Identifying the influence of social media audience on the products of press agencies

Abstract: Social media audience is the target subjects that press agencies aim to impact, while they in turn engage in interactive feedback and participate in the creative process of press products. ...

Inheriting Ho Chi Minh's revolutionary journalism ideology, contributing to building the ethics and culture of the Party.

Abstract: President Ho Chi Minh laid the foundation for Vietnam's revolutionary journalism, considering it an essential part of the ...

Artificial Intelligence (AI) - Challenges in protecting the Party's ideological foundation in Vietnam today

Abstract: We are living in a world of unprecedented changes and impacts of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Recently, a series of research ...

Educating human rights at the Academy of Journalism and Communication: current situation and solutions

Abstract: Awareness of human rights plays a crucial role in enhancing societal awareness, thereby preventing and minimizing human rights ...

Controlling conflicts of interest in public service: some theoretical issues and implications for Vietnam

Controlling conflicts of interest in public service: some theoretical issues and implications for Vietnam

Abstract: A conflict of interest in public service activities occurs when personal interests of a public official negatively interfere with the discharge of his or her obligations and duties. Depending on each country, ...

Sampling in web-based survey research in the media sector

Sampling in web-based survey research in the media sector

Abstract: Web-based surveys are becoming more and more popular in the social sciences and media studies. The rapid adoption of this familiar research method on a new platform has challenged common knowledge in methodology and ...

Linguistic style of political science

Linguistic style of political science

Abstract: Political science has rapidly developed and significantly contributed to the cause of national building, protection and development. However, there have been no specialized works discussing linguistic style of political ...

History and research methods of mass media

History and research methods of mass media

Mass media impact is one of the areas that receive special attention frommedia researchers and social media managers. Most researchers agree on somecognitive aspects related to comprehension, distinguishing manifestations of ...

External Journalism and the Challenges of the 4.0 Industrial Revolution

External Journalism and the Challenges of the 4.0 Industrial Revolution

Abstract: External journalism is being strongly influenced by the fourth technological revolution. A paradigm shift emerges in a manner that makes communicators change their awareness and ways of approaching the public with a new messages, new channels, and perception of a new generation of audience. These challenges require the system of external journalism to actively innovate, especially in the field of journalists’ training.

Journalism-Communication 23:10 03-11-2022 2 năm trước

Identifying problems of policy-cycle in practice (case study of History subject in High school curriculum 2018)

The article mentions public opinions related to the role of History subject in the High school curriculum 2018 which is being implemented in the first year. Thereby, it reviews the supervision and communication work of the relevant agencies on the process of developing and promulgating the new High school curriculum. The article affirms the great impact of supervision and communication on the quality and vitality of policies. It puts forward some recommendations to ensure qualified and timely monitoring and communicating during stages of the policy cycle in general as well as the development and issuance of policies in particular.

Information - Documents 16:25 16-10-2022 2 năm trước

The circular economy promotes sustainable economic development and environmental preservation

The circular economy promotes sustainable economic development and environmental preservation

Communist Review - In Vietnam, the linear model of economic growth is no longer suited for the needs of today's societies that are facing exhausting natural resources and environmental degradation. A circular economy to promote sustainable development and preserve the environment emerged as an urgent need and an inevitable trend during the development process of societies. The 13th Party Congress oriented sustainable economic growth to balance economic and environmental benefits. In the new context, the successful implementation of circular economy approaches is vital and becomes the top priority in national development strategies.

Socialism construction reality 23:43 10-10-2022 2 năm trước

Methods of educating political culture to university students today

Methods of educating political culture to university students today

Abstract: Political culture plays a critical role in the development of the political system and the politics of Vietnam. It is the mission of the Party and all people to educate political culture to develop politics, fulfill the requirement of sustainable development, modernize the country, and empower people with all internal strength of the culture. University students possess knowledge, enthusiasm, and significant cognitive ability, which makes them the potential leading force of revolutions and a highly qualified working force in the future. Therefore, focusing on the methods of educating political culture to the students to enhance education quality nowadays is a topic with great significance in theory and practice.

Information - Documents 16:20 31-08-2022 2 năm trước

Controlling conflicts of interest in public service: some theoretical issues and implications for Vietnam

Abstract: A conflict of interest in public service activities occurs when personal interests of a public official negatively interfere with the discharge of his or her obligations and duties. Depending on each country, controlling conflicts of interest aims to manage some or all of the interests in public affairs, and consider the execution of public officials' tasks and obligations. The article enriches the theory of controlling conflicts of interest in public service activities and its significance to Vietnam today.

Information - Documents 16:14 31-08-2022 2 năm trước

Sampling in web-based survey research in the media sector

Sampling in web-based survey research in the media sector

Abstract: Web-based surveys are becoming more and more popular in the social sciences and media studies. The rapid adoption of this familiar research method on a new platform has challenged common knowledge in methodology and sampling. Within this cognitive framework, the article focuses on analyzing some issues related to sampling in web-based surveys in the field of media.

Journalism-Communication 16:32 31-08-2022 2 năm trước

Linguistic style of political science

Linguistic style of political science

Abstract: Political science has rapidly developed and significantly contributed to the cause of national building, protection and development. However, there have been no specialized works discussing linguistic style of political science, or the expressive form of political science works. The article introduces the linguistic features of scientific style in general and political science style in particular. By affirming the role of political science’s linguistic style, it is expected to help develop skills in using political science’s linguistic style accurately, appropriately and efficiently.

Political theory 00:34 19-08-2022 2 năm trước

History and research methods of mass media

History and research methods of mass media

Mass media impact is one of the areas that receive special attention frommedia researchers and social media managers. Most researchers agree on somecognitive aspects related to comprehension, distinguishing manifestations of mediainfluences, specific characteristics and relationships between messages and mediatransmissions such as independent variables in consideration of their effects onrecipients. However, issues regarding the extent, timing, methods, and reasons fordifferent levels of influence on parts of public have long been controversial amongmedia scholars. The article reviews some popular case studies and researchmethods in order to clarify this heated debate.

Journalism-Communication 00:29 19-08-2022 2 năm trước
See also

Ho Chi Minh Ideology

“The Communist Party of Vietnam, since its birth (in 1930), has played a leading role in the national liberation movement in Vietnam and after the success of the August Revolution, became the ruling Party. President Ho Chi Minh is both the founder and the person who guides and trains the Party. Therefore, he paid due attention to the Party's leading and ruling methods so that the Party can fulfill ... “

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Tran Thi Minh Tuyet

Assoc. Prof. PhD, Academy of Journalism and Communication

“Abstract: Stemming from the role, position, and mission of leading class and nation of the Communist Party of Vietnam, pioneering is the first "attribute" of a genuine party member. The development requirements of our country's revolution today require the example and pioneering of each party member to become highly self-aware. In this article, on the basis of analyzing President Ho Chi Minh's ... “

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Mai Duc Ngoc

Assoc. Prof. PhD, Academy of Journalism and Communication