Firmly maintaining the Party's close bond with the people, ensuring the Party's endless and supreme strength

Abstract: The intimate connection between the Party and the people is a rule governing the Party's existence, development, and operations. It is the source of the Party's internal strength and ...

Missions of Communication Staff in Safeguarding the Party’s Ideological Foundation

Abstract: Since its inception, communication work has always held a particularly important position and role in the Party's activities, ...

General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong's Article “Some Theoretical and Practical Issues about Socialism and the Path to Socialism in Vietnam” - a Work of Great Theoretical and Practical Significance

The article written by General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong titled “Some theoretical and practical issues about socialism and the path to ...

Protecting the Party’s Ideological Foundation, Fighting to Refute the False and Hostile Views of the Vietnamese Young Intellectuals: Current Situation and Solutions

Abstract: Entering the era of the fourth industrial revolution, intellectuals have demonstrated their pivotal role in the development of ...

Building Vietnam’s national and cultural value systems in international integration

Building Vietnam’s national and cultural value systems in international integration

Abstract: In the renewal effort of Vietnam for the goal of “prosperous people, strong country, democratic, equitable and civilized society”, building a national value system and a cultural value system is an objective need. For ...

Results of the renewal and arrangement of organizational apparatus of Vietnam's political system

Results of the renewal and arrangement of organizational apparatus of Vietnam's political system

Political Theory: Implementing the Resolution of the 6th Plenum of the 12th Central Party Committee, the renewal and arrangement of the organizational apparatus of Vietnamese political system has achieved important results, ...

Ho Chi Minh thought on State and law - theoretical foundation for building and perfecting socialist rule-of-law State of Vietnam

Ho Chi Minh thought on State and law - theoretical foundation for building and perfecting socialist rule-of-law State of Vietnam

Communist Review - President Ho Chi Minh - Hero of national liberation, world cultural celebrity, genius leader, great teacher of Vietnamese revolution, has gone far away for over 5 decades though, His viewpoints and ideas on ...

Discussion of the leadership and ruling contents of the Communist Party of Vietnam

Discussion of the leadership and ruling contents of the Communist Party of Vietnam

Political Theory - The 12th National Congress of the Party requested a study on the ruling Party and the ruling contents of the Party. The ruling contents of the Communist Party of Vietnam mean the activities and works the Party ...

Sustainable poverty reduction of Vietnam’s ethnic minority and mountainous areas households today

Sustainable poverty reduction of Vietnam’s ethnic minority and mountainous areas households today

Communist Review - Sustainable poverty reduction is one of the major undertakings and tasks of the Party and the State of Vietnam, demonstrating the good nature of the socialist regime. Over the years, along with improving the ...

Some issues in building and perfecting the law-governed socialist State of Vietnam

Some issues in building and perfecting the law-governed socialist State of Vietnam

Communist Review - Continuing to build and perfect the law-governed socialist State is a key task in the cause of renovating the national political system from 2021 to 2030. To achieve the set goal, it is essential to adopt a ...

Building and strengthening the trust among Vietnamese students today

Building and strengthening the trust among Vietnamese students today

Abstract: On the basis of analyzing religious beliefs, scientific beliefs and characteristics of Vietnamese students, the article has argued a number of solutions to build and strengthen the trust of students in the country ...

Managing sustainable social development in the field of population and development

Managing sustainable social development in the field of population and development

Abstract: Population is identified as an important field as well as a goal, a strategy which is both urgent and long-term. Managing social development in population is considered one of the focuses to solve social problems ...

Methods of educating political culture to university students today

Methods of educating political culture to university students today

Abstract: Political culture plays a critical role in the development of the political system and the politics of Vietnam. It is the mission of the Party and all people to educate political culture to develop politics, fulfill ...

New regulations in state management about residence

New regulations in state management about residence

Abstract: Residency refers to citizens living in a place belonging to a commune-level administrative unit or a district-level administrative unit (in a place without commune-level one). The Residence Law 2020 better guarantees ...

Experiences in promoting start-ups in some universities in Hanoi

Experiences in promoting start-ups in some universities in Hanoi

Abstract: The national innovative startup ecosystem is gradually improving, creating a connection between the community and the whole society and promoting the country's socio-economic development. Within that ecosystem, ...

Close relationship between the Party and people cannot be divided

Close relationship between the Party and people cannot be divided

Abstract: Unlike many political parties in the world, the Communist Party of Vietnam was established not to represent the rights and interests of some groups in society, but to represent the entire nation. Therefore, it has always kept a close relationship with the people. This is the inner strength and the source for all successes of the Party. However, in recent times, hostile forces and political opportunists domestically and abroad have made every attempt to find ways to split this strong relationship. Identifying and fighting these conspiracies and tricks contributes to strengthening the people's trust in the Party, enhancing the Party's strength to continue successfully leading the development of a prosperous and happy country.

Political theory 23:45 10-10-2022 1 năm trước

Current status and issues to ensure human security in Vietnam

Current status and issues to ensure human security in Vietnam

Abstract: Human security is a vital issue, associated with the stability and prosperity of all countries and economies. It has become an important factor and condition for the implementation as well as ensuring social and global security"(1). The article analyzes and clarifies a number of theoretical issues on ensuring human security, presents the current situation and finds out problems for ensuring human security in Vietnam today. It also proposes solutions to improve the efficiency of human security in Vietnam in the coming time.

Information - Documents 21:57 08-10-2022 1 năm trước

Building digital courts - an important task in the Judicial Reform Strategy

Building digital courts - an important task in the Judicial Reform Strategy

Communist Review - Accelerating the digital transformation and e-court building is an urgent task and an opportunity to strengthen the people's trust in justice, improve operational efficiency and build modern courts. The digital transformation and building of electronic courts are promised to create great values, making an important contribution to the success of the Judicial Reform Strategy in Viet Nam.

Socialism construction reality 17:27 06-10-2022 1 năm trước

Accomplish the strategic breakthroughs for the rapid and sustainable development of Vietnam

Accomplish the strategic breakthroughs for the rapid and sustainable development of Vietnam

(PTOJ) - The identification of strategic breakthroughs in each stage of national development plays an important role as leverage for socio-economic development. Therefore, the Socio-economic Development Strategy (2011-2020) specified three strategic breakthroughs which continue to be supplemented and developed in the Documents of the 13th National Party Congress. This article begins with a definition of “strategic breakthroughs”, then clarifies some of their aspects that are inherited and developed at the 13thCongress, and finally suggests some conditions to successfully implement the strategic breakthroughs.

Information - Documents 05:28 01-10-2022 1 năm trước

Building Vietnam’s national and cultural value systems in international integration

Building Vietnam’s national and cultural value systems in international integration

Abstract: In the renewal effort of Vietnam for the goal of “prosperous people, strong country, democratic, equitable and civilized society”, building a national value system and a cultural value system is an objective need. For each step of national development, a value system is needed to guide, evaluate and adjust social behaviors. On the basis of theory and practice as well as the Party’s awareness of building the national value system and cultural value system, the paper researches on the building of the national and cultural value systems of Vietnam in the new period.

Socialism construction reality 21:10 24-09-2022 1 năm trước

Results of the renewal and arrangement of organizational apparatus of Vietnam's political system

Results of the renewal and arrangement of organizational apparatus of Vietnam's political system

Political Theory: Implementing the Resolution of the 6th Plenum of the 12th Central Party Committee, the renewal and arrangement of the organizational apparatus of Vietnamese political system has achieved important results, streamlining the organizational structure, and streamlining the boundary and mechanism and restructuring the contingent of cadres, civil servants and public employees. In the coming time, it is necessary to increase the leadership of the Party, the determination of the whole political system and specific solutions to continue to innovate, arrange the organizational apparatus of the political system to get better effectiveness.

Political theory 21:00 24-09-2022 1 năm trước

Ho Chi Minh thought on State and law - theoretical foundation for building and perfecting socialist rule-of-law State of Vietnam

Communist Review - President Ho Chi Minh - Hero of national liberation, world cultural celebrity, genius leader, great teacher of Vietnamese revolution, has gone far away for over 5 decades though, His viewpoints and ideas on state and law remain the priceless heritage and the ideological - theoretical foundation will shine eternally the path for the process of building and perfecting the socialist rule-of-law State of Vietnam.

Ho Chi Minh Ideology 20:31 24-09-2022 1 năm trước

The book “Some theoretical and practical issues on socialism and the path towards socialism in Vietnam” by General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong is the basis for theoretical research and practical reviews

Editorial Board: On February 9, 2022, in Hanoi, the Central Committee for Communication and Education in collaboration with the Central Theoretical Council and the Truth National Political Publishing House launched the book “Some theoretical and practical issues on socialism and the path towards socialism in Vietnam” by General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong. The Political Theory Journal would like to highlight the introduction of the book at the Launching Ceremony presented by Prof., Dr. TA NGOC TAN, Standing Vice Chairman of the Central Theoretical Council. The title of the article is named by the Editorial Board.

Socialism construction reality 20:48 24-09-2022 1 năm trước

Discussion of the leadership and ruling contents of the Communist Party of Vietnam

Discussion of the leadership and ruling contents of the Communist Party of Vietnam

Political Theory - The 12th National Congress of the Party requested a study on the ruling Party and the ruling contents of the Party. The ruling contents of the Communist Party of Vietnam mean the activities and works the Party is able to or needs to do with a view to using and promoting the position and power stipulated by the Constitution so as to affect and govern the State and society in order to show that it deserves the position and responsibility of the ruling Party. The ruling and leadership contents of the Party have similarities and differences. Thus, a clear differentiation is required to avoid imposing all the leadership contents on the ruling contents of the Party and preventing the Party from making excuses or taking on and intervening incorrectly in the State’s works.

Socialism construction reality 01:04 19-09-2022 1 năm trước

Sustainable poverty reduction of Vietnam’s ethnic minority and mountainous areas households today

Sustainable poverty reduction of Vietnam’s ethnic minority and mountainous areas households today

Communist Review - Sustainable poverty reduction is one of the major undertakings and tasks of the Party and the State of Vietnam, demonstrating the good nature of the socialist regime. Over the years, along with improving the salary and wage regime and raising incomes for workers, the Party and the State of Vietnam have always paid special attention to ensuring social security and reducing poverty for the people, including ethnic households and mountainous areas.

Information - Documents 00:54 19-09-2022 1 năm trước

Some issues in building and perfecting the law-governed socialist State of Vietnam

Some issues in building and perfecting the law-governed socialist State of Vietnam

Communist Review - Continuing to build and perfect the law-governed socialist State is a key task in the cause of renovating the national political system from 2021 to 2030. To achieve the set goal, it is essential to adopt a professional and logical approach and follow an appropriate, effective, and feasible stepwise framework.

Political theory 00:49 13-09-2022 1 năm trước

Applying Ho Chi Minh thought, implementing Party’s lines and advocacies, National Assembly upholds role and responsibility to care for building culture and Vietnamese people in response to requirements of country’s fast and sustainable development

Communist Review - Being the agency that carries out the constitutional and legal rights, makes decisions on the important issues of the country and the supreme supervision of the activities of the State, the National Assembly through the periods has always done well the application of Ho Chi Minh thought, the institutionalization and concretization of the Party’s line in the building of culture and the Vietnamese people. Together with it, the organization, the mode, the style and the operation of the National Assembly are always the embodiment for the political and cultural values of Vietnam, based on the spirit of the rule of law, democracy, unity, humaneness, in service of the Fatherland and of the people.

Political theory 01:27 10-09-2022 1 năm trước

Building and strengthening the trust among Vietnamese students today

Building and strengthening the trust among Vietnamese students today

Abstract: On the basis of analyzing religious beliefs, scientific beliefs and characteristics of Vietnamese students, the article has argued a number of solutions to build and strengthen the trust of students in the country today. These are: renewing the teaching content of Marxism - Leninism, Ho Chi Minh's thought and our Party's policies; improving training quality, requiring students to grasp the opportunities and challenges in the current process of national construction and defense; educating students to always act by the people and serve the people.

Socialism construction reality 01:28 10-09-2022 1 năm trước

Managing sustainable social development in the field of population and development

Managing sustainable social development in the field of population and development

Abstract: Population is identified as an important field as well as a goal, a strategy which is both urgent and long-term. Managing social development in population is considered one of the focuses to solve social problems towards sustainable development, making the most of the population potential while limiting the unfavorable effects of demographic changes in policy formulation and national development strategies. The article focuses on analyzing the relationship between population and sustainable development, Vietnam's population strategy to 2030 towards sustainable development and Vietnam’s population management from a sustainable development approach. Thereby, it clarifies the requirements for the transformation of population policy in accordance with the current population change practice.

Socialism construction reality 23:12 06-09-2022 1 năm trước

Methods of educating political culture to university students today

Methods of educating political culture to university students today

Abstract: Political culture plays a critical role in the development of the political system and the politics of Vietnam. It is the mission of the Party and all people to educate political culture to develop politics, fulfill the requirement of sustainable development, modernize the country, and empower people with all internal strength of the culture. University students possess knowledge, enthusiasm, and significant cognitive ability, which makes them the potential leading force of revolutions and a highly qualified working force in the future. Therefore, focusing on the methods of educating political culture to the students to enhance education quality nowadays is a topic with great significance in theory and practice.

Information - Documents 16:20 31-08-2022 1 năm trước
See also

Ho Chi Minh Ideology

“Abstract: Stemming from the role, position, and mission of leading class and nation of the Communist Party of Vietnam, pioneering is the first "attribute" of a genuine party member. The development requirements of our country's revolution today require the example and pioneering of each party member to become highly self-aware. In this article, on the basis of analyzing President Ho Chi Minh's ... “

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Mai Duc Ngoc

Assoc. Prof. PhD, Academy of Journalism and Communication

“Abstract: President Ho Chi Minh practiced the complete transition of Vietnamese patriotism from tradition to modernity - patriotism based on the viewpoint of the working class - patriotism connected with socialism. Patriotism in the socialist revolutionary epoch completely inherits and develops the contents of traditional patriotism to a new higher degree in terms of quality. Among these ... “

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Tran Hai Minh

Assoc. Prof. PhD, Academy of Journalism and Communication