Missions of Communication Staff in Safeguarding the Party’s Ideological Foundation

Since its inception, communication work has always held a particularly important position and role in the Party's activities, bearing the mission of construction and protection of the Party. In each ...

The cultural and artistic guidelines of the Communist Party of Viet Nam in the movements of the people's democratic revolutionary era

The expansion of the mass movement in all social movements under the leadership of the proletarian party is the most notable historical ...

Arisen Issues in Innovating Political Communication Work on Social Networks in Vietnam Today

Nowadays, there are lots of urgent problems that need to be solved related to the requirement of innovating political communication on ...

Firmly maintaining the Party's close bond with the people, ensuring the Party's endless and supreme strength

Abstract: The intimate connection between the Party and the people is a rule governing the Party's existence, development, and operations. ...

Energy transition in Vietnam: Opportunities and challenges in terms of employment

Energy transition in Vietnam: Opportunities and challenges in terms of employment

Abstract: Transition from fossil energy to renewable energy is believed to be a solution contributing positively to net zero emissions by 2050. Accordingly, job opportunities will be increased in industries, sectors and fields ...

Raising awareness of Party organizations and members in building the Party in terms of morality in Vietnam today

Raising awareness of Party organizations and members in building the Party in terms of morality in Vietnam today

Abstract: In the current period, building the Party in terms of morality plays a particularly important role and has both theoretical and practical significance. This is one of the decisive factors in improving the Party's ...

Hồ Chí Minh and the Cause of Constructing the Good Life in Vietnam

Hồ Chí Minh and the Cause of Constructing the Good Life in Vietnam

Abstract: President Hồ Chí Minh, the great leader of the Vietnamese Revolution, has been recognized by UNESCO as a hero of national liberation and a great man of culture. Throughout his life, Hồ Chí Minh devoted himself to the ...

The Communist Party of Vietnam – A Decisive Factor in Vietnam’s Revolution Victories

The Communist Party of Vietnam – A Decisive Factor in Vietnam’s Revolution Victories

Abstract: On February 3, 1930, the Communist Party of Vietnam was born. Under the founding and training of leader Nguyễn Ái Quốc, later to become President Hồ Chí Minh, the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) has steered the ...

Building and rectifying morality in the Party based on Ho Chi Minh's thought, contributing to building Party-people close relationship

Building and rectifying morality in the Party based on Ho Chi Minh's thought, contributing to building Party-people close relationship

Abstract: Building a close relationship between the Party and the people based on Ho Chi Minh's thought is a principle clearly demonstrating the nature of the Communist Party which always struggles for the revolutionary cause of ...

Significance of the fight against corruption and negative phenomena in Party building and construction today

Significance of the fight against corruption and negative phenomena in Party building and construction today

Abstract: Fighting and preventing corruption and negativity is one of the necessary tasks to clean up the Party. The results of this task have great significance, serving as an extremely important practical foundation to prove ...

Globalization and issues in the formation of Vietnamese spiritual value system

Globalization and issues in the formation of Vietnamese spiritual value system

Abstract: In the context of globalization, the spiritual value system of Vietnam has undergone a dramatic transformation in the interweavement of old and new, domestic and foreign, universal and special, popular and unique, ...

Promoting the Vanguard Role of Party Members in the Vietnamese Working Class Today

Promoting the Vanguard Role of Party Members in the Vietnamese Working Class Today

Abstract: The Communist Party of Viet Nam (CPV) is the vanguard of the working class, the laborers, and the Vietnamese people. To earn this position, each Party member should be a pioneering revolutionary soldier. To promote the ...

Grasping concept of “people are the root” and effectively implementing Party principle of “being close with people”

Grasping concept of “people are the root” and effectively implementing Party principle of “being close with people”

Abstract: Since its birth, the Communist Party of Vietnam has been called with an intimate name "our Party". That is the driving force for the Party to continue affirming and unceasingly implementing the ideology that "people are ...

Management of sustainable social development: content and evaluation criteria

Management of sustainable social development: content and evaluation criteria

Abstract: Management of sustainable development is an important issue for all countries. Having a dialectical relationship with maintaining social order and stability, it can minimize and prevent risks of social conflicts, ...

Party's leadership method via setting good examples of cadres and party members

Party's leadership method via setting good examples of cadres and party members

Abstract: The Party’s leadership methods are illustrated via 1) guidelines, viewpoints (through resolutions, conclusions, regulations etc.); 2) Party organizations within the apparatus of the political system; 3) exemplary ...

Encourage devotion aspiration, noble life meaning and eradicate individualism among present Vietnamese youth

Encourage devotion aspiration, noble life meaning and eradicate individualism among present Vietnamese youth

Communist Review - President Ho Chi Minh repeatedly highlighted the youth’s vital part in national destiny. Accordingly, "the prosperity or poverty, weakness or power of a country are largely attributed to the youth"(1). At any ...

The circular economy promotes sustainable economic development and environmental preservation

The circular economy promotes sustainable economic development and environmental preservation

Communist Review - In Vietnam, the linear model of economic growth is no longer suited for the needs of today's societies that are facing exhausting natural resources and environmental degradation. A circular economy to promote ...

Close relationship between the Party and people cannot be divided

Close relationship between the Party and people cannot be divided

Abstract: Unlike many political parties in the world, the Communist Party of Vietnam was established not to represent the rights and interests of some groups in society, but to represent the entire nation. Therefore, it has ...

Criticizing wrong, hostile views that deny the socialist-oriented market economy in Vietnam

Criticizing wrong, hostile views that deny the socialist-oriented market economy in Vietnam

Abstract: In the book "Some theoretical and practical issues about socialism and the path to socialism in Vietnam", General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong emphasized: Developing a socialist-oriented market economy is our Party’s fundamental and creative theoretical breakthrough as well as an important theoretical achievement after 35 years of implementing the renovation policy. The socialist-oriented market economy has really brought about positive changes in Vietnam. However, reactionary and hostile forces always seek to oppose and deny the achievements of the socialist-oriented market economy in Vietnam today. The article identifies the content that hostile reactionary forces distort and deny this model of economy in our country, and provides scientific arguments to refute and criticize wrong and hostile views.

Defending ideological foundation 16:25 06-05-2023 1 năm trước

Ho Chi Minh's thought on promoting revolutionary moral education, enhancing Party culture building

Ho Chi Minh's thought on promoting revolutionary moral education, enhancing Party culture building

Abstract: The Communist Party of Vietnam founded, organized and trained by President Ho Chi Minh has led the Vietnamese people to wage a revolution for independence, unify the country and build socialism. In his speech to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Party establishment in 1960, President Ho Chi Minh emphasized the Party’s development and affirmed "Our Party is moral and civilized". This confirms that the great victories of the Vietnamese revolution in terms of national liberation, national reunification and socialism construction (including great achievements of the country's renovation for the past 35 years) are gained from consolidating and building a clean, strong and comprehensive Party on the basis of constantly "promoting moral education". It is the foundation for building Party culture, creating endogenous strength for the leadership and ruling capacity of the Communist Party of Vietnam during more than 90 years since its birth.

Ho Chi Minh Ideology 16:29 06-05-2023 1 năm trước

Improving the legitimacy of the ruling Party currently

Improving the legitimacy of the ruling Party currently

Abstract: In the process of exercising political power, the legitimacy of the ruling party is extremely important. It is built on people's trust in the rulers and the belief that they deserve to rule. If the rulers have good legitimacy, people are more willing to comply with their decisions and orders. This regulates the effectiveness of power exercising.

Political theory 14:47 05-03-2023 1 năm trước

Role of the State in ensuring gender equality in ethnic minority areas in Vietnam

Role of the State in ensuring gender equality in ethnic minority areas in Vietnam

Abstract: Taking advantage of ethnic and religious issues to oppose the Communist Party of Vietnam and the State of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a conspiracy of hostile forces. Article 26 of the 2013 Constitution affirms that male and female citizens are equal in all aspects. The State has policies to ensure gender equality rights and opportunities. The State, society and family create conditions for women to develop comprehensively and promote their roles in society; prohibiting gender discrimination. Over the past time, the implementation of gender equality across the country in general and ethnic minority areas in particular has achieved outstanding achievements. The State's success in ensuring gender equality in ethnic minority areas is undeniable.

Political theory 14:49 05-03-2023 1 năm trước

Energy transition in Vietnam: Opportunities and challenges in terms of employment

Energy transition in Vietnam: Opportunities and challenges in terms of employment

Abstract: Transition from fossil energy to renewable energy is believed to be a solution contributing positively to net zero emissions by 2050. Accordingly, job opportunities will be increased in industries, sectors and fields related to renewable energy, but there are also challenges in creating equity for the workforce which is currently active in the fossil energy sector.

Information - Documents 10:36 21-02-2023 1 năm trước

Raising awareness of Party organizations and members in building the Party in terms of morality in Vietnam today

Abstract: In the current period, building the Party in terms of morality plays a particularly important role and has both theoretical and practical significance. This is one of the decisive factors in improving the Party's leadership capacity and fighting capacity so that the Party is truly pure, strong and worthy of the people's trust. However, looking at the current situation, we must seriously admit that some party cadres and party organizations still reveal limitations and weaknesses. The article points out the degradation of ideology, morality and lifestyle, thereby suggesting some basic methods to raise awareness of party organizations and members in building the party in terms of morality in Vietnam today.

Political theory 14:24 10-02-2023 1 năm trước

New Opportunities for the International Communist Movement with Major Changes Unseen in A Century – The Development Report of the International Communist Movement from 2019 to 2020

Abstract: In 2019, the communist parties in various countries commemorated the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist International in various ways and discoursed the possibility of international alliances in the new era. In socialist countries, China solemnly celebrated the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of the May Fourth Movement and the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. Vietnam, Cuba, Laos, and North Korea continued to promote reforms and lay out new developments through the revision of constitutions and the establishment of legislation. Most of the non-ruling communist parties tried to change their strategies of struggle. Meanwhile, socialist thoughts also rose in Europe and America. However, in the context of the rise of the “New Cold War” mentality, the developments of most western communist parties are still on a downward path. In 2020, with the spread of COVID-19, the superiority of the socialist system was further manifested, and the concept of building a community with a shared future for mankind became more popular.

Political theory 17:11 11-06-2024 4 tháng trước

Hồ Chí Minh and the Cause of Constructing the Good Life in Vietnam

Hồ Chí Minh and the Cause of Constructing the Good Life in Vietnam

Abstract: President Hồ Chí Minh, the great leader of the Vietnamese Revolution, has been recognized by UNESCO as a hero of national liberation and a great man of culture. Throughout his life, Hồ Chí Minh devoted himself to the cause of national liberation and the struggle for people’s happiness. He knew how to absorb the quintessence of different cultures from both East and West. Thanks to this acculturation of different trends of thought in the spiritual heritage of humanity, Hồ Chí Minh’s thought has been the lodestar guiding Vietnam to gain national independence, unify the whole country and bring the life of freedom, well-being and happiness to the people. It also contributes to stabilize the world, develop friendship among nations and bring about social progress and the development of humanity.

Ho Chi Minh Ideology 11:06 27-12-2022 1 năm trước

The Communist Party of Vietnam – A Decisive Factor in Vietnam’s Revolution Victories

The Communist Party of Vietnam – A Decisive Factor in Vietnam’s Revolution Victories

Abstract: On February 3, 1930, the Communist Party of Vietnam was born. Under the founding and training of leader Nguyễn Ái Quốc, later to become President Hồ Chí Minh, the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) has steered the Vietnamese revolutionary boat to overcome harsh challenges and as a result won great victories. From a country colonized by French colonial empire, Vietnam became a unified, independent country built and developed towards socialism. From people who lost country and suffered from slavery under both colonial and feudal oppression, the Vietnamese people became the master of their country with their lives comprehensively improved. From a country with more than 4,000 years of history but no name on the world map, Vietnam has increasingly enhanced its position and prestige in the international arena and integrated deeply into the modern world. All these great achievements are inseparable from the CPV’s leadership role as a decisive factor which is expressed as follows: paving the way for the Vietnamese revolution; creatively applying Marxism-Leninism to set the right and wise path for the Vietnamese revolution; and organizing the successful implementation of the Vietnamese revolution’s tasks.

Political theory 05:24 19-12-2022 1 năm trước

Building and rectifying morality in the Party based on Ho Chi Minh's thought, contributing to building Party-people close relationship

Abstract: Building a close relationship between the Party and the people based on Ho Chi Minh's thought is a principle clearly demonstrating the nature of the Communist Party which always struggles for the revolutionary cause of the Communist Party of Vietnam, the working class and fight for the interests of the entire working people and the whole nation. The Party-people close relationship is the source of strength and also an important building content of a Marxist Party. In order to further strengthen this relationship, it is necessary to pay more attention to Party building and rectification, especially in terms of morality.

Political theory 22:49 30-11-2022 1 năm trước

Significance of the fight against corruption and negative phenomena in Party building and construction today

Abstract: Fighting and preventing corruption and negativity is one of the necessary tasks to clean up the Party. The results of this task have great significance, serving as an extremely important practical foundation to prove the correctness, science and revolution in our Party's guidelines and leadership. It becomes a sharp weapon to fight against reactionary and hostile forces on all fronts, firmly defending the Party’s ideological foundation.

Political theory 04:36 17-11-2022 1 năm trước

Globalization and issues in the formation of Vietnamese spiritual value system

Globalization and issues in the formation of Vietnamese spiritual value system

Abstract: In the context of globalization, the spiritual value system of Vietnam has undergone a dramatic transformation in the interweavement of old and new, domestic and foreign, universal and special, popular and unique, existing and thriving values. In addition to the opportunities, globalization poses challenges for selecting and constructing the system of spiritual values for Vietnam. The author discusses the solutions for these challenges such as positioning the value system of Vietnam in the current context; forecasting the changes in spiritual phenomena under the influence of globalization; promptly and actively construct the value system by inheriting and modernizing the traditional table of values, integrating international values, which are suitable for the development of the country.

Socialism construction reality 23:16 29-10-2022 1 năm trước

Promoting the Vanguard Role of Party Members in the Vietnamese Working Class Today

Promoting the Vanguard Role of Party Members in the Vietnamese Working Class Today

Abstract: The Communist Party of Viet Nam (CPV) is the vanguard of the working class, the laborers, and the Vietnamese people. To earn this position, each Party member should be a pioneering revolutionary soldier. To promote the vanguard role of Party members in the Vietnamese working class in today’s era, each Party member is required to take the leading position in all activities, achieving success in all aspects of political theory, practice, morality, and lifestyle in the building of the Party’s organizations and the application of assigned tasks in their workplace. In addition, it is necessary for them to develop an advanced contingent of workers, who will contribute to the fulfillment of national industrialization and modernization, building the Party and developing the personnel for the political system.

Political theory 23:35 29-10-2022 1 năm trước

Grasping concept of “people are the root” and effectively implementing Party principle of “being close with people”

Abstract: Since its birth, the Communist Party of Vietnam has been called with an intimate name "our Party". That is the driving force for the Party to continue affirming and unceasingly implementing the ideology that "people are the root" and more effectively carrying out the principle that “Party is close with people” in the process of building and developing the Party. This is the fundamental reason to every victory of the revolution that our Party has been gaining.

Political theory 16:31 16-10-2022 2 năm trước

Management of sustainable social development: content and evaluation criteria

Management of sustainable social development: content and evaluation criteria

Abstract: Management of sustainable development is an important issue for all countries. Having a dialectical relationship with maintaining social order and stability, it can minimize and prevent risks of social conflicts, promote sustainable socio-economic development, thereby improve the material and spiritual life of the people. For the Vietnamese political system, management of sustainable social development is also a goal-oriented value that reflects the nature of a people-based, human-centered, all-for-people social system, "leaving no one behind". Therefore, choosing social management tools correctly and sustainably is one of the pillars for the process of realizing the socialist-oriented model in our country. From this perception, the article focuses on clarifying the object, content and evaluation criteria for sustainable social development management in the current period.

Political theory 16:27 16-10-2022 2 năm trước
See also

Ho Chi Minh Ideology

“Abstract: Democratic leadership is a subject of interest for many people from various angles. However, researchers often focus on the external forms and do not delve into the intrinsic nature and the comprehensive principles that connect the content and form. They also have not pointed out the objective relationships and development of these aspects. This paper clarifies the current situation and ... “

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Nguyen Huu Dong

PhD, Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics

“Abstract: Stemming from the role, position, and mission of leading class and nation of the Communist Party of Vietnam, pioneering is the first "attribute" of a genuine party member. The development requirements of our country's revolution today require the example and pioneering of each party member to become highly self-aware. In this article, on the basis of analyzing President Ho Chi Minh's ... “

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Mai Duc Ngoc

Assoc. Prof. PhD, Academy of Journalism and Communication