The Press and Public Opinion Build People's Trust in the Fight against Corruption and Negativity in Vietnam Today

Abstract: In the fight against corruption and negativity, the press and public opinion play a special role. It contributes to detecting and fighting against corruption and negative effects; ...

Ho Chi Minh's wisdom on culture

Abstract: Ho Chi Minh's cultural philosophy is a system of scientific, revolutionary and theoretical viewpoints on culture and the ...

A look at the History and Application of Critical Theory

Abstract: Researchers who supported the idea of critical theory based their argument on the assumption that there is always a need for ...

Forecasting the negative impacts of the big data era on political and social issues

Abstract: Nowadays, big data strongly affects all aspects of social life. It profoundly changes the way humans exist daily and hourly. The ...

Energy transition in Vietnam: Opportunities and challenges in terms of employment

Energy transition in Vietnam: Opportunities and challenges in terms of employment

Abstract: Transition from fossil energy to renewable energy is believed to be a solution contributing positively to net zero emissions by 2050. Accordingly, job opportunities will be increased in industries, sectors and fields ...

Victory of the Paris Peace Accords had strategic significance in the 1975’s Spring Victory, liberating the South and unifying the country

Victory of the Paris Peace Accords had strategic significance in the 1975’s Spring Victory, liberating the South and unifying the country

Abstract: The Paris Conference was the first diplomatic confrontation between Vietnam and the United States, ending with the Paris Peace Accords which contributed to creating a very important turning point in our nation's ...

Raising awareness of Party organizations and members in building the Party in terms of morality in Vietnam today

Raising awareness of Party organizations and members in building the Party in terms of morality in Vietnam today

Abstract: In the current period, building the Party in terms of morality plays a particularly important role and has both theoretical and practical significance. This is one of the decisive factors in improving the Party's ...

Factors affecting the formation of public opinion

Factors affecting the formation of public opinion

Abstract: Public opinion is a special social phenomenon belonging to the spiritual field of social life, reflecting and is regulated by social existence which is also the object of public opinion. However, the socio-demographic, ...

Perspectives of the world and Vietnam on network security

Perspectives of the world and Vietnam on network security

Abstract: Since its birth in the second half of the 20th century, the Internet has been developing strongly in recent decades, providing a variety of services to meet the diverse needs of individuals, families, organizations, and ...

The Communist Party of Vietnam – A Decisive Factor in Vietnam’s Revolution Victories

The Communist Party of Vietnam – A Decisive Factor in Vietnam’s Revolution Victories

Abstract: On February 3, 1930, the Communist Party of Vietnam was born. Under the founding and training of leader Nguyễn Ái Quốc, later to become President Hồ Chí Minh, the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) has steered the ...

Russian October Revolution 1917 and the establishment of the Communist International

Russian October Revolution 1917 and the establishment of the Communist International

Abstract: Russian October Revolution of 1917 was the event of greatest international significance in the twentieth century, strongly influencing the world revolution, encouraging and promoting the self-liberation struggle of the ...

Building and rectifying morality in the Party based on Ho Chi Minh's thought, contributing to building Party-people close relationship

Building and rectifying morality in the Party based on Ho Chi Minh's thought, contributing to building Party-people close relationship

Abstract: Building a close relationship between the Party and the people based on Ho Chi Minh's thought is a principle clearly demonstrating the nature of the Communist Party which always struggles for the revolutionary cause of ...

External Journalism and the Challenges of the 4.0 Industrial Revolution

External Journalism and the Challenges of the 4.0 Industrial Revolution

Abstract: External journalism is being strongly influenced by the fourth technological revolution. A paradigm shift emerges in a manner that makes communicators change their awareness and ways of approaching the public with a new ...

Globalization and issues in the formation of Vietnamese spiritual value system

Globalization and issues in the formation of Vietnamese spiritual value system

Abstract: In the context of globalization, the spiritual value system of Vietnam has undergone a dramatic transformation in the interweavement of old and new, domestic and foreign, universal and special, popular and unique, ...

Upholding the goal of national independence and socialism based on Ho Chi Minh thought

Upholding the goal of national independence and socialism based on Ho Chi Minh thought

Abstract: Researching Ho Chi Minh's thought is aimed at creatively applying to new practical conditions. The current context is posing both advantages and challenges on the way to firmly build and protect the Socialist Vietnam ...

Developing human resources in Vietnam publishing industry in the current integration period

Developing human resources in Vietnam publishing industry in the current integration period

Abstract: The current international integration is making countries, including Vietnam, pay attention and focus on developing human resources, especially high-quality human resources to develop the country. Publishing is a ...

VI Lenin’s criticism on wrong and hostile views, defending and developing viewpoints of Marx and Engels on government and its significance

VI Lenin’s criticism on wrong and hostile views, defending and developing viewpoints of Marx and Engels on government and its significance

Abstract: At the beginning of the twentieth century, misrepresentation of Marxism became a common thing as opportunistic leaders and socialists - chauvinists made every attempt to oppose Marxism, especially the issues of state ...

Management of sustainable social development: content and evaluation criteria

Management of sustainable social development: content and evaluation criteria

Abstract: Management of sustainable development is an important issue for all countries. Having a dialectical relationship with maintaining social order and stability, it can minimize and prevent risks of social conflicts, ...

Party's leadership method via setting good examples of cadres and party members

Party's leadership method via setting good examples of cadres and party members

Abstract: The Party’s leadership methods are illustrated via 1) guidelines, viewpoints (through resolutions, conclusions, regulations etc.); 2) Party organizations within the apparatus of the political system; 3) exemplary ...

Promoting ethical values to arouse motivation to dedicate and desire to fulfill social responsibilities of Vietnamese entrepreneurs

Abstract: The article analyzes the importance of promoting the spirit of patriotism, national pride, and patriotism of entrepreneurs; strengthening their self-discipline, striving for success, sense of responsibility in doing business, noble ideology, spirit of mutual affection and love, aspirations to develop, individual responsibility, collective spirit, and the spirit of serving the people. On that basis, four solutions are proposed to arouse the motivation to dedicate and the desire to realize social responsibilities of Vietnamese entrepreneurs.

Information - Documents 21:44 31-03-2023 1 năm trước

Controlling conflicts of interest in some European countries and suggestions for Vietnam

Controlling conflicts of interest in some European countries and suggestions for Vietnam

Abstract: Conflicts of interest in performing official duties harms public interests. Maintaining and promoting the realization of public interests is the duty and responsibility of the state. Therefore, countries around the world have been implementing laws on public service control to ensure the existence of the state. However, controlling conflicts of interest will vary from country to country. This article is aimed at studying conflict control in some European countries and giving some suggestions for Vietnam about this issue.

Information - Documents 21:46 31-03-2023 1 năm trước

Models of University Councils in the world and difficulties when applying in Vietnam

Models of University Councils in the world and difficulties when applying in Vietnam

Abstract: Vietnam's higher education has been deeply integrating to better adapt to the rapid changes of the times. In that context, the policy of university autonomy issued by the Party and State is considered a top priority, in line with the development of the global education system. However, while the University Council is very popular in Western countries, the application of this model in Vietnam still faces many difficulties despite having specific regulations in the law. This article is aimed at identifying models of University Councils in some countries and pointing out the difficulties for universities in Vietnam when implementing this new governance model.

Education and training 14:45 05-03-2023 1 năm trước

Role of the State in ensuring gender equality in ethnic minority areas in Vietnam

Role of the State in ensuring gender equality in ethnic minority areas in Vietnam

Abstract: Taking advantage of ethnic and religious issues to oppose the Communist Party of Vietnam and the State of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a conspiracy of hostile forces. Article 26 of the 2013 Constitution affirms that male and female citizens are equal in all aspects. The State has policies to ensure gender equality rights and opportunities. The State, society and family create conditions for women to develop comprehensively and promote their roles in society; prohibiting gender discrimination. Over the past time, the implementation of gender equality across the country in general and ethnic minority areas in particular has achieved outstanding achievements. The State's success in ensuring gender equality in ethnic minority areas is undeniable.

Political theory 14:49 05-03-2023 1 năm trước

Energy transition in Vietnam: Opportunities and challenges in terms of employment

Energy transition in Vietnam: Opportunities and challenges in terms of employment

Abstract: Transition from fossil energy to renewable energy is believed to be a solution contributing positively to net zero emissions by 2050. Accordingly, job opportunities will be increased in industries, sectors and fields related to renewable energy, but there are also challenges in creating equity for the workforce which is currently active in the fossil energy sector.

Information - Documents 10:36 21-02-2023 1 năm trước

Victory of the Paris Peace Accords had strategic significance in the 1975’s Spring Victory, liberating the South and unifying the country

Abstract: The Paris Conference was the first diplomatic confrontation between Vietnam and the United States, ending with the Paris Peace Accords which contributed to creating a very important turning point in our nation's resistance war, forcing the US to de-escalate the war to end the war and their intervention in Vietnam. The fact that the US was forced to "get out" from the South opened a favorable political situation and battlefield for our troops and people to "fight against Saigon’s puppet government", bringing about the historic Ho Chi Minh campaign in spring 1975, completely liberating the South and reunifying the country.

Information - Documents 10:34 21-02-2023 1 năm trước

Raising awareness of Party organizations and members in building the Party in terms of morality in Vietnam today

Abstract: In the current period, building the Party in terms of morality plays a particularly important role and has both theoretical and practical significance. This is one of the decisive factors in improving the Party's leadership capacity and fighting capacity so that the Party is truly pure, strong and worthy of the people's trust. However, looking at the current situation, we must seriously admit that some party cadres and party organizations still reveal limitations and weaknesses. The article points out the degradation of ideology, morality and lifestyle, thereby suggesting some basic methods to raise awareness of party organizations and members in building the party in terms of morality in Vietnam today.

Political theory 14:24 10-02-2023 1 năm trước

Factors affecting the formation of public opinion

Factors affecting the formation of public opinion

Abstract: Public opinion is a special social phenomenon belonging to the spiritual field of social life, reflecting and is regulated by social existence which is also the object of public opinion. However, the socio-demographic, cultural, psychological characteristics of the subject of public opinion as well as the political, cultural, and socio-cultural environment where the public opinion takes place have a direct or indirect impact on the process of formation, development and change of public opinion. Therefore, the factors affecting the process of forming public opinion can be generalized into three groups: one belonging to the object of public opinion; one belonging to the subject of public opinion and the other belonging to the social environment.

Information - Documents 14:29 10-02-2023 1 năm trước

Perspectives of the world and Vietnam on network security

Perspectives of the world and Vietnam on network security

Abstract: Since its birth in the second half of the 20th century, the Internet has been developing strongly in recent decades, providing a variety of services to meet the diverse needs of individuals, families, organizations, and countries. With the increasing use of the Internet and related services, people are empowered with more rights, especially freedom of expression, to overcome geographical distances and promote the spread of information. However, the disproportionate development, the inadequacy in regulations and unequal order in cyberspace are increasingly evident, creating a widening gap among countries and regions. In addition, a great number of activities in cyberspace have left serious consequences on society, posing a dilemma of cybersecurity for countries and the international community.

Information - Documents 16:02 27-01-2023 1 năm trước

The Communist Party of Vietnam – A Decisive Factor in Vietnam’s Revolution Victories

The Communist Party of Vietnam – A Decisive Factor in Vietnam’s Revolution Victories

Abstract: On February 3, 1930, the Communist Party of Vietnam was born. Under the founding and training of leader Nguyễn Ái Quốc, later to become President Hồ Chí Minh, the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) has steered the Vietnamese revolutionary boat to overcome harsh challenges and as a result won great victories. From a country colonized by French colonial empire, Vietnam became a unified, independent country built and developed towards socialism. From people who lost country and suffered from slavery under both colonial and feudal oppression, the Vietnamese people became the master of their country with their lives comprehensively improved. From a country with more than 4,000 years of history but no name on the world map, Vietnam has increasingly enhanced its position and prestige in the international arena and integrated deeply into the modern world. All these great achievements are inseparable from the CPV’s leadership role as a decisive factor which is expressed as follows: paving the way for the Vietnamese revolution; creatively applying Marxism-Leninism to set the right and wise path for the Vietnamese revolution; and organizing the successful implementation of the Vietnamese revolution’s tasks.

Political theory 05:24 19-12-2022 1 năm trước

Russian October Revolution 1917 and the establishment of the Communist International

Russian October Revolution 1917 and the establishment of the Communist International

Abstract: Russian October Revolution of 1917 was the event of greatest international significance in the twentieth century, strongly influencing the world revolution, encouraging and promoting the self-liberation struggle of the working class, the oppressed peoples and the progressive humanity. For the international communist and workers' movements, the victory of the Russian October Revolution created a trend of combining Marxism with the workers' movement, establishing proletarian political parties in Asia. Therefore, the Russian October Revolution played an important role in preparing conditions, both in theory and organization, for the rallying of proletarian revolutionary forces on a worldwide scale.

Political theory 22:51 30-11-2022 1 năm trước

Building and rectifying morality in the Party based on Ho Chi Minh's thought, contributing to building Party-people close relationship

Abstract: Building a close relationship between the Party and the people based on Ho Chi Minh's thought is a principle clearly demonstrating the nature of the Communist Party which always struggles for the revolutionary cause of the Communist Party of Vietnam, the working class and fight for the interests of the entire working people and the whole nation. The Party-people close relationship is the source of strength and also an important building content of a Marxist Party. In order to further strengthen this relationship, it is necessary to pay more attention to Party building and rectification, especially in terms of morality.

Political theory 22:49 30-11-2022 1 năm trước

External Journalism and the Challenges of the 4.0 Industrial Revolution

External Journalism and the Challenges of the 4.0 Industrial Revolution

Abstract: External journalism is being strongly influenced by the fourth technological revolution. A paradigm shift emerges in a manner that makes communicators change their awareness and ways of approaching the public with a new messages, new channels, and perception of a new generation of audience. These challenges require the system of external journalism to actively innovate, especially in the field of journalists’ training.

Journalism-Communication 23:10 03-11-2022 1 năm trước

Globalization and issues in the formation of Vietnamese spiritual value system

Globalization and issues in the formation of Vietnamese spiritual value system

Abstract: In the context of globalization, the spiritual value system of Vietnam has undergone a dramatic transformation in the interweavement of old and new, domestic and foreign, universal and special, popular and unique, existing and thriving values. In addition to the opportunities, globalization poses challenges for selecting and constructing the system of spiritual values for Vietnam. The author discusses the solutions for these challenges such as positioning the value system of Vietnam in the current context; forecasting the changes in spiritual phenomena under the influence of globalization; promptly and actively construct the value system by inheriting and modernizing the traditional table of values, integrating international values, which are suitable for the development of the country.

Socialism construction reality 23:16 29-10-2022 1 năm trước

Upholding the goal of national independence and socialism based on Ho Chi Minh thought

Upholding the goal of national independence and socialism based on Ho Chi Minh thought

Abstract: Researching Ho Chi Minh's thought is aimed at creatively applying to new practical conditions. The current context is posing both advantages and challenges on the way to firmly build and protect the Socialist Vietnam Fatherland. The article focuses on clarifying the domestic and international context affecting the goal of national independence and socialism in our country today. On that basis, it proposes to build conditions to maintain national independence and socialism as instructed by Ho Chi Minh.

Political theory 16:28 16-10-2022 1 năm trước
See also

Ho Chi Minh Ideology

“Abstract: Stemming from the role, position, and mission of leading class and nation of the Communist Party of Vietnam, pioneering is the first "attribute" of a genuine party member. The development requirements of our country's revolution today require the example and pioneering of each party member to become highly self-aware. In this article, on the basis of analyzing President Ho Chi Minh's ... “

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Mai Duc Ngoc

Assoc. Prof. PhD, Academy of Journalism and Communication

“Abstract: President Ho Chi Minh practiced the complete transition of Vietnamese patriotism from tradition to modernity - patriotism based on the viewpoint of the working class - patriotism connected with socialism. Patriotism in the socialist revolutionary epoch completely inherits and develops the contents of traditional patriotism to a new higher degree in terms of quality. Among these ... “

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Tran Hai Minh

Assoc. Prof. PhD, Academy of Journalism and Communication