Saturday, 23:35 29-10-2022

Promoting the Vanguard Role of Party Members in the Vietnamese Working Class Today

Political theory Saturday, 23:35 29-10-2022
Abstract: The Communist Party of Viet Nam (CPV) is the vanguard of the working class, the laborers, and the Vietnamese people. To earn this position, each Party member should be a pioneering revolutionary soldier. To promote the vanguard role of Party members in the Vietnamese working class in today’s era, each Party member is required to take the leading position in all activities, achieving success in all aspects of political theory, practice, morality, and lifestyle in the building of the Party’s organizations and the application of assigned tasks in their workplace. In addition, it is necessary for them to develop an advanced contingent of workers, who will contribute to the fulfillment of national industrialization and modernization, building the Party and developing the personnel for the political system.

Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels proposed that the vanguard character of a communist was a preconditional criterion to distinguish members of communist parties from the working people and members of non-communist parties. Marx and Engels argued that the duties of a vanguard Party member manifested itself in two ways, “… in reality, the communists are the most determined members of the workers’ parties in all countries, and they always push the movement forward. Theoretically speaking, the communists are superior to other proletariats because they understand general conditions, processes, and results of the proletariat movement”.(1) Vladimir Lenin added further details to clarify the vanguard character of members of the Communist Party. He maintained that the Communist Party is an organized vanguard and the most enlightened organization of the working class. The Communist Party has fewer members than the working class and consists of its most elite representatives who are the most enlightened and possess an organized discipline. Lenin emphasized that “… we must not confuse the Communist Party, the vanguard of the working class, with the whole working class”.(2) “It not only depends on whether the party includes workers, but also on who leads it, and the nature of the party’s actions and political tactics. Only the latter reasons will make us see if the party is the real political party of the proletariat”.(3)


President Ho Chi Minh agreed that the vanguard of Party members is composed of “the most resolute, enthusiastic, purest, wholehearted workers serving the Fatherland and the people”.(4) These must be virtuous and talented people, whose dedication and sacrifice for the people are emphasized. He highlighted that “In the eyes of the masses, it is not that we just claim we are ‘Communists’ that the masses would love us. They only love those who have dignity and morality”.(5)


Party members from the working class constitute the nucleus of the workers’ movement, an essential factor for forming a structured revolutionary party, a vanguard party. This has great significance for the Communist Party of Vietnam and its work in Party building, especially in developing a socialist- oriented market economy with a goal of international integration.


In the process of developing a socialist-oriented market economy, while operating under the adverse impacts of the market’s mechanism, a portion of cadres and Party members, especially those who have authority but lack essential training, become ideologically declined, gradually lose their communist qualities, and show signs of degeneration in their political thought, morality, lifestyle, eventually diminishing into ‘self-evolution’ and ‘self-transformation.’ Additionally, the process of industrialization and modernization has created an immense working-class force in society. However, some Vietnamese workers are still unconcerned about socio-political issues, and are not enthusiastic about becoming Party members. This explains why the contingent of Party members coming from the working class is small.


To maintain its role as the vanguard of the working class, the Party must focus on attracting elite workers to the Party, ensuring that the number of Party members in the working class increases in both quantity and quality proportionate to the size of the working class. The Platform for National Construction in Transition to Socialism (supplemented and developed in 2011) clearly defined that “Building a strong working class in both quantity and quality, who will lead the revolution through the vanguard Communist Party of Vietnam in the cause of building socialism”.(6) At the 12th National Party’s Congress, the Party called for “Strengthening the development of the Party among workers,”(7) simultaneously identifying another directive for the task of building a clean and strong Party, improving Party’s leadership and fighting spirit with the focus on “maintaining the working class character of the Party, and the vanguard and exemplary role of cadres and Party members”.(8)

In the context when the whole Party and people are actively implementing the resolution of the 12th  National Party Congress and making achievements towards the 13th National Party Congress in 2021, promoting the vanguard role of Party members among the Vietnamese working class is essential and urgent with regards to the following contents.


First, promoting the vanguard role of its members in the working class by building Party cells and committees where Party members live and work.


These  types  of  Party  cells  and  committees  include  those  operating  in enterprises and in companies of industrial manufacturing, business, and the industrial service. The vanguard in political theory of the Party members in the working class determines the progressive spirit of the cells and committees. In turn, the leadership of the Party cells and committees follows the lead of the pioneering spirit of the entire Party membership. This joint effort plays a vital role in building consistent and workable guidelines and resolutions for building clean and robust Party cells and committees. These cells in turn propagate the politics, ideology, organization, and morality of the Party because they are equipped with good leadership capacity and fighting spirit to successfully

perform the assigned functions and tasks mandated by Party regulations.


The leadership of Party members in the practical fields determines the success of the Party cells and committees in applying and ensuring the positive results of their policies and resolutions. The pioneering role in the morality and lifestyle of Party members contributes to building clean and competent Party cells and committees in politics, ideology, organization, and  ethics. Party members must always take the lead and be an example of high morality and lifestyle. They also need to continue to study and practice to improve revolutionary morale and maintain a clean and healthy lifestyle.

Second, promoting the pioneering role of the Party members in the working class in implementing the tasks of the organization, in which the Party members work.

The workplace of Party members includes enterprises as well as companies of industrial manufacturing, business, and the industrial service. The pioneering role of Party members in performing the assigned tasks at these enterprises and companies depends on the types of business, the characteristics, functions, and the mission of Party cells and committees in those enterprises and companies.


For state and military enterprises: The pioneering role of Party members plays a fundamental role in the success of each enterprise’s business model. Specifically, the party cells and committees identify the right, feasible directions and resolutions to guide the production and business of the enterprises and the leadership of the enterprises. The Party members take the pioneering role in encouraging the workers and political, social organizations to implement the tasks; serve as the example in ethics, lifestyles for the workers and eliminate negativity, corruption in the organization; the workers are hard-working and enthusiastic in their work. Thus, the production and business tasks of the enterprises will be successfully achieved.


For enterprises with the State’s investment in joint ventures with foreign partners: The leadership role of Party members depends on the investment ratio of the State’s investment in joint ventures with foreign partners. This extends to the State’s share in joint stock companies with State investment capital. To the degree that the State’s share is substantial, the leadership of Party members in the Party cells and committees at these enterprises will influence the performance of the tasks of enterprises and vice versa.


For joint-stock companies with State capital investment: Party members’ role of leadership in performing their company’s tasks is similar to that of companies with State investment in joint venture with foreign partners. It should be noted that the proportion of State capital in each company is different but it cannot exceed 49% of the company’s total investment capital. Therefore, the entrepreneurial role of Party members in the performance of the company’s tasks depends on the proportion of State capital in the company, especially in regard to production efficiency. The company’s business brings benefits to workers based on performance, including workers who are Party members in the company.


For limited liability companies (LLC), joint-stock companies, partnerships, and private enterprises, and 100% foreign-owned enterprises: The participation of Party members contributes only to a limited extent in performing the tasks for these companies.

Third, promoting the participation of Party members in building a robust Vietnamese working class, fulfilling its historical mission in the current era.

The vanguard of Party members plays a decisive part in building a strong Vietnamese working class. The Vietnamese working class increases in quantity and quality; has a proper composition in term of age, professional qualification; has good political awareness, industrial skills, and labor discipline. The number of educated workers with exemplary ethics and lifestyle keeps increasing, meeting the requirements for fulfilling their historical mission in the current period.


The pioneering role in political theory is an important factor that directly determines  the  building  and  improvement  of  political  theory  awareness level and political skill of the current working class. This ensures that the working class shows its political commitment and an absolute loyalty to the Party, the country, and their fellow citizens, and becomes the leading force in national renewal, industrialization, and modernization through the vanguard Communist Party of Vietnam.


The pioneering role of Party members in their appropriate field of application is a decisive factor to fulfilling the tasks of enterprises and the working class, while building the working class as a class of revolutionary action. This is demonstrated in the stepbystep completion of its historical mission. These actions include the Party members’ study and training to improve their political qualifications by performing political tasks of various Party organizations; study and practice to improve in all aspects, especially organization; and finally, training to renew a sense of discipline. Those are examples for workers to follow to improve their understanding of political theory, their social behaviors, their labor discipline, solidarity, and unification. With these tools the working class and other social classes of the greater national solidarity will successfully build socialism and firmly defend the Fatherland.


The constantly improving leadership of Party members in morality and lifestyle is an essential factor that directly builds an exemplary working class as it relates to revolutionary morality and purity so that other classes can follow their example. As a result, it will fulfill the working class’s historical mission in the current era.

Fourth, advancing the pioneering role of Party members in the working class to successfully realize the national goal of industrialization and modernization.

In the doimoi Period, the Vietnamese working class is the leading force in national industrialization and modernization which has seen constant innovation for 34 years as mandated  by  the  Party.  The  industrialization and modernization must fulfill the lofty task of turning Vietnam into an industrialized country in the direction of modernity. The entire population performs this noble yet difficult task following the example of the vanguard Party members of the working class who in turn are guided by the Party’s leadership.


Leadership in term of  political theory ensures that the working class remains steadfast, creative, and dynamic under all conditions when carrying out its tasks and goals of modernization of the country.


The leadership of the Party members in the working class in term of practice is the direct factor determining the action of the workers to carry out the tasks and goals of industrialization and modernization. By skillful performance of their tasks in companies, workers contribute to the success of the entire industry. Step by step, they will fulfill the objectives of national industrialization and modernization.


The pioneering of moral lifestyle by Party members directly determines the perfection of revolutionary ethics and the working class’s transparent and healthy lifestyle. Vietnam is building a socialist-oriented market economy, which is actively integrating into the world. But potential negative impacts of the market economy on social classes must be considered. To deal with them, the working class needs to take advantage of and effectively promote a positive effect of market economy. Simultaneously, it is required to defi e and eliminate negative impacts of the market economy that will occur in the process of opening up to international integration. The working class must be vigilant and defend against false claims and distorted views by hostile and reactionary forces against the Party, the State, socialism, and the working class. Consequently, those efforts will energize the working class’s activities, and contribute to a successful fulfillment of the tasks and goals of national industrialization and modernization.


Fifth, promoting the guiding role of Party members in the working class in the process of continuing to build the Party by fostering a contingent of cadres for the political system.

Party members in the working class are commissioned to take the lead in developing Party membership among workers to augment the Party with more quality workers. This process will make an important contribution to improving the Party’s nature as a Party of the working class. Party members play a leading role in building a contingent of cadres for the political system. Workers are abundant and prove to be a high-quality resource to supplement the political system with high-quality cadres. This is a strategic factor in the success of doimoi in Vietnam today.


In terms of political theory, the leadership of Party members contributes to the political, ideological, organizational, and building of morality within the Party. Historically, the pioneering Party members have earned their position as leaders and organizers through victories of the Vietnamese revolution. At the same time, they also contribute to building a contingent of cadres for the political system who are strong in political spirit and have good political potentials - the most crucial factor in ensuring the quality of the cadres of the political system.


The practical pioneering role of the Party members in the working class improves the capacity of the Party members and cadres of the political system, helping to enhance the Party’s practical organization competence in the current period. This is the area, in which several Party cells and committees remain weak and limited.


The Party members’ pioneering role in morality and lifestyle helps to develop a group of Party members, who are the examples in morality, lifestyle and revolutionary ethics for the people to follow. This is an important part in Party building in terms of morality. In addition, the pioneering role in morality and lifestyle of the Party members in the working class helps to develop the cadres, who are trusted and love by the people, which is important to enhance Party’s moral and political credibility and leadership in the current period.


In conclusion, Party members in the working class in Viet Nam work mainly in the industrial sector, which includes business, industrial manufacturing, and the industrial service. This contingent needs to take the lead in political theory, practical activities, ethics, lifestyle to build a clean and strong Party cells and committees in the workplaces. They should also promote the leadership role in fulfilling the tasks and goals of their organizations by implementing the production, business and service. It is important to develop the strong working class in our country to accomplish their historical mission in the current period and complete the tasks and objectives of national industrialization and modernization and to build the cadres of the political system, who can meet the requirements of the new situation.


(1) K. Marx and F. Engels (1995), Complete Works, National Political Publishing House, Vol. 4, pp.614615.

(2) V.I. Lenin (2005), Complete Works, National Political Publishing House, Vol.8, p.289.

(3) V.I. Lenin (2005), op. cit., Vol.41, p.313.

(4) Ho Chi Minh (2011), Complete Works, National Political Publishing House, Vol.7, p.50.

(5) Ho Chi Minh (2011), op. cit., Vol. 6, p.16.

(6) Communist Party of Vietnam (2011), Documents of the 11th National Party Congress, National Political-Truth Publishing House, p.80.

(7), (8) Communist Party of Vietnam (2016), Documents of the 12th National Party Congress, National Political-Truth Publishing House, p.205, 199.

Source: Journal of Political Theory and Communication (English), Issue 6-2021

Tran Thi Huong

Assoc. Prof. PhD, Academy of Journalism and Communication

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