Thursday, 05:24 10-10-2024

Building and strengthening the trust of Vietnamese students today

Education and training Thursday, 05:24 10-10-2024
On the basis of analyzing religious beliefs, scientific beliefs and characteristics of Vietnamese students, the article argues for a number of solutions to build and strengthen the trust of students in the country today. These are: renewing the teaching content of Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh Thought and our Party's policies; improving training quality, requiring students to grasp the opportunities and challenges in the current process of national construction and defense; educating students to always act by the people and serve the people.


Building and strengthening the trust of Vietnamese students is both an urgent and long-term issue in order to train high-quality human resources that meet the economic and social development requirements of the country. This is a matter of concern for the Party, the State, and society.


1. Some general theoretical issues regarding trust


Trust is an important factor that serves as both a guide and a driving force for individual and social development. There are many different ways to express this concept, but they are fundamentally consistent. First and foremost, it is an area of consciousness that belongs to both the rational and emotional states of human psychology. The process of developing trust is closely linked to the needs and interests of individuals and society, always directing people towards those interests. In society, there still exist some people who lack trust in life, lacking the basic spiritual foundation of human life, and living superficially.

The historical reality of building and protecting our country has shown that without trust, even small tasks under favorable conditions will not yield good results, and with trust, no matter how difficult or arduous, revolutionary endeavors will succeed.


There are many different types of trust, such as trust in supernatural and abstract forces such as heaven, God, or spiritual beings. There are also beliefs based on scientific knowledge about the changes of nature and society. Based on different criteria and classifications, one can distinguish various types of trust. The issue at hand is to build and strengthen trust of Vietnamese students today, which requires us to distinguish the types of trust that affect the worldviews and life perspectives of Vietnamese youth and students. To meet this requirement, the article addresses two types of trust: religious faith and scientific faith in Vietnam's current social life.


On religious belief


Religion is a form of social consciousness that reflects reality through concepts and images that are often idealized and imaginary. The main characteristic of religion is belief in the real existence of a supernatural being, or in other words, religion is a spiritual realm that reflects the unreal nature of reality and instils belief in a supernatural force. Religious belief is a part of the doctrinal belief, which is an illusion that cannot be realized. In Vietnam, many foreign religions have been introduced, but they have deeply ingrained Vietnamese characteristics. With the spirit of tolerance, generosity, and compassion that the Vietnamese people possess, they have accepted integration and blending of various religious elements into themselves as long as they do not violate the national interest and go against the cultural traditions of the nation. In recent decades, religions in Vietnam have grown strongly, with an increase in the number of organizations, sects, and religious orders (especially those with foreign elements). Contrary to the distorted arguments of hostile forces, our Party and State consistently implement policies on religion: not only ensuring freedom of belief but also taking care of the material and spiritual life of the religious followers. Thanks to this, people of different religions have made progress in all aspects of economic and social life. Therefore, people increasingly recognize the close relationship between their own interests, the interests of religion, and the interests of the country, which is a necessary close relationship. This helps us affirm that, in addition to religious belief, religious people in our country always have an unwavering trust in the Party, the State, and the socialist regime.


Nowadays, some religions have changed, and religions are present in society with clear secular purposes and functions. Religious activities are increasingly oriented towards society, attracting followers through economics, education, and social welfare. In short, religious activities are shifting from "saving the soul" to "saving reality". In the process of operation, religion aims to restore its important position in political and social issues. On the other hand, there are now some activities spreading superstitious and unhealthy religious beliefs, even exploiting faith and religion to carry out "peaceful evolution" campaigns, communication against revolutionary movements. Acts of exploiting issues of belief and religion to operate illegally, inciting and dividing people are highly reprehensible.


On scientific faith


Faith is an essential human need in spiritual life. It encompasses both knowledge and emotions. Scientific knowledge is a collective achievement of humanity in understanding the world. Knowledge only becomes a belief when it turns into an essential characteristic and an emotional connection for humans. The belief in science reflects a high level of consciousness development of humans regarding the surrounding world. It represents trust in the process of correct perception and positive emotions as a spiritual driving force that propels social progress.

Our nation's thousands of years of history have proven that patriotism, perseverance in defending the country's independence, sovereignty, and unity, are extremely precious traditions of our people. Following that tradition, from the mid-19th century, when the French colonizers invaded our country, our people successively rose up to struggle through various patriotic movements with different tendencies. From the salvation of the country by scholars to uprisings, although they fought bravely, suffered great sacrifices, due to historical limitations, especially the lack of a proper direction, those movements were not successful. History demands us to find a new path to liberate the nation and build a new trust for the people. President Ho Chi Minh responded to that urgent need of the nation in the new era by applying creatively Marxism-Leninism into the specific conditions of the Vietnamese revolution.

As we know, Marxism-Leninism belongs to the pinnacle of human thought, intelligence, and human culture. It is a great revolutionary theory that shows the proletariat and humanity around the world the ways and means to liberate themselves from social oppression and create conditions, premises for the truly free and happy life of people as well as the path of social development - from capitalism to socialism and communism. It is a scientific theoretical system that can outline the overall picture of the world, the high universality of the laws of natural, social, and conscious development. It is a scientific theoretical system about the fields of economics, politics, culture, and society that creates a scientific worldview for the working class and the laboring people, a universal method for comprehending and transforming the world.


Unlike religious beliefs, the trust of our people in the Party and Marxism-Leninism is increasingly consolidated and developed, becoming an internal driving force for the development of the Vietnamese revolution. This is a scientific faith based on the inevitable movement of the struggle of the proletariat. We all know that Marxism-Leninism has shown the proletariat and progressive mankind all over the world the ways and means to liberate themselves from social oppression and create the conditions and prerequisites for a truly free and happy life of human beings. Historical practice has proved that Marxism-Leninism not only has historical value but also has contemporary significance, becoming a beacon and a sharp theoretical weapon in the struggle of the proletariat.

Under the glorious leadership of President Ho Chi Minh and the Communist Party of Vietnam, although the revolution of our country has gone through countless difficulties, hardships, and brutalities, our people and nation always have unshakable faith in the ultimate victory. When our people's resistance war against the US was at its most difficult and brutal stage, President Ho Chi Minh instilled firm faith in the ultimate victory for the whole Party, the whole people, and the entire army: no matter how difficult and harsh it is, our people will surely achieve complete victory. On April 30, 1975, that faith became a reality when the Ho Chi Minh campaign won a complete victory, the South was completely liberated, and the country was reunified. After many difficult and arduous stages, faith in socialism is increasingly consolidated and developed. The 13th National Party Congress pointed out to the whole Party, the whole people, and the entire army to "maintain trust in Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh Thought, and the path chosen by the Party and President Ho Chi Minh" (1).


Regarding the current situation of the world and the country, our Party has predicted that the world and the region will continue to face many rapid, complex, and unpredictable changes. Peace, cooperation, and development are still major trends, but they also face many obstacles, difficulties, and challenges. This situation requires Party members, cadres, and people to have unwavering faith in the Party to tap all resources, promote the great unity of the whole nation combined with the strength of the rapidly and sustainably developing era of our country towards the goal of rich people, strong country, democracy, justice, and civilization. The issue of building and developing the country in the new era is a long-term and arduous task, requiring the Party and people to be persistent, creative, and daring in implementing the Party's guidelines and policies, taking Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh Thought as the basis, and promoting the power of the great national unity block, all under the leadership of the Party.


2. Some solutions to build and strengthen scientific faith among Vietnamese students today


First, renew the content of teaching and learning Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh Thought, and the Party's line for students.


Over the decades, the teaching and learning of Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh Thought, and the Party's line have resulted in significant achievements. However, there are still many weaknesses, shortcomings, and limitations such as the lack of direction, combativeness, and effective persuasion. These limitations and shortcomings have many causes, including the content and teaching methods.


In the process of innovation, our Party has increasingly deep and accurate perception of Marxism-Leninism and more creatively applies it to the renewal of the Party's line, step by step overcoming errors, immaturity, simplicity, mechanics, and subjectivity in perception and action. We all know that Marxism was formed from the 1840s to the 1920s and developed into Marxism-Leninism. Therefore, some viewpoints of the classic Marxist-Leninist theorists are no longer suitable. This is also a common situation as V.I. Lenin pointed out, not to treat Marxism as a dogma but to supplement and improve it. This issue requires differentiation when teaching: which viewpoints were correct in the past, still correct now, and will be correct in the future; which viewpoints were correct in the past but are no longer appropriate due to changes in reality; which issues were correct but misunderstood, misinterpreted, or misapplied; and which new viewpoints need to be added to the theory through summarizing new practices. It is essential to emphasize that teaching Marxist-Leninist ideology is an open theory, not a doctrine, but a guide for action.


Second, enhance the quality of training to provide students with new perspectives on the opportunities and challenges of the country's renovation process in the context of globalization. Students must be equipped with a scientific understanding of the world, the general laws of development, and the ways in which the world is perceived and transformed (scientific worldview) in order to eliminate unscientific or inadequate worldviews. Specifically, in order to build effective scientific trust, students need to be aware of the main features and major trends in the world and region: globalization and international integration continue to develop, and the scientific-technological revolution continues to have a greater impact on countries around the world. There are both positive and negative aspects to this, with both opportunities and challenges, as it involves a process of cooperation and struggle among various actors. Global issues such as environmental destruction and rampant pandemics threaten human life on earth. Peace and cooperation for development are major trends worldwide.


Third, educate students to have a spirit of always being for the people, based on the people, and serving the people. Taking the people as the foundation is the path of national governance and also the essence of traditional patriotism. President Ho Chi Minh believed that there is nothing more precious in this world than the people, and "regards the people as the invincible force", as they produce all material and spiritual goods for society, are an inexhaustible source of creativity, and a driving force of history. President Ho Chi Minh affirmed that the people are not only the foundation, but also the true masters of the country. He said, "Our country is a democratic country, all benefits are for the people. All power and authority are of the people... In short, power and force are in the hands of the people” (2). Those who actively build the state do not stand on top of the people, suppress them, or exploit them, but rather the state belongs to the people, is created by the people, and serves the interests of the people. Therefore, we must firmly struggle against those who infringe upon the interests of the country and the people. Vietnamese students cannot have vague perspectives and must be equipped with both knowledge and revolutionary sentiments, so that each person has a strong trust in order to improve their own capabilities in all fields.




The practical revolution in our country has shown that our Party always has a correct understanding of the role of faith, always cares about building, strengthening, and developing scientific faith among the people, especially among Vietnamese students. Building and strengthening faith for Vietnamese students today is objectively necessary because it fully encompasses both objective and subjective factors. It stems from the inherent requirement of the current role of the students for the Party, the country, and the people.


Today's Vietnamese students, who were born and raised in the renovation period, are sensitive to the rapid changes in the country and the world. They have the ability to quickly and flexibly adapt to new things, to keep pace with the rapid changes of modern society, and to join the new flow in the integration process. They will be a high-quality labor force and the future owners of the country, the ones who will continue to uphold and promote the traditional values of the nation, and who have a strong belief in building and protecting Vietnam's socialist homeland. To be worthy of the trust of our Party and our nation, Vietnamese students need to deeply understand that scientific faith can only be built and strengthened on the basis of a scientific knowledge system and a sacred love for the homeland and the nation.



(1) CPV (2021), Documents of the 13th National Party Congress, Hanoi, National Political Truth Publishing House, Vol. 1, p. 10.

(2) Ho Chi Minh (1995), Complete Works, National Political Truth Publishing House, p. 698.

Source: Journal of Political Theory and Communication (English), Issue 10/2023

Tran Thi Minh Ngoc

PhD, Academy of Journalism and Communication

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