Mission of Vietnamese youth in realizing the aspiration in line with the 13th Party Congress.

Abstract: The 13th National Party Congress introduced various new points and important highlights, among which it set forth a strategic vision not only for a 5-year term (2021 - 2025) but also for ...

Building a modern, civilized farmer class, aiming towards the goal of developing a prosperous and happy nation.

Abstract: Stemming from the significant role of the farmer class in national construction and development, and the necessity of ...

Inheriting Ho Chi Minh's revolutionary journalism ideology, contributing to building the ethics and culture of the Party.

Abstract: President Ho Chi Minh laid the foundation for Vietnam's revolutionary journalism, considering it an essential part of the ...

Harmoniously resolving personal, collective, and societal interests - a characteristic of Vietnamese socialism

In the Credo for the national building during the transition to socialism (revised and supplemented in 2011), the Communist Party of ...

Innovating methods of educating revolutionary ethics for cadres and Party members in the current conditions

Innovating methods of educating revolutionary ethics for cadres and Party members in the current conditions

Abstract: One of the fundamental and top tasks of Party building during the tenure of 13th National Party Congress is to vigorously promote educating revolutionary ethics for cadres and Party members. Teaching modes play a ...

Ho Chi Minh's thoughts, qualities of revolutionary journalists, cultural journalists

Ho Chi Minh's thoughts, qualities of revolutionary journalists, cultural journalists

During his lifetime, Ho Chi Minh always regarded the press as a frontline of the revolutionary struggle. Therefore, he believed that journalists were revolutionary soldiers, and their pens and papers were their sharp weapons. Ho ...

October Revolution Lights up the Renovation for National Independence and Socialism of Our People

October Revolution Lights up the Renovation for National Independence and Socialism of Our People

106 years ago under the leadership of V.I Lenin and the Bolsheviks, the Russian workers and people started the revolution, which shook the world, overthrew the Tsarism and established the first proletarian state in the world. The ...

Global and regional context influencing Vietnam's mindset of multilateral diplomacy during international integration period

Global and regional context influencing Vietnam's mindset of multilateral diplomacy during international integration period

Abstract: In 1986, Vietnam embarked on a process of Doi Moi (national renewal), starting with a renewal of mindset, gradually extending to other areas of social life including diplomacy. Over the past 40 years, from the initial ...



The Communist Party of Vietnam, since its birth (in 1930), has played a leading role in the national liberation movement in Vietnam and after the success of the August Revolution, became the ruling Party. President Ho Chi Minh is ...

Practicing Grassroots Democracy in the Spirit of the 13th Party Congress’s Resolution

Practicing Grassroots Democracy in the Spirit of the 13th Party Congress’s Resolution

Our Party has always defined democracy as the objective and motivation for the country’s growth during the process of leading the revolution. Democracy at grassroots units, in particular, is a necessary condition for people to ...

Arisen Issues in Innovating Political Communication Work on Social Networks in Vietnam Today

Arisen Issues in Innovating Political Communication Work on Social Networks in Vietnam Today

Nowadays, there are lots of urgent problems that need to be solved related to the requirement of innovating political communication on social networks in Vietnam. The key issues involve leadership, direction and management ...

Firmly maintaining the Party's close bond with the people, ensuring the Party's endless and supreme strength

Firmly maintaining the Party's close bond with the people, ensuring the Party's endless and supreme strength

Abstract: The intimate connection between the Party and the people is a rule governing the Party's existence, development, and operations. It is the source of the Party's internal strength and guarantees the Party's sole ...

Identifying and criticizing claims denying and distorting Ho Chi Minh Thought

Identifying and criticizing claims denying and distorting Ho Chi Minh Thought

Abstract: Along with the study, application, and development of Marxist - Leninist ideology and Ho Chi Minh Thought, current practice requires strengthening the protection of the Party's ideological foundation, combating, and ...

Missions of Communication Staff in Safeguarding the Party’s Ideological Foundation

Missions of Communication Staff in Safeguarding the Party’s Ideological Foundation

Abstract: Since its inception, communication work has always held a particularly important position and role in the Party's activities, bearing the mission of construction and protection of the Party. In each revolutionary ...

Identifying and Directing the Fight against Distortion of the Party’s History on Social Media Today

Identifying and Directing the Fight against Distortion of the Party’s History on Social Media Today

The Communist Party of Vietnam has a “golden history” that was built and developed during the revolutionary process. It expresses the infinite pride and gratitude of the People to the Party, of descendants to ancestors. It is of ...

Ho Chi Minh's wisdom on culture

Ho Chi Minh's wisdom on culture

Abstract: Ho Chi Minh's cultural philosophy is a system of scientific, revolutionary and theoretical viewpoints on culture and the construction of Vietnamese culture. It resulted from creative application and development of ...

Orientation on the completion of institution, policy and mobilization of resources to build a Vietnamese culture of “nation, democracy, humanity, and science”

Orientation on the completion of institution, policy and mobilization of resources to build a Vietnamese culture of “nation, democracy, humanity, and science”

Communist Review - The Communist Party of Vietnam has steadfastly and consistently pursued its orientation and policy on human and cultural development. At the current stage, the above-mentioned orientation and policy should be ...

Mission of Vietnamese youth in realizing the aspiration in line with the 13th Party Congress.

Mission of Vietnamese youth in realizing the aspiration in line with the 13th Party Congress.

Abstract: The 13th National Party Congress introduced various new points and important highlights, among which it set forth a strategic vision not only for a 5-year term (2021 - 2025) but also for the mid-21st century with the theme "Awakening the aspirations for the development of a prosperous and happy country." This vision, along with the consistent ideology, clearly reflects the spirit of harnessing the strength of national unity through courage and determination, embodying the aspirations of the Vietnamese people for a powerful nation. To achieve the set goals, the country will heavily rely on the younger generation, the future owners of the nation. Therefore, Vietnamese youth need to recognize their roles, missions, and tasks to realize these aspirations.

Political theory 06:46 02-03-2025 1 tuần trước

Building a modern, civilized farmer class, aiming towards the goal of developing a prosperous and happy nation.

Abstract: Stemming from the significant role of the farmer class in national construction and development, and the necessity of constructing a modern, civilized farmer class in Vietnam to meet the demands of the new context, the article focuses on clarifying the viewpoint and main solutions to build the farmer class contributing to developing a prosperous and happy nation.

Political theory 06:45 02-03-2025 1 tuần trước

Inheriting Ho Chi Minh's revolutionary journalism ideology, contributing to building the ethics and culture of the Party.

Abstract: President Ho Chi Minh laid the foundation for Vietnam's revolutionary journalism, considering it an essential part of the revolutionary cause throughout his revolutionary activities. He repeatedly emphasized that the press was a sharp weapon in the struggle for national independence and in building a new life for the people. Inheriting and developing Ho Chi Minh's ideology regarding the role of revolutionary journalism, Resolution 13 of the Party has determined: "Building a professional, humane, and modern press and media" (1). At the same time, our Party always emphasizes the research, supplementation, and perfection of revolutionary ethical values in the spirit that "Our Party is ethical and civilized". In the current period of deepening international integration, it is increasingly practical to research Ho Chi Minh's ideology regarding the role of Vietnam's revolutionary press to promote the cultural and revolutionary ethical nature of the Vietnamese press thereby contributing to enhancing the ethics and culture of the Party.

Political theory 06:48 02-03-2025 1 tuần trước

Harmoniously resolving personal, collective, and societal interests - a characteristic of Vietnamese socialism

In the Credo for the national building during the transition to socialism (revised and supplemented in 2011), the Communist Party of Vietnam affirmed that the transition to socialism is the inevitable choice of the Vietnamese people, in line with the development trend of the times. The socialism that the Vietnamese people are building is an extremely beautiful social regime with comprehensive values: Prosperous people, a strong country with democracy, equality, civilization, and specific characteristics in economics, politics, culture - society, human beings etc. The characteristics of the Vietnamese socialist model defined in the 2011 Platform have been concretized, supplemented, and perfected in the Party's resolutions and realized in the process of building socialism in Vietnam. Currently, the efforts to innovate, promote national industrialization and modernization require us to deepen our understanding of Vietnam's socialist model to clarify these superior characteristics. This article will clarify one characteristic of Vietnamese socialism, which refers to harmoniously resolving the relationships between personal, collective, and societal interests.

Political theory 05:32 20-02-2025 3 tuần trước

Innovating methods of educating revolutionary ethics for cadres and Party members in the current conditions

Abstract: One of the fundamental and top tasks of Party building during the tenure of 13th National Party Congress is to vigorously promote educating revolutionary ethics for cadres and Party members. Teaching modes play a crucial role in conveying content and the subjects’ level of information reception. In recent years, alongside notable achievements, the modes of educating revolutionary ethics for cadres and Party members at all levels still face some issues that need to be addressed. To enhance the effectiveness, it is necessary to further innovate the modes of education regarding the awareness as well as responsibilities of Party committees and leaders, creating positive public opinion, and innovating communication methods to effectively combat malicious information in order to protect the honor and reputation of cadres and Party members.

Political theory 05:34 20-02-2025 3 tuần trước

Ho Chi Minh's thoughts, qualities of revolutionary journalists, cultural journalists

Ho Chi Minh's thoughts, qualities of revolutionary journalists, cultural journalists

During his lifetime, Ho Chi Minh always regarded the press as a frontline of the revolutionary struggle. Therefore, he believed that journalists were revolutionary soldiers, and their pens and papers were their sharp weapons. Ho Chi Minh emphasized: "For those of us who write newspapers, the pen is a sharp weapon, and the article is a revolutionary leaflet to inspire the masses to unite in the struggle against both old and new colonialism, imperialism (especially the American imperial) to fight for national independence, social progress, and world peace". To fulfil this mission, journalists must be revolutionary soldiers. This requires journalists to possess the qualities of revolutionary cadres, not fearing hardship or sacrifice, dedicating themselves wholeheartedly to serving the Fatherland and the people.

Ho Chi Minh Ideology 06:09 16-12-2024 2 tháng trước

October Revolution Lights up the Renovation for National Independence and Socialism of Our People

October Revolution Lights up the Renovation for National Independence and Socialism of Our People

106 years ago under the leadership of V.I Lenin and the Bolsheviks, the Russian workers and people started the revolution, which shook the world, overthrew the Tsarism and established the first proletarian state in the world. The October Revolution in 1917 opened a new era, leading humankind into a new age of transitioning from capitalism into socialism.

Political theory 06:08 16-12-2024 2 tháng trước

Global and regional context influencing Vietnam's mindset of multilateral diplomacy during international integration period

Abstract: In 1986, Vietnam embarked on a process of Doi Moi (national renewal), starting with a renewal of mindset, gradually extending to other areas of social life including diplomacy. Over the past 40 years, from the initial challenging steps, under the influence of many factors, particularly the international context, new perspectives and thoughts on diplomacy, especially multilateral diplomacy, have gradually formed, developed, and proven their legitimacy, wisdom, and practicality.

International cooperation 04:59 22-10-2024 4 tháng trước



The Communist Party of Vietnam, since its birth (in 1930), has played a leading role in the national liberation movement in Vietnam and after the success of the August Revolution, became the ruling Party. President Ho Chi Minh is both the founder and the person who guides and trains the Party. Therefore, he paid due attention to the Party's leading and ruling methods so that the Party can fulfill its mission as the vanguard of the working class and the nation. In this article, the author hopes to clarify Ho Chi Minh’s Thought on the Party's leading and ruling methods to serve the goal of improving the leadership and ruling capacity of the Communist Party of Vietnam, as set out by the 13th Party Congress.

Ho Chi Minh Ideology 16:57 01-10-2024 5 tháng trước

Practicing Grassroots Democracy in the Spirit of the 13th Party Congress’s Resolution

Practicing Grassroots Democracy in the Spirit of the 13th Party Congress’s Resolution

Our Party has always defined democracy as the objective and motivation for the country’s growth during the process of leading the revolution. Democracy at grassroots units, in particular, is a necessary condition for people to advance their mastery in all aspects of social life. The 13th Party Congress’s Resolution emphasized the motto: “People know, people discuss, people execute, people supervise, people benefit”. It shows that our Party is always innovative in thoughts and actions in order to be more responsive to the country’s specific situation.

Party Document Collection 06:07 21-09-2024 5 tháng trước

Arisen Issues in Innovating Political Communication Work on Social Networks in Vietnam Today

Arisen Issues in Innovating Political Communication Work on Social Networks in Vietnam Today

Nowadays, there are lots of urgent problems that need to be solved related to the requirement of innovating political communication on social networks in Vietnam. The key issues involve leadership, direction and management activities; human resources; contents and methods of communication; guidelines, policies and solutions to develop the domestic social network ecosystem; scale and nature of the participation of cadres, Party members and people of all classes who are both subjects and objects of this process.

Journalism-Communication 09:49 12-08-2024 7 tháng trước

Firmly maintaining the Party's close bond with the people, ensuring the Party's endless and supreme strength

Abstract: The intimate connection between the Party and the people is a rule governing the Party's existence, development, and operations. It is the source of the Party's internal strength and guarantees the Party's sole leadership role in Vietnam. Also, it is one of the five principles of organization and operation of the Party. Recognizing the importance of this principle, hostile forces always seek ways to distort the principles, exaggerate, ridicule, undermine the Party, aiming to divide the Party from the people. They provoke, separate the people from the Party's leadership, making the people distant from the Party, lose trust, and even oppose the Party. It is necessary to identify the wrong tactics of hostile forces regarding the Party principle intimately linked with the people, thereby employing countermeasures, resolutely maintaining the principles, ensuring the boundless, invincible strength of the Party.

Socialism construction reality 13:34 24-06-2024 8 tháng trước

Identifying and criticizing claims denying and distorting Ho Chi Minh Thought

Identifying and criticizing claims denying and distorting Ho Chi Minh Thought

Abstract: Along with the study, application, and development of Marxist - Leninist ideology and Ho Chi Minh Thought, current practice requires strengthening the protection of the Party's ideological foundation, combating, and refuting erroneous and hostile views. Among these erroneous views is the discourse that denies and distorts “Ho Chi Minh is not a thinker, there is no Ho Chi Minh Thought”. This article contributes to the identification and criticism of the discourse that denies and distorts Ho Chi Minh Thought.

Ho Chi Minh Ideology 13:32 24-06-2024 8 tháng trước

Innovating the content and form in protecting the Party’s ideological foundation, combating and refuting wrong and hostile views to meet requirements of the new situation

Abstract: Resolution No. 35-NQ/TW (dated October 22, 2018) on strengthening the protection of the Party's ideological foundation, combating and refuting wrong and hostile views in the new situation was issued 5 years ago by the Politburo. It has had a wide-ranging impact on the whole society and has made significant impressions. However, the international and regional situations have undergone complex developments; the country has witnessed significant political events while hostile forces continue to employ increasingly sophisticated and complex tactics of sabotage. This requires innovations in both content and form of protecting the Party's ideological foundation, combating and refuting wrong and hostile views to meet the requirements of the new situation.

Defending ideological foundation 14:39 07-06-2024 9 tháng trước

Missions of Communication Staff in Safeguarding the Party’s Ideological Foundation

Missions of Communication Staff in Safeguarding the Party’s Ideological Foundation

Abstract: Since its inception, communication work has always held a particularly important position and role in the Party's activities, bearing the mission of construction and protection of the Party. In each revolutionary period, the contingent of cadres engaged in communication have played important roles, contributing to historically significant and meaningful achievements in the construction and defense of the Fatherland especially in the present context when our country is facing numerous difficulties and challenges, including the threat posed by the “peaceful evolution” schemes of reactionary and hostile forces both domestically and internationally. This situation requires our communication staff to elevate their professional competence and expertise to meet the demands of their tasks under new circumstances.

Socialism construction reality 14:39 07-06-2024 9 tháng trước
See also

Ho Chi Minh Ideology

“The Communist Party of Vietnam, since its birth (in 1930), has played a leading role in the national liberation movement in Vietnam and after the success of the August Revolution, became the ruling Party. President Ho Chi Minh is both the founder and the person who guides and trains the Party. Therefore, he paid due attention to the Party's leading and ruling methods so that the Party can fulfill ... “

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Tran Thi Minh Tuyet

Assoc. Prof. PhD, Academy of Journalism and Communication

“Abstract: Stemming from the role, position, and mission of leading class and nation of the Communist Party of Vietnam, pioneering is the first "attribute" of a genuine party member. The development requirements of our country's revolution today require the example and pioneering of each party member to become highly self-aware. In this article, on the basis of analyzing President Ho Chi Minh's ... “

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Mai Duc Ngoc

Assoc. Prof. PhD, Academy of Journalism and Communication