutions to improve quality of political-theory online training among Vietnamese universities in the context of Industrial Revolution 4.0

Political theory Saturday, 10:02 02-04-2022

Abstract: The Industrial Revolution 4.0 has had a profound and far-reaching impact on all aspects of social life, including higher education in general and political theory education in particular. In the current trends, universities in Vietnam are comprehensively innovating and implementing online training to meet the needs of high-quality human resources in the digital era. In the current context, online training is regarded as the best option. This article focuses on the advantages and disadvantages of applying political-theory online training for Vietnamese university students and proposes some basic solutions to improve the quality of political theory education for Vietnamese university students in the current Industrial Revolution 4.0.

Source: Journal of Political Theory and Communication, No 12-2021

Nguyen Thi Ha Thu

MA, Academy of Journalism and Communication

The cultural and artistic guidelines of the Communist Party of Viet Nam in the movements of the people's democratic revolutionary era

The cultural and artistic guidelines of the Communist Party of Viet Nam in the movements of the people's democratic revolutionary era

Political theory 10:35 28-08-2024 2 tuần trước

The expansion of the mass movement in all social movements under the leadership of the proletarian party is the most notable historical feature of the people's democratic revolutionary era. The birth and development of a new culture and art in Viet Nam during the people's democratic revolution was associated with the fight for national independence and reunification. Recognizing the Party's leadership role in the process of building a new culture and art during progressive revolutionary resistance wars has created conditions for the harmonious development of the people's culture and art.

General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong's Article “Some Theoretical and Practical Issues about Socialism and the Path to Socialism in Vietnam” - a Work of Great Theoretical and Practical Significance

General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong's Article “Some Theoretical and Practical Issues about Socialism and the Path to Socialism in Vietnam” - a Work of Great Theoretical and Practical Significance

Political theory 16:48 10-05-2024 4 tháng trước

The article written by General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong titled “Some theoretical and practical issues about socialism and the path to socialism in Vietnam” is a work of great theoretical and practical significance. Theoretically, it summarizes the creative application and development of Marxism - Leninism, Ho Chi Minh Thought on socialism and building socialism in specific conditions of Vietnam and in the world since the 1980s. The article analyses the great theoretical significance of this work.

Orientation on the completion of institution, policy and mobilization of resources to build a Vietnamese culture of “nation, democracy, humanity, and science”

Orientation on the completion of institution, policy and mobilization of resources to build a Vietnamese culture of “nation, democracy, humanity, and science”

Political theory 14:38 09-04-2024 5 tháng trước

Communist Review - The Communist Party of Vietnam has steadfastly and consistently pursued its orientation and policy on human and cultural development. At the current stage, the above-mentioned orientation and policy should be institutionalized and solidified into practical and visionary policies and laws, geared towards removing barriers, stimulating creativity, unleashing production potential, improving competitiveness, and providing significant impetus for cultural development.

Promoting national unity strength to achieve success in national renovation in the work 'Some theoretical and practical issues on socialism and the path to socialism in Vietnam' by General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong

Promoting national unity strength to achieve success in national renovation in the work 'Some theoretical and practical issues on socialism and the path to socialism in Vietnam' by General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong

Political theory 05:52 22-01-2024 7 tháng trước

In the article "Promoting the national unity strength to achieve success in national renovation in the work 'Some theoretical and practical issues on socialism and the path to socialism in Vietnam' by General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, the author focuses on analyzing fundamental aspects within the work concerning the utilization of the national unity's strength. This includes its role in achieving success in the country's renovation, the position, role, goals, tasks, and guiding principles of the Vietnam Fatherland Front, as well as the perception and actions regarding arousing and leveraging the strength of national unity during the country's renovation.

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