History of Kazakh journalism

Abstract: In ancient times, under the conditions of nomadic society in Kazakhstan, journalism existed in primitive forms. Word-of-mouth became a means of accumulating, processing, presenting and ...

Promoting social supervision and criticism of the Press in the current context.

Abstract: The Youth newspaper, the mouthpiece of the Vietnamese Revolutionary Youth League founded by Nguyen Ai Quoc, published its first ...

History and research methods of mass media

Mass media impact is one of the areas that receive special attention frommedia researchers and social media managers. Most researchers ...

History of Kazakh journalism

History of Kazakh journalism

Abstract: In ancient times, under the conditions of nomadic society in Kazakhstan, journalism existed in primitive forms. Word-of-mouth became a means of accumulating, processing, presenting and disseminating information in the Kazakh steppes. The nomadic poets did this quite professionally. They were called "akyns" and "zhyrau" who were poets, musicians and collectors of legends and songs, moving from village to village, and spontaneously retelling the news. In Kazakhstan, this was called “uzun-kulak” – “long ears”, which was the archetype of today’s “information services”.

Journalism-Communication 23:00 17-04-2023 1 năm trước

Promoting social supervision and criticism of the Press in the current context.

Promoting social supervision and criticism of the Press in the current context.

Abstract: The Youth newspaper, the mouthpiece of the Vietnamese Revolutionary Youth League founded by Nguyen Ai Quoc, published its first issue 97 years ago (on June 21, 1925), marking its birth and development of the Vietnamese revolutionary press. Since then, under the Party's leadership, the Vietnamese revolutionary press has always promoted its pivotal role, pioneering at the ideological - cultural front, making great contributions to the cause of national construction and development. One of the noble missions of the press is social supervision and criticism, contributing to the fight against negative phenomena, toxic and hostile information and building a more civilized and modern society.

Journalism-Communication 17:27 28-08-2022 2 năm trước

History and research methods of mass media

History and research methods of mass media

Mass media impact is one of the areas that receive special attention frommedia researchers and social media managers. Most researchers agree on somecognitive aspects related to comprehension, distinguishing manifestations of mediainfluences, specific characteristics and relationships between messages and mediatransmissions such as independent variables in consideration of their effects onrecipients. However, issues regarding the extent, timing, methods, and reasons fordifferent levels of influence on parts of public have long been controversial amongmedia scholars. The article reviews some popular case studies and researchmethods in order to clarify this heated debate.

Journalism-Communication 00:29 19-08-2022 2 năm trước

Ho Chi Minh Ideology

“Abstract: Democratic leadership is a subject of interest for many people from various angles. However, researchers often focus on the external forms and do not delve into the intrinsic nature and the comprehensive principles that connect the content and form. They also have not pointed out the objective relationships and development of these aspects. This paper clarifies the current situation and ... “

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Nguyen Huu Dong

PhD, Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics

“Abstract: Stemming from the role, position, and mission of leading class and nation of the Communist Party of Vietnam, pioneering is the first "attribute" of a genuine party member. The development requirements of our country's revolution today require the example and pioneering of each party member to become highly self-aware. In this article, on the basis of analyzing President Ho Chi Minh's ... “

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Mai Duc Ngoc

Assoc. Prof. PhD, Academy of Journalism and Communication