Từ khoá : Vietnam

31 bài viết

Global and regional context influencing Vietnam's mindset of multilateral diplomacy during international integration period

Global and regional context influencing Vietnam's mindset of multilateral diplomacy during international integration period

Abstract: In 1986, Vietnam embarked on a process of Doi Moi (national renewal), starting with a renewal of mindset, gradually extending to other areas of social life including diplomacy. Over the past 40 years, from the initial challenging steps, under the influence of many factors, particularly the international context, new perspectives and thoughts on diplomacy, especially multilateral diplomacy, have gradually formed, developed, and proven their legitimacy, wisdom, and practicality.

Building a modern, civilized farmer class, aiming towards the goal of developing a prosperous and happy nation.

Building a modern, civilized farmer class, aiming towards the goal of developing a prosperous and happy nation.

Abstract: Stemming from the significant role of the farmer class in national construction and development, and the necessity of constructing a modern, civilized farmer class in Vietnam to meet the demands of the new context, the article focuses on clarifying the viewpoint and main solutions to build the farmer class contributing to developing a prosperous and happy nation.

Relationship of "virtue" and "talent" in the practice of public service ethics in our country today

Relationship of "virtue" and "talent" in the practice of public service ethics in our country today

Abstract: The objective reality of economic, political and social life in the Doi Moi period has had a strong impact on how cadres and civil servants in the political-administrative system perform official duties. Therefore, shaping standard values, creating a civilized and favorable environment in implementing public service ethics for cadres and civil servants need to be conducted based on unity and harmony between " virtue" and "talent". This is considered an important requirement of institutional and apparatus reform in the process of building and perfecting the socialist rule-of-law state in our country today.

Protecting and implementing children's rights in Vietnam today basing on Ho Chi Minh's thought

Protecting and implementing children's rights in Vietnam today basing on Ho Chi Minh's thought

Abstract: During his lifetime, President Ho Chi Minh devoted a special love to children - the nation’s future owners. From his thoughts to his practical activities, he showed a deep concern for the protection and implementation of children's rights in Vietnam. In this article, on the basis of clarifying the content of Ho Chi Minh's thought on children's rights and the reality of children's rights in Vietnam during the Doi Moi period, the author proposes a system of solutions to improve the quality of children's rights basing on Ho Chi Minh's thought.

The Importance of Economic Policy Communication in Vietnam Press Nowadays

The Importance of Economic Policy Communication in Vietnam Press Nowadays

Abstract: Policy communication is an important task and function of the government at all levels. Economic policies play an extremely important role in the development and prosperity of the country. But policy communication in the Vietnamese press still has some limitations. In many cases, policy communication is still one-way. In recent years, policy makers and press agencies have cooperated in policy communication process, however, in some government ministries, policy communication activities have been neglected. Through mass communication channels with different characteristics and functions, the Government's policies will be widely spread to everyone in the society. Economic policies of the Party and Government are communicated to the people through mass media channels, so communicating policies to the public is the essential task of press agencies in Vietnam.

Ensuring the implementation of human rights in Vietnam is undeniable

Ensuring the implementation of human rights in Vietnam is undeniable

Abstract: In Vietnam, the Party's guidelines as well as policies and laws of the State are always aimed at ensuring human rights, citizenship, caring for the happiness and natural development of all people. These important contents were affirmed in the Party’s first political credo in 1930, the Credo for building the country during the transition to socialism in 1991 and its supplemented and developed version in 2011, Document of the Party Congress. They are also institutionalized by the Constitution and laws and seriously implemented in practice.

Criticizing wrong, hostile views that deny the socialist-oriented market economy in Vietnam

Criticizing wrong, hostile views that deny the socialist-oriented market economy in Vietnam

Abstract: In the book "Some theoretical and practical issues about socialism and the path to socialism in Vietnam", General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong emphasized: Developing a socialist-oriented market economy is our Party’s fundamental and creative theoretical breakthrough as well as an important theoretical achievement after 35 years of implementing the renovation policy. The socialist-oriented market economy has really brought about positive changes in Vietnam. However, reactionary and hostile forces always seek to oppose and deny the achievements of the socialist-oriented market economy in Vietnam today. The article identifies the content that hostile reactionary forces distort and deny this model of economy in our country, and provides scientific arguments to refute and criticize wrong and hostile views.

Foundation for “resignation culture” in Vietnam today

Foundation for “resignation culture” in Vietnam today

Abstract: Along with the task of socio-economic development, it is necessary to build a compatible, modern, civilized and humanistic political system. Promoting a cultural life is important for the development of the nation’s spiritual values. Political culture is an indispensable part of national culture, especially in modern society. Political culture is made up of many different components in which “resignation culture” is a particularly important constitutive element. Resignation shows the bravery, courage, and fortitude of political subjects who are leaders in the process of exercising their power.

Energy transition in Vietnam: Opportunities and challenges in terms of employment

Energy transition in Vietnam: Opportunities and challenges in terms of employment

Abstract: Transition from fossil energy to renewable energy is believed to be a solution contributing positively to net zero emissions by 2050. Accordingly, job opportunities will be increased in industries, sectors and fields related to renewable energy, but there are also challenges in creating equity for the workforce which is currently active in the fossil energy sector.

Raising awareness of Party organizations and members in building the Party in terms of morality in Vietnam today

Raising awareness of Party organizations and members in building the Party in terms of morality in Vietnam today

Abstract: In the current period, building the Party in terms of morality plays a particularly important role and has both theoretical and practical significance. This is one of the decisive factors in improving the Party's leadership capacity and fighting capacity so that the Party is truly pure, strong and worthy of the people's trust. However, looking at the current situation, we must seriously admit that some party cadres and party organizations still reveal limitations and weaknesses. The article points out the degradation of ideology, morality and lifestyle, thereby suggesting some basic methods to raise awareness of party organizations and members in building the party in terms of morality in Vietnam today.

Hồ Chí Minh and the Cause of Constructing the Good Life in Vietnam

Hồ Chí Minh and the Cause of Constructing the Good Life in Vietnam

Abstract: President Hồ Chí Minh, the great leader of the Vietnamese Revolution, has been recognized by UNESCO as a hero of national liberation and a great man of culture. Throughout his life, Hồ Chí Minh devoted himself to the cause of national liberation and the struggle for people’s happiness. He knew how to absorb the quintessence of different cultures from both East and West. Thanks to this acculturation of different trends of thought in the spiritual heritage of humanity, Hồ Chí Minh’s thought has been the lodestar guiding Vietnam to gain national independence, unify the whole country and bring the life of freedom, well-being and happiness to the people. It also contributes to stabilize the world, develop friendship among nations and bring about social progress and the development of humanity.

Current status and issues to ensure human security in Vietnam

Current status and issues to ensure human security in Vietnam

Abstract: Human security is a vital issue, associated with the stability and prosperity of all countries and economies. It has become an important factor and condition for the implementation as well as ensuring social and global security"(1). The article analyzes and clarifies a number of theoretical issues on ensuring human security, presents the current situation and finds out problems for ensuring human security in Vietnam today. It also proposes solutions to improve the efficiency of human security in Vietnam in the coming time.

Accomplish the strategic breakthroughs for the rapid and sustainable development of Vietnam

Accomplish the strategic breakthroughs for the rapid and sustainable development of Vietnam

(PTOJ) - The identification of strategic breakthroughs in each stage of national development plays an important role as leverage for socio-economic development. Therefore, the Socio-economic Development Strategy (2011-2020) specified three strategic breakthroughs which continue to be supplemented and developed in the Documents of the 13th National Party Congress. This article begins with a definition of “strategic breakthroughs”, then clarifies some of their aspects that are inherited and developed at the 13thCongress, and finally suggests some conditions to successfully implement the strategic breakthroughs.

Applying Ho Chi Minh thought, implementing Party’s lines and advocacies, National Assembly upholds role and responsibility to care for building culture and Vietnamese people in response to requirements of country’s fast and sustainable development

Applying Ho Chi Minh thought, implementing Party’s lines and advocacies, National Assembly upholds role and responsibility to care for building culture and Vietnamese people in response to requirements of country’s fast and sustainable development

Communist Review - Being the agency that carries out the constitutional and legal rights, makes decisions on the important issues of the country and the supreme supervision of the activities of the State, the National Assembly through the periods has always done well the application of Ho Chi Minh thought, the institutionalization and concretization of the Party’s line in the building of culture and the Vietnamese people. Together with it, the organization, the mode, the style and the operation of the National Assembly are always the embodiment for the political and cultural values of Vietnam, based on the spirit of the rule of law, democracy, unity, humaneness, in service of the Fatherland and of the people.

Marx's Theory of Wages and orientation to apply in Vietnam’s policy of wages and salaries today.

Marx's Theory of Wages and orientation to apply in Vietnam’s policy of wages and salaries today.

Abstract: The work “Capital’’ is the result of Marx and Engels’s hard-work for nearly a lifetime. Via the theory of wages, Karl Marx helped us understand thoroughly the nature of wages in capitalism, lifting the veil of mystery about the origin of surplus-value and wages for workers. This article focuses on exploiting the core values of K. Marx's wage policy and orienting the application to improve the management of wages and salaries in Vietnam.