Identifying the influence of social media audience on the products of press agencies

Abstract: Social media audience is the target subjects that press agencies aim to impact, while they in turn engage in interactive feedback and participate in the creative process of press products. ...

Inheriting Ho Chi Minh's revolutionary journalism ideology, contributing to building the ethics and culture of the Party.

Abstract: President Ho Chi Minh laid the foundation for Vietnam's revolutionary journalism, considering it an essential part of the ...

Artificial Intelligence (AI) - Challenges in protecting the Party's ideological foundation in Vietnam today

Abstract: We are living in a world of unprecedented changes and impacts of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Recently, a series of research ...

Educating human rights at the Academy of Journalism and Communication: current situation and solutions

Abstract: Awareness of human rights plays a crucial role in enhancing societal awareness, thereby preventing and minimizing human rights ...

Developing number of Party members among students in Vietnamese public universities

Developing number of Party members among students in Vietnamese public universities

Abstract: Developing party members among students in Vietnamese public universities contributes to rejuvenating the party's membership and enriching intellectual resources for the Party. The responsibility of the party committees ...

Social policies regarding workers in Singapore and lessons for making policies for Vietnamese workers today

Social policies regarding workers in Singapore and lessons for making policies for Vietnamese workers today

Abstract: Social policies are an essential part of public policy in Singapore and are considered an important tool to ensure sustainable and harmonious social development. Singapore's social policies cover various areas such as ...

Traditional and modern family values pursued by young adults in the current context (A study of students in Hanoi)

Traditional and modern family values pursued by young adults in the current context (A study of students in Hanoi)

Abstract: On analyzing survey data among 260 student participants related to their perspectives on marriage and family values, this article elucidates the traditional and modern family values that young people support and aspire ...

External Information activities for foreigners in Vietnam today

External Information activities for foreigners in Vietnam today

Abstract: External Information activities for foreigners in Vietnam are a significant part of Vietnam's general External Information efforts, aiming to provide foreigners in Vietnam with a positive perception, attitude, and ...

Decoding Amartya Sen's notion of identity

Decoding Amartya Sen's notion of identity

Abstract: Amartya Sen (born in 1933) is an Indian philosopher and economist, currently a professor at Harvard University in the United States. His notion of "identity" is elaborated in the book "Identity and violence: The ...

Cybersecurity in electronic news agencies in Vietnam today

Cybersecurity in electronic news agencies in Vietnam today

Abstract: In the digital age, electronic news agencies face both opportunities and challenges, including the risk of cybersecurity threats. Ensuring cybersecurity in electronic news agencies involves protecting information and ...

Role of the press in the fight against corruption and negativity in Vietnam today

Role of the press in the fight against corruption and negativity in Vietnam today

Abstract: In the fight against corruption and negativity, the press plays a special role. It contributes to detecting and fighting against cases, organizations and individuals who show signs of corruption and negativity. Also, it ...

Cost-benefit analysis in determining the optimal policy option

Cost-benefit analysis in determining the optimal policy option

Abstract: In the field of policy analysis, choosing the optimal policy is a key activity. Policymakers are always under pressure to choose reasonable solutions to existing social problems. Currently, there are many approaches to ...

Factors affecting the formation of public opinion

Factors affecting the formation of public opinion

Abstract: Public opinion is a special social phenomenon belonging to the spiritual field of social life, reflecting and is regulated by social existence which is also the object of public opinion. However, the socio-demographic, ...

Perspectives of the world and Vietnam on network security

Perspectives of the world and Vietnam on network security

Abstract: Since its birth in the second half of the 20th century, the Internet has been developing strongly in recent decades, providing a variety of services to meet the diverse needs of individuals, families, organizations, and ...

External Journalism and the Challenges of the 4.0 Industrial Revolution

External Journalism and the Challenges of the 4.0 Industrial Revolution

Abstract: External journalism is being strongly influenced by the fourth technological revolution. A paradigm shift emerges in a manner that makes communicators change their awareness and ways of approaching the public with a new ...

Identifying problems of policy-cycle in practice (case study of History subject in High school curriculum 2018)

Identifying problems of policy-cycle in practice (case study of History subject in High school curriculum 2018)

The article mentions public opinions related to the role of History subject in the High school curriculum 2018 which is being implemented in the first year. Thereby, it reviews the supervision and communication work of the ...

The circular economy promotes sustainable economic development and environmental preservation

The circular economy promotes sustainable economic development and environmental preservation

Communist Review - In Vietnam, the linear model of economic growth is no longer suited for the needs of today's societies that are facing exhausting natural resources and environmental degradation. A circular economy to promote ...

Methods of educating political culture to university students today

Methods of educating political culture to university students today

Abstract: Political culture plays a critical role in the development of the political system and the politics of Vietnam. It is the mission of the Party and all people to educate political culture to develop politics, fulfill ...

Renewing the mindset of proactive and comprehensive international integration in Vietnam

Renewing the mindset of proactive and comprehensive international integration in Vietnam

Abstract: As part of their leadership in the innovation process, our Party and State have followed policies of opening the economy, transforming into a market economy and integrating into the global economy. Meanwhile, our Party has gradually expanded and perfected its awareness of the need for proactive, active, comprehensive, and extensive international integration in accordance with the country’s conditions and practical requirements. It contributes to boosting economic growth; ensuring security, sovereignty, territorial integrity and enhancing the country’s position internationally. This article focuses on clarifying Vietnam’s proactive innovative thinking and its active, thorough, extensive international integration from two perspectives: (1) renovating foreign policy thinking and (2) renovating international integration thinking.

Socialism construction reality 23:54 20-02-2024 1 năm trước

Some solutions for developing scientific and technological human resources to promote national industrialization and modernization

Abstract: Scientific and technological human resources play a significant role in promoting the country's industrialization and modernization. They drive robust application of science and technology, innovation, leading to breakthroughs in productivity, quality, efficiency, and competitiveness of the economy. The Party and State have shown special concern for building and developing scientific and technological human resources, aiming to meet the requirements of promoting the country's industrialization and modernization and international integration. The article clarifies the necessity of developing human resources in science and technology, assesses the current situation, proposes and implements practical solutions in a cohesive and consistent manner, contributing to achieving the goals of industrialization and modernization, aiming to make Vietnam a basically industrialized country by 2030 and a modern developed industrial country by 2045.

Socialism construction reality 15:54 05-02-2024 1 năm trước

Analyzing foreign policy in international relations research: a theoretical approach

Analyzing foreign policy in international relations research: a theoretical approach

Abstract: Foreign policy is a country's strategic political decision in international relations. Analyzing foreign policy is a frequent and crucial task. However, due to the specific nature of foreign policies, which are sometimes public and sometimes semi-public, they can be challenging to find, making the analysis of foreign policy complex. Additionally, the approaches used when researching foreign policy can be quite diverse, leading to different methods of analysis. This article provides some foreign policy analysis methods to enhance the options available for analyzing and researching foreign policy in practice.

Political theory 17:53 02-01-2024 1 năm trước

Personality and factors influencing the development of university students' personality nowadays

Personality and factors influencing the development of university students' personality nowadays

Abstract: Developing and nurturing the personality of university students is a core issue in the comprehensive reform of education and training. Personality plays a significant role in the development of each student and the Vietnamese society as a whole, especially in nurturing high-quality resources during the Fourth Industrial Revolution and to successfully implement the renovation campaign initiated and led by our Party. This article focuses on two main issues: personality and the process of personality development, and the factors influencing the development of students' personalities.

Education and training 17:56 02-01-2024 1 năm trước

Developing number of Party members among students in Vietnamese public universities

Developing number of Party members among students in Vietnamese public universities

Abstract: Developing party members among students in Vietnamese public universities contributes to rejuvenating the party's membership and enriching intellectual resources for the Party. The responsibility of the party committees in public universities is to excel in developing party members among students, ensuring an appropriate number and structure of members, and harnessing the strength of young party members to successfully lead universities in the context of higher education autonomy and international integration. The article discusses several concepts, with a focus on clarifying the principles, content, and methods for developing party members among students within the Party cells at public universities in our country today.

Socialism construction reality 09:26 17-12-2023 1 năm trước

Social policies regarding workers in Singapore and lessons for making policies for Vietnamese workers today

Abstract: Social policies are an essential part of public policy in Singapore and are considered an important tool to ensure sustainable and harmonious social development. Singapore's social policies cover various areas such as healthcare, education, public safety, and employment. This article focuses on the study of employment policies, housing, social insurance, health insurance, and unemployment insurance for workers in Singapore, drawing lessons for crafting policies for Vietnamese workers today.

Information - Documents 09:10 17-12-2023 1 năm trước

Traditional and modern family values pursued by young adults in the current context (A study of students in Hanoi)

Abstract: On analyzing survey data among 260 student participants related to their perspectives on marriage and family values, this article elucidates the traditional and modern family values that young people support and aspire to in the current context. The research results show that the desire to marry and start a family remains a prevalent trend among students. The majority of students choose to selectively embrace positive traditional values from Vietnamese families while tending to reject outdated values. Furthermore, the younger generation also adopts modern family values that align with the evolving characteristics and trends in society.

Scientific research 09:30 17-12-2023 1 năm trước

External Information activities for foreigners in Vietnam today

External Information activities for foreigners in Vietnam today

Abstract: External Information activities for foreigners in Vietnam are a significant part of Vietnam's general External Information efforts, aiming to provide foreigners in Vietnam with a positive perception, attitude, and behavior towards Vietnam. With their close proximity and access to the foreign target audience, External Information activities for foreigners in Vietnam play a crucial role in enhancing Vietnam's image in various aspects, elevating Vietnam's status on the international stage, attracting effective foreign investment, and receiving positive feedback from foreign tourists. This article elucidates the characteristics of key target groups, the methods and entities engaged in external information aimed at these target groups in today's reality.

Scientific research 08:52 17-12-2023 1 năm trước

Decoding Amartya Sen's notion of identity

Decoding Amartya Sen's notion of identity

Abstract: Amartya Sen (born in 1933) is an Indian philosopher and economist, currently a professor at Harvard University in the United States. His notion of "identity" is elaborated in the book "Identity and violence: The illusion of destiny”. Amartya Sen's ideas about identity and violence contribute to explaining past and present conflicts while offering insights for building a more inclusive, peaceful, and all-encompassing world.

Scientific research 12:39 29-11-2023 1 năm trước

Cybersecurity in electronic news agencies in Vietnam today

Cybersecurity in electronic news agencies in Vietnam today

Abstract: In the digital age, electronic news agencies face both opportunities and challenges, including the risk of cybersecurity threats. Ensuring cybersecurity in electronic news agencies involves protecting information and information systems against unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction to maintain the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of information. Cyber adversaries target news agencies, attempting to undermine their systems, steal data, manipulate content, or disrupt operations. Thus, ensuring cybersecurity is of utmost importance and needs to be implemented comprehensively and consistently.

Journalism-Communication 16:13 23-11-2023 1 năm trước

Role of the press in the fight against corruption and negativity in Vietnam today

Role of the press in the fight against corruption and negativity in Vietnam today

Abstract: In the fight against corruption and negativity, the press plays a special role. It contributes to detecting and fighting against cases, organizations and individuals who show signs of corruption and negativity. Also, it propagates and encourages the participation of the whole political system in the drastic struggle, mobilizing the strength of all people to participate in preventing and fighting against corruption and negativity. Analyzing and clarifying that role is of great significance, helping the Party, State, Fatherland Front, socio-political organizations and people have the right guidelines and measures in awareness and action. It will also strongly promote the system of press agencies, contributing to improving the effectiveness of the fight against corruption and negativity in our country today.

Journalism-Communication 05:43 12-09-2023 1 năm trước

Cost-benefit analysis in determining the optimal policy option

Cost-benefit analysis in determining the optimal policy option

Abstract: In the field of policy analysis, choosing the optimal policy is a key activity. Policymakers are always under pressure to choose reasonable solutions to existing social problems. Currently, there are many approaches to this activity, among which cost-benefit analysis is one of the prominent ones. Cost benefit analysis uses economic arguments to explain why one policy option is better than another. The article contributes to clarifying the contents related to the characteristics, roles, processes, advantages and disadvantages of this method in the field of policy analysis.

Political theory 16:55 27-08-2023 1 năm trước

Solutions to proactively prevent and respond to non-traditional security risks, focusing on ensuring network security and information security in the context of global transformation during 4.0 Industrial Revolution

Abstract: In the context of a fast-moving world under the influence of the 4.0 industrial revolution, non-traditional security issues have become destabilizing factors affecting national security, and also pose new challenges to regional and international peace and stability. United Nation statistics show non-traditional security is facing dozens of threats. In particular, there are issues that need special attention and effective solutions to proactively prevent and respond such as terrorism, drugs, hackers, environmental disasters, epidemics, human trafficking, illegal migration, especially violations of cyber sovereignty, cyber security, high-tech crime, etc. In this article, the solutions emphasized by the author include human resources, material resources, policies, especially technological solutions.

Journalism-Communication 14:31 10-02-2023 2 năm trước

Factors affecting the formation of public opinion

Factors affecting the formation of public opinion

Abstract: Public opinion is a special social phenomenon belonging to the spiritual field of social life, reflecting and is regulated by social existence which is also the object of public opinion. However, the socio-demographic, cultural, psychological characteristics of the subject of public opinion as well as the political, cultural, and socio-cultural environment where the public opinion takes place have a direct or indirect impact on the process of formation, development and change of public opinion. Therefore, the factors affecting the process of forming public opinion can be generalized into three groups: one belonging to the object of public opinion; one belonging to the subject of public opinion and the other belonging to the social environment.

Information - Documents 14:29 10-02-2023 2 năm trước

Perspectives of the world and Vietnam on network security

Perspectives of the world and Vietnam on network security

Abstract: Since its birth in the second half of the 20th century, the Internet has been developing strongly in recent decades, providing a variety of services to meet the diverse needs of individuals, families, organizations, and countries. With the increasing use of the Internet and related services, people are empowered with more rights, especially freedom of expression, to overcome geographical distances and promote the spread of information. However, the disproportionate development, the inadequacy in regulations and unequal order in cyberspace are increasingly evident, creating a widening gap among countries and regions. In addition, a great number of activities in cyberspace have left serious consequences on society, posing a dilemma of cybersecurity for countries and the international community.

Information - Documents 16:02 27-01-2023 2 năm trước
See also

Ho Chi Minh Ideology

“The Communist Party of Vietnam, since its birth (in 1930), has played a leading role in the national liberation movement in Vietnam and after the success of the August Revolution, became the ruling Party. President Ho Chi Minh is both the founder and the person who guides and trains the Party. Therefore, he paid due attention to the Party's leading and ruling methods so that the Party can fulfill ... “

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Tran Thi Minh Tuyet

Assoc. Prof. PhD, Academy of Journalism and Communication

“Abstract: Stemming from the role, position, and mission of leading class and nation of the Communist Party of Vietnam, pioneering is the first "attribute" of a genuine party member. The development requirements of our country's revolution today require the example and pioneering of each party member to become highly self-aware. In this article, on the basis of analyzing President Ho Chi Minh's ... “

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Mai Duc Ngoc

Assoc. Prof. PhD, Academy of Journalism and Communication