Tuesday, 18:47 18-05-2021

Protecting Cultural Security in Cyberspace in the Perspective of Journalism

Press and the public Tuesday, 18:47 18-05-2021

The rapid development of science and technology is increasingly important to the development of each country. However, this development threatens the cultural identity, which need to be protected and preserved. Several big countries, who have the intention of cultural domination, have tried to promote their cultural values, language, customs to all over the world through modern media and gradually transform the consumption habits and lifestyle of different nations in the world. The beauty of traditional culture and customs of many countries, including Vietnam is tainted because of several negative factors injected by different means of communication. One of  those is the toxic culture, which is disseminated and popularized in the cyberspace.

Source: Journal of Political Theory and Communications, no 3 (2020).

Pham Thi Thanh Tinh

Assoc. Prof., PhD, Academy of Journalism and Communication