
Role and Mission of Vietnamese Revolutionary Press in Protecting the Party’s Ideological Foundation, Fighting against Wrong and Hostile Views and Some Recommendations ed solutions

The article discusses the issue of promoting the role and mission of Vietnamese revolutionary press in protecting the Party’s ideological foundation, fighting against wrong and hostile views. The ...

The Press and Public Opinion build Build People's Trust in the fight Fight against Corruption and Negativity in Vietnam Today

Abstract: In the fight against corruption and negativity, the press and public opinion play a special role. It contributes to detecting and ...

Identifying and criticizing claims denying and distorting Ho Chi Minh Thought

Abstract: Along with the study, application, and development of Marxist - Leninist ideology and Ho Chi Minh Thought, current practice ...

Innovating the content and form in protecting the Party’s ideological foundation, combating and refuting wrong and hostile views to meet requirements of the new situation

Abstract: Resolution No. 35-NQ/TW (dated October 22, 2018) on strengthening the protection of the Party's ideological foundation, combating ...

Identifying and Directing the Fight against Distortion of the Party’s History on Social Media Today

Identifying and Directing the Fight against Distortion of the Party’s History on Social Media Today

The Communist Party of Vietnam has a “golden history” that was built and developed during the revolutionary process. It expresses the infinite pride and gratitude of the People to the Party, of descendants to ancestors. It is of ...

Some principles in identifying distortion tricks and unfounded inferences made by hostile forces, reactionaries and political opportunists

Some principles in identifying distortion tricks and unfounded inferences made by hostile forces, reactionaries and political opportunists

Abstract: One of the tricks that hostile and reactionary forces use to damage our Party’s ideological foundation is their distortion and unfounded inferences which lead to social suspicions and panic, shaking people's hearts and ...

Educating students to fight against plots of hostile forces to protect the Party’s ideological foundation

Educating students to fight against plots of hostile forces to protect the Party’s ideological foundation

Abstract: Universities are institutions training high-quality human resources to meet the requirements of national industrialization and modernization. They mainly educate students - an important resource of the knowledge ...

Public university lecturers with the task of protecting the Party’s ideological foundation and fighting against wrongful and hostile viewpoints today.

Public university lecturers with the task of protecting the Party’s ideological foundation and fighting against wrongful and hostile viewpoints today.

Abstract: Currently, hostile forces are aggressively carrying out a “peaceful evolution” plot to attack us in all fields of politics, economy, society, culture. They especially target young students who are easily swayed by ...

Role and Mission of Vietnamese Revolutionary Press in Protecting the Party’s Ideological Foundation, Fighting against Wrong and Hostile Views and Some Recommendations ed solutions

The article discusses the issue of promoting the role and mission of Vietnamese revolutionary press in protecting the Party’s ideological foundation, fighting against wrong and hostile views. The author affirms that the revolutionary press is a pioneering force on the front to defend the Party's ideological foundation as well as fight against wrong and hostile views. Also, the article offers solutions for the revolutionary press to promote its role and mission in the context of media explosion today.

Journalism-Communication 09:56 05-07-2024 3 tháng trước

The Press and Public Opinion build Build People's Trust in the fight Fight against Corruption and Negativity in Vietnam Today

Abstract: In the fight against corruption and negativity, the press and public opinion play a special role. It contributes to detecting and fighting against corruption and negative effects; reflecting, advising, suggesting and recommending to handle and supervise the implementation of functional agencies. It also propagates, encourages and mobilizes the strength of all people to participate in the fight against corruption, thereby building people's faith in the Party's leadership and the regime's superiority. The article focuses on clarifying the relationship and role of the press and public opinion in building people's trust as well as proposes solutions to promote this role in the current anti-corruption activities of our country.

Fighting 22:56 25-06-2024 3 tháng trước

Identifying and criticizing claims denying and distorting Ho Chi Minh Thought

Identifying and criticizing claims denying and distorting Ho Chi Minh Thought

Abstract: Along with the study, application, and development of Marxist - Leninist ideology and Ho Chi Minh Thought, current practice requires strengthening the protection of the Party's ideological foundation, combating, and refuting erroneous and hostile views. Among these erroneous views is the discourse that denies and distorts “Ho Chi Minh is not a thinker, there is no Ho Chi Minh Thought”. This article contributes to the identification and criticism of the discourse that denies and distorts Ho Chi Minh Thought.

Ho Chi Minh Ideology 13:32 24-06-2024 4 tháng trước

Innovating the content and form in protecting the Party’s ideological foundation, combating and refuting wrong and hostile views to meet requirements of the new situation

Abstract: Resolution No. 35-NQ/TW (dated October 22, 2018) on strengthening the protection of the Party's ideological foundation, combating and refuting wrong and hostile views in the new situation was issued 5 years ago by the Politburo. It has had a wide-ranging impact on the whole society and has made significant impressions. However, the international and regional situations have undergone complex developments; the country has witnessed significant political events while hostile forces continue to employ increasingly sophisticated and complex tactics of sabotage. This requires innovations in both content and form of protecting the Party's ideological foundation, combating and refuting wrong and hostile views to meet the requirements of the new situation.

Defending ideological foundation 14:39 07-06-2024 4 tháng trước

Identifying and Directing the Fight against Distortion of the Party’s History on Social Media Today

Identifying and Directing the Fight against Distortion of the Party’s History on Social Media Today

The Communist Party of Vietnam has a “golden history” that was built and developed during the revolutionary process. It expresses the infinite pride and gratitude of the People to the Party, of descendants to ancestors. It is of great significance to clearly identify the distorted claims, then have resolute and effective solutions to protect the Party, State and regime. The article introduces concepts and identifications as well as suggests some solutions to fight for and protect the Party’s history on social media today.

Fighting 16:37 10-05-2024 5 tháng trước

Some principles in identifying distortion tricks and unfounded inferences made by hostile forces, reactionaries and political opportunists

Abstract: One of the tricks that hostile and reactionary forces use to damage our Party’s ideological foundation is their distortion and unfounded inferences which lead to social suspicions and panic, shaking people's hearts and distracting the society. Their actions erode the people's confidence in the regime and the path to socialism in Vietnam, making it hard to implement the Party's guidelines and resolutions, affecting the realization of the goal of building socialism in our country. Therefore, identifying the tricks of these forces is extremely necessary. To do this, we need to effectively apply the methodological principles of dialectical materialism and historical materialism, which will be discussed in this article.

Defending ideological foundation 10:34 03-07-2023 1 năm trước

Educating students to fight against plots of hostile forces to protect the Party’s ideological foundation

Abstract: Universities are institutions training high-quality human resources to meet the requirements of national industrialization and modernization. They mainly educate students - an important resource of the knowledge economy, science and technology. Universities are also places where hostile forces target and carry out plots in order to corrupt students’ morals and lifestyles, undermine their trust in the Party and in the socialist regime as well as erode their ideology. Therefore, fighting against plots of hostile forces to protect students is a regular task of universities. This task also significantly contributes to the protection of the Party's ideological foundation in Vietnamese universities today.

Defending ideological foundation 17:31 28-08-2022 2 năm trước

Public university lecturers with the task of protecting the Party’s ideological foundation and fighting against wrongful and hostile viewpoints today.

Abstract: Currently, hostile forces are aggressively carrying out a “peaceful evolution” plot to attack us in all fields of politics, economy, society, culture. They especially target young students who are easily swayed by hostile claims. Public university lecturers play an important role in educating students, then contributing to strengthening the protection of the Party's ideological foundation, and fighting against wrongful and hostile viewpoints.

Defending ideological foundation 15:05 25-08-2022 2 năm trước
See also

Ho Chi Minh Ideology

“Abstract: Democratic leadership is a subject of interest for many people from various angles. However, researchers often focus on the external forms and do not delve into the intrinsic nature and the comprehensive principles that connect the content and form. They also have not pointed out the objective relationships and development of these aspects. This paper clarifies the current situation and ... “

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Nguyen Huu Dong

PhD, Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics

“Abstract: Stemming from the role, position, and mission of leading class and nation of the Communist Party of Vietnam, pioneering is the first "attribute" of a genuine party member. The development requirements of our country's revolution today require the example and pioneering of each party member to become highly self-aware. In this article, on the basis of analyzing President Ho Chi Minh's ... “

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Mai Duc Ngoc

Assoc. Prof. PhD, Academy of Journalism and Communication