Missions of Communication Staff in Safeguarding the Party’s Ideological Foundation

Since its inception, communication work has always held a particularly important position and role in the Party's activities, bearing the mission of construction and protection of the Party. In each ...

The cultural and artistic guidelines of the Communist Party of Viet Nam in the movements of the people's democratic revolutionary era

The expansion of the mass movement in all social movements under the leadership of the proletarian party is the most notable historical ...

Arisen Issues in Innovating Political Communication Work on Social Networks in Vietnam Today

Nowadays, there are lots of urgent problems that need to be solved related to the requirement of innovating political communication on ...

Firmly maintaining the Party's close bond with the people, ensuring the Party's endless and supreme strength

Abstract: The intimate connection between the Party and the people is a rule governing the Party's existence, development, and operations. ...

Missions of Communication Staff in Safeguarding the Party’s Ideological Foundation

Missions of Communication Staff in Safeguarding the Party’s Ideological Foundation

Abstract: Since its inception, communication work has always held a particularly important position and role in the Party's activities, bearing the mission of construction and protection of the Party. In each revolutionary ...

Some new points on Party building in the documents of the 13th Party Congress and recommendations

Some new points on Party building in the documents of the 13th Party Congress and recommendations

Abstract: The 13th Party Congress approved important documents, in which Party building was mentioned as a “key task” with new highlights. The article analyzes some new points on Party building in these documents and proposes ...

Renewing the mindset of proactive and comprehensive international integration in Vietnam

Renewing the mindset of proactive and comprehensive international integration in Vietnam

Abstract: As part of their leadership in the innovation process, our Party and State have followed policies of opening the economy, transforming into a market economy and integrating into the global economy. Meanwhile, our Party ...

Some solutions for developing scientific and technological human resources to promote national industrialization and modernization

Some solutions for developing scientific and technological human resources to promote national industrialization and modernization

Abstract: Scientific and technological human resources play a significant role in promoting the country's industrialization and modernization. They drive robust application of science and technology, innovation, leading to ...

Ensuring democracy under the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam: theoretical and practical issues

Ensuring democracy under the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam: theoretical and practical issues

Abstract: Democracy is always a human aspiration and depends on the societal mechanisms, particularly the quality of the party leading and holding power, rather than the number of parties. Vietnam does not accept a multi-party ...

Relationships in the mechanism of "Party’s leadership, State’s management, and People’s mastery" in Vietnam today

Relationships in the mechanism of "Party’s leadership, State’s management, and People’s mastery" in Vietnam today

Abstract: Based on an analysis of the positions, roles of the various subjects, and relationships within the mechanism of 'Party’s leadership, State’s management, and people's mastery', the article assesses the current situation ...

Developing number of Party members among students in Vietnamese public universities

Developing number of Party members among students in Vietnamese public universities

Abstract: Developing party members among students in Vietnamese public universities contributes to rejuvenating the party's membership and enriching intellectual resources for the Party. The responsibility of the party committees ...

Generating work motivation for the public administrative workforce in Vietnam today

Generating work motivation for the public administrative workforce in Vietnam today

Abstract: Work motivation for individuals and the responsibility to create work motivation for the public administrative workforce plays a crucial role in maintaining and developing the state administrative apparatus and system. ...

Some issues regarding the leadership style of strategic-level officials in our country today

Some issues regarding the leadership style of strategic-level officials in our country today

Abstract: The Party and State of our country always pay special attention to the contingent of staff at the strategic level. The Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress sets forth higher demands for this backbone team. To ...

President Ho Chi Minh - The visionary of the patriotic emulation movement

President Ho Chi Minh - The visionary of the patriotic emulation movement

Abstract: President Ho Chi Minh was not only the initiator and promoter of patriotic emulation movements but also served as an exemplary model in these movements. His call for patriotic emulation particularly and his ideology ...

Increasing political consciousness for ethnic minorities in the Central Highlands today

Increasing political consciousness for ethnic minorities in the Central Highlands today

Abstract: Today, hostile forces are daily and hourly looking for ways to damage the revolutionary cause, to propagandize slanderous statements against our Party and State. They target grassroots areas, especially in remote and ...

Factors affecting the construction of national governance in Vietnam today

Factors affecting the construction of national governance in Vietnam today

Abstract: It is an objective requirement to build and gradually perfect the national governance in Vietnam, meeting the requirements of the country's development in the context of globalization, international integration and the ...

Relationship of "virtue" and "talent" in the practice of public service ethics in our country today

Relationship of "virtue" and "talent" in the practice of public service ethics in our country today

Abstract: The objective reality of economic, political and social life in the Doi Moi period has had a strong impact on how cadres and civil servants in the political-administrative system perform official duties. Therefore, ...

Missions of Communication Staff in Safeguarding the Party’s Ideological Foundation

Missions of Communication Staff in Safeguarding the Party’s Ideological Foundation

Since its inception, communication work has always held a particularly important position and role in the Party's activities, bearing the mission of construction and protection of the Party. In each revolutionary period, the contingent of cadres engaged in communication have played important roles, contributing to historically significant and meaningful achievements in the construction and defense of the Fatherland especially in the present context when our country is facing numerous difficulties and challenges, including the threat posed by the “peaceful evolution” schemes of reactionary and hostile forces both domestically and internationally. This situation requires our communication staff to elevate their professional competence and expertise to meeting the demands of their tasks under new circumstances.

Defending 10:31 28-08-2024 1 tháng trước

The cultural and artistic guidelines of the Communist Party of Viet Nam in the movements of the people's democratic revolutionary era

The expansion of the mass movement in all social movements under the leadership of the proletarian party is the most notable historical feature of the people's democratic revolutionary era. The birth and development of a new culture and art in Viet Nam during the people's democratic revolution was associated with the fight for national independence and reunification. Recognizing the Party's leadership role in the process of building a new culture and art during progressive revolutionary resistance wars has created conditions for the harmonious development of the people's culture and art.

Political theory 10:35 28-08-2024 1 tháng trước

Arisen Issues in Innovating Political Communication Work on Social Networks in Vietnam Today

Arisen Issues in Innovating Political Communication Work on Social Networks in Vietnam Today

Nowadays, there are lots of urgent problems that need to be solved related to the requirement of innovating political communication on social networks in Vietnam. The key issues involve leadership, direction and management activities; human resources; contents and methods of communication; guidelines, policies and solutions to develop the domestic social network ecosystem; scale and nature of the participation of cadres, Party members and people of all classes who are both subjects and objects of this process.

Journalism-Communication 09:49 12-08-2024 2 tháng trước

Firmly maintaining the Party's close bond with the people, ensuring the Party's endless and supreme strength

Abstract: The intimate connection between the Party and the people is a rule governing the Party's existence, development, and operations. It is the source of the Party's internal strength and guarantees the Party's sole leadership role in Vietnam. Also, it is one of the five principles of organization and operation of the Party. Recognizing the importance of this principle, hostile forces always seek ways to distort the principles, exaggerate, ridicule, undermine the Party, aiming to divide the Party from the people. They provoke, separate the people from the Party's leadership, making the people distant from the Party, lose trust, and even oppose the Party. It is necessary to identify the wrong tactics of hostile forces regarding the Party principle intimately linked with the people, thereby employing countermeasures, resolutely maintaining the principles, ensuring the boundless, invincible strength of the Party.

Socialism construction reality 13:34 24-06-2024 4 tháng trước

Missions of Communication Staff in Safeguarding the Party’s Ideological Foundation

Missions of Communication Staff in Safeguarding the Party’s Ideological Foundation

Abstract: Since its inception, communication work has always held a particularly important position and role in the Party's activities, bearing the mission of construction and protection of the Party. In each revolutionary period, the contingent of cadres engaged in communication have played important roles, contributing to historically significant and meaningful achievements in the construction and defense of the Fatherland especially in the present context when our country is facing numerous difficulties and challenges, including the threat posed by the “peaceful evolution” schemes of reactionary and hostile forces both domestically and internationally. This situation requires our communication staff to elevate their professional competence and expertise to meet the demands of their tasks under new circumstances.

Socialism construction reality 14:39 07-06-2024 4 tháng trước

General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong's Article “Some Theoretical and Practical Issues about Socialism and the Path to Socialism in Vietnam” - a Work of Great Theoretical and Practical Significance

The article written by General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong titled “Some theoretical and practical issues about socialism and the path to socialism in Vietnam” is a work of great theoretical and practical significance. Theoretically, it summarizes the creative application and development of Marxism - Leninism, Ho Chi Minh Thought on socialism and building socialism in specific conditions of Vietnam and in the world since the 1980s. The article analyses the great theoretical significance of this work.

Political theory 16:48 10-05-2024 5 tháng trước

Protecting the Party’s Ideological Foundation, Fighting to Refute the False and Hostile Views of the Vietnamese Young Intellectuals: Current Situation and Solutions

Abstract: Entering the era of the fourth industrial revolution, intellectuals have demonstrated their pivotal role in the development of many countries in the world, including Vietnam. Vietnamese young intellectuals are increasingly growing and affirming their indispensable position in the modern workforce. Being well-trained, being able to think independently, study, enrich and spread knowledge, as well as to live and work in a knowledge-based environment, most of Vietnamese young intellectuals can perceive and interpret political information (which related to the Party’s ideological foundation) in a propriate, correct, moderate, and profound way with intrinsic and professional vision. However, there is still a part of young intellectuals who are fluctuated in political stance and thus, have some inappropriate behaviors such as sharing information of hostile forces on social networks, being taken advantage of by forces to act against our social stability. Therefore, it is urgently necessary to study the current situation and to suggest some solutions to improve the Vietnamese young intellectuals’ behavior culture in protecting the Party’s ideological foundation and fighting against wrong and hostile views.

Defending ideological foundation 04:53 18-03-2024 7 tháng trước

Some new points on Party building in the documents of the 13th Party Congress and recommendations

Some new points on Party building in the documents of the 13th Party Congress and recommendations

Abstract: The 13th Party Congress approved important documents, in which Party building was mentioned as a “key task” with new highlights. The article analyzes some new points on Party building in these documents and proposes some solutions in order to provide a scientific basis for implementation of the 13th Party Congress policy on Party building in the near future.

Socialism construction reality 06:41 24-02-2024 8 tháng trước

Renewing the mindset of proactive and comprehensive international integration in Vietnam

Renewing the mindset of proactive and comprehensive international integration in Vietnam

Abstract: As part of their leadership in the innovation process, our Party and State have followed policies of opening the economy, transforming into a market economy and integrating into the global economy. Meanwhile, our Party has gradually expanded and perfected its awareness of the need for proactive, active, comprehensive, and extensive international integration in accordance with the country’s conditions and practical requirements. It contributes to boosting economic growth; ensuring security, sovereignty, territorial integrity and enhancing the country’s position internationally. This article focuses on clarifying Vietnam’s proactive innovative thinking and its active, thorough, extensive international integration from two perspectives: (1) renovating foreign policy thinking and (2) renovating international integration thinking.

Socialism construction reality 23:54 20-02-2024 8 tháng trước

Some solutions for developing scientific and technological human resources to promote national industrialization and modernization

Abstract: Scientific and technological human resources play a significant role in promoting the country's industrialization and modernization. They drive robust application of science and technology, innovation, leading to breakthroughs in productivity, quality, efficiency, and competitiveness of the economy. The Party and State have shown special concern for building and developing scientific and technological human resources, aiming to meet the requirements of promoting the country's industrialization and modernization and international integration. The article clarifies the necessity of developing human resources in science and technology, assesses the current situation, proposes and implements practical solutions in a cohesive and consistent manner, contributing to achieving the goals of industrialization and modernization, aiming to make Vietnam a basically industrialized country by 2030 and a modern developed industrial country by 2045.

Socialism construction reality 15:54 05-02-2024 8 tháng trước

Ensuring democracy under the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam: theoretical and practical issues

Abstract: Democracy is always a human aspiration and depends on the societal mechanisms, particularly the quality of the party leading and holding power, rather than the number of parties. Vietnam does not accept a multi-party and multi-political system. The Communist Party of Vietnam is the sole ruling party in the society and holds leadership and power. How to ensure democracy in a one-party regime is an important issue that requires solutions that are truly suitable for both theory and practice.

Political theory 17:46 02-01-2024 9 tháng trước

Relationships in the mechanism of "Party’s leadership, State’s management, and People’s mastery" in Vietnam today

Abstract: Based on an analysis of the positions, roles of the various subjects, and relationships within the mechanism of 'Party’s leadership, State’s management, and people's mastery', the article assesses the current situation of these subjects and relationships in the current context. Thereby, it proposes solutions to properly leverage the roles of these entities and effectively address the relationships within that mechanism in Vietnam today.

Socialism construction reality 17:49 02-01-2024 9 tháng trước

Developing number of Party members among students in Vietnamese public universities

Developing number of Party members among students in Vietnamese public universities

Abstract: Developing party members among students in Vietnamese public universities contributes to rejuvenating the party's membership and enriching intellectual resources for the Party. The responsibility of the party committees in public universities is to excel in developing party members among students, ensuring an appropriate number and structure of members, and harnessing the strength of young party members to successfully lead universities in the context of higher education autonomy and international integration. The article discusses several concepts, with a focus on clarifying the principles, content, and methods for developing party members among students within the Party cells at public universities in our country today.

Socialism construction reality 09:26 17-12-2023 10 tháng trước

Generating work motivation for the public administrative workforce in Vietnam today

Generating work motivation for the public administrative workforce in Vietnam today

Abstract: Work motivation for individuals and the responsibility to create work motivation for the public administrative workforce plays a crucial role in maintaining and developing the state administrative apparatus and system. Within organizations responsible for enforcing state power, managing various social sectors, and providing public services, work motivation is a critical aspect of managing the public administrative workforce. However, the process of generating work motivation for the public administrative workforce is influenced by various factors. Therefore, in order to enhance the efficiency of administrative agencies, attention must be paid to this issue. Work motivation has depth and a broad scope, and this article only contributes to pointing out the influencing factors and proposing solutions for generating work motivation for the public administrative workforce in Vietnam today.

Political theory 05:13 30-10-2023 11 tháng trước

Some issues regarding the leadership style of strategic-level officials in our country today

Some issues regarding the leadership style of strategic-level officials in our country today

Abstract: The Party and State of our country always pay special attention to the contingent of staff at the strategic level. The Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress sets forth higher demands for this backbone team. To have strategic-level staff with the necessary qualities, capabilities, credibility, and competence compatible to their tasks, it is necessary to innovate the leadership style in order to meet the elevated requirements of the current period, characterized by vigorous industrialization, modernization, and integration.

Socialism construction reality 04:57 30-10-2023 11 tháng trước
See also

Ho Chi Minh Ideology

“Abstract: Democratic leadership is a subject of interest for many people from various angles. However, researchers often focus on the external forms and do not delve into the intrinsic nature and the comprehensive principles that connect the content and form. They also have not pointed out the objective relationships and development of these aspects. This paper clarifies the current situation and ... “

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Nguyen Huu Dong

PhD, Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics

“Abstract: Stemming from the role, position, and mission of leading class and nation of the Communist Party of Vietnam, pioneering is the first "attribute" of a genuine party member. The development requirements of our country's revolution today require the example and pioneering of each party member to become highly self-aware. In this article, on the basis of analyzing President Ho Chi Minh's ... “

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Mai Duc Ngoc

Assoc. Prof. PhD, Academy of Journalism and Communication