The Press and Public Opinion build Build People's Trust in the fight Fight against Corruption and Negativity in Vietnam Today

Abstract: In the fight against corruption and negativity, the press and public opinion play a special role. It contributes to detecting and fighting against corruption and negative effects; ...

The Press and Public Opinion Build People's Trust in the Fight against Corruption and Negativity in Vietnam Today

Abstract: In the fight against corruption and negativity, the press and public opinion play a special role. It contributes to detecting and ...

A look at the History and Application of Critical Theory

Abstract: Researchers who supported the idea of critical theory based their argument on the assumption that there is always a need for ...

Fundamental theoretical concepts related to brand building and online brand management

Abstract: Social media is an integral part of people’s lives, particularly among the young generation. When social media expands, it ...

Factors that create cultural values and ethical standards in the Party press agencies

Factors that create cultural values and ethical standards in the Party press agencies

Abstract: Culture, which is a material and spiritual value created by nature, society and humans, is recognized, preserved and promoted by humans. Ethics are the norms set by people to regulate the activities among individuals or ...

Promoting national brands via culture: case study of Japan diplomacy

Promoting national brands via culture: case study of Japan diplomacy

Abstract: Japan is a country in the Asia-Pacific region, with the national brand index always in the leading positions on country brand ranking such as Country Brand Index, Nation Brands Index... for many years. Japanese culture ...

Digital transformation and solutions for digital journalism transformation in Vietnam: a perspective from human resources

Digital transformation and solutions for digital journalism transformation in Vietnam: a perspective from human resources

Abstract: Up to now, the world press has entered the third stage of digital transformation, with the application of Open AI and ChatGPT tools to content production and creation. Digital transformation is leading journalism to ...

AI technology affects journalism training in the current period

AI technology affects journalism training in the current period

Abstract: Artificial intelligence (AI) technology is one of the most important trends of the 21st century, putting impacts on many different areas of society, including journalism. AI has brought excessive benefits for the ...

Arisen issues in innovating political communication on social networks in Vietnam

Arisen issues in innovating political communication on social networks in Vietnam

Abstract: Nowadays, there are lots of urgent problems that need to be solved related to the requirement of innovating political communication on social networks in Vietnam. The key issues involve leadership, direction and ...

Personalized political communication in the age of big data

Personalized political communication in the age of big data

Abstract: The digital age with breakthroughs in data collection has rapidly created big data, allowing media subjects to easily identify the public. This is the basis for personalizing the audience receiving media information. ...

What are The Positive and Negative Impacts of Artificial Intelligence on Journalism?

What are The Positive and Negative Impacts of Artificial Intelligence on Journalism?

Abstract: Recently, the media panorama has gone through fast and unheard-of transformations, because of the tremendous improvement in Information and communication technologies (ICTs). In the context of the so-called Fourth ...

Orientations to develop constructivist journalism

Orientations to develop constructivist journalism

Abstract: Information and Communication Magazine (Ministry of Information and Communications) organized a scientific - practical seminar on Constructive Journalism on December 25, 2022. A number of suggestions were proposed, ...

The Importance of Economic Policy Communication in Vietnam Press Nowadays

The Importance of Economic Policy Communication in Vietnam Press Nowadays

Abstract: Policy communication is an important task and function of the government at all levels. Economic policies play an extremely important role in the development and prosperity of the country. But policy communication in ...

History of Kazakh journalism

History of Kazakh journalism

Abstract: In ancient times, under the conditions of nomadic society in Kazakhstan, journalism existed in primitive forms. Word-of-mouth became a means of accumulating, processing, presenting and disseminating information in the ...

Podcast: symbol for power of modern radio

Podcast: symbol for power of modern radio

Abstract: The media industry has been witnessing the explosive growth of podcasts in recent years. It can be said that podcasts have become a symbol for the power of modern radio when they work very effectively and become ...

Factors affecting contents of press - media in the context of globalization

Factors affecting contents of press - media in the context of globalization

Abstract: The press and media play the central role in the context of globalization. The information in the press and media becomes important to all areas of life. Research on journalism, global communication in social and ...

External Journalism and the Challenges of the 4.0 Industrial Revolution

External Journalism and the Challenges of the 4.0 Industrial Revolution

Abstract: External journalism is being strongly influenced by the fourth technological revolution. A paradigm shift emerges in a manner that makes communicators change their awareness and ways of approaching the public with a new ...

Developing human resources in Vietnam publishing industry in the current integration period

Developing human resources in Vietnam publishing industry in the current integration period

Abstract: The current international integration is making countries, including Vietnam, pay attention and focus on developing human resources, especially high-quality human resources to develop the country. Publishing is a ...

Role of the press in the fight against corruption and negativity in Vietnam today

Role of the press in the fight against corruption and negativity in Vietnam today

Abstract: In the fight against corruption and negativity, the press plays a special role. It contributes to detecting and fighting against cases, organizations and individuals who show signs of corruption and negativity. Also, it propagates and encourages the participation of the whole political system in the drastic struggle, mobilizing the strength of all people to participate in preventing and fighting against corruption and negativity. Analyzing and clarifying that role is of great significance, helping the Party, State, Fatherland Front, socio-political organizations and people have the right guidelines and measures in awareness and action. It will also strongly promote the system of press agencies, contributing to improving the effectiveness of the fight against corruption and negativity in our country today.

Journalism-Communication 05:43 12-09-2023 10 tháng trước

Radio and Peace

Radio and Peace

Abstract: The Charter of the United Nations states: “…Since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defense of peace must be constructed”(1). In 2023, in the context of global instability and armed conflicts, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) selected the message for World Radio Day as "Radio and Peace". Radio and Peace" aims to highlight the role radio plays in promoting peace and security, reducing conflict, and promoting reconciliation and tolerance among people.

Journalism-Communication 05:47 12-09-2023 10 tháng trước

Artificial intelligence and digital journalism

Artificial intelligence and digital journalism

Abstract: Artificial Intelligence (AI), along with new digital technologies such as blockchain, ... is an indispensable tool of the digital content industry. It is also a big challenge in creating content and managing the editorial office, especially in the current digital newsrooms.

Journalism-Communication 05:57 12-09-2023 10 tháng trước

Role of press and public opinion in building people’s trust in the fight against corruption and negativity in Vietnam today

Abstract: In the fight against corruption and negativity, the press and public opinion play a special role. It contributes to detecting and fighting against corruption and negativity; reflecting, advising, proposing and recommending to handle and supervise the implementation of functional agencies. It also propagates, encourages and mobilizes the strength of all people to participate in the fight against corruption, thereby building people's faith in the Party's leadership and the regime’s superiority. The article focuses on clarifying the relationship and role of the press and public opinion in building people's trust as well as proposes solutions to promote this role in the current anti-corruption activities of our country.

Journalism-Communication 05:59 12-09-2023 10 tháng trước

Factors that create cultural values and ethical standards in the Party press agencies

Factors that create cultural values and ethical standards in the Party press agencies

Abstract: Culture, which is a material and spiritual value created by nature, society and humans, is recognized, preserved and promoted by humans. Ethics are the norms set by people to regulate the activities among individuals or between individuals and social communities. Party press agencies refer to the press agencies of the Communist Party of Vietnam at the central and local levels. Culture and ethics in the Party press agencies are the values and standards created to become the driving force and adjustment of performance for journalists to create works and products with highly communicative effectiveness. In this paper, the author discusses the factors that create cultural values and ethical standards in the Party press agencies so that the press is really the voice of the Party and State as well as a democratic and public forum for masses of people.

Journalism-Communication 05:56 12-09-2023 10 tháng trước

Promoting national brands via culture: case study of Japan diplomacy

Promoting national brands via culture: case study of Japan diplomacy

Abstract: Japan is a country in the Asia-Pacific region, with the national brand index always in the leading positions on country brand ranking such as Country Brand Index, Nation Brands Index... for many years. Japanese culture is also rated as one of the most influential ones in the world. These achievements result from the activities of promoting the national brand, especially the role of one of the typical actors such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The article focuses on clarifying the characteristics of the activities of promoting national brand image through culture carried out by the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs inrecent years.

Information - Documents 05:52 12-09-2023 10 tháng trước

Digital transformation and solutions for digital journalism transformation in Vietnam: a perspective from human resources

Abstract: Up to now, the world press has entered the third stage of digital transformation, with the application of Open AI and ChatGPT tools to content production and creation. Digital transformation is leading journalism to explore super-massive potentials based on advanced technology and endless human creativity. But in Vietnam, many press agencies are still struggling with digital transformation due to the lack of funding, infrastructure, and technological equipment, especially the lack of tech-savvy human resources and creative capacity etc. It requires support from the State, governing agencies, press agencies and training institutions.

Journalism-Communication 05:46 12-09-2023 10 tháng trước

AI technology affects journalism training in the current period

AI technology affects journalism training in the current period

Abstract: Artificial intelligence (AI) technology is one of the most important trends of the 21st century, putting impacts on many different areas of society, including journalism. AI has brought excessive benefits for the journalism industry such as increasing efficiency, saving costs, enriching contents etc. However, AI also poses challenges and risks for the industry. In this context, the role of journalism training institutions is very important in training new skills for reporters. They not only write and transmit information to the public, but also control and monitor the AI to ensure the authenticity and transparency of the information. However, to do this, reporters need new skills and knowledge, so the training institutions need to update the content and training programs. This article analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of AI tools in journalism in general and the working process of reporters in particular, thereby suggesting proposals to train staff in the field of journalism in the current period.

Journalism-Communication 17:01 27-08-2023 11 tháng trước

Arisen issues in innovating political communication on social networks in Vietnam

Arisen issues in innovating political communication on social networks in Vietnam

Abstract: Nowadays, there are lots of urgent problems that need to be solved related to the requirement of innovating political communication on social networks in Vietnam. The key issues involve leadership, direction and management activities; human resources; contents and methods of communication; guidelines, policies and solutions to develop the domestic social network ecosystem; scale and nature of the participation of cadres, party members and people of all classes who are both subjects and objects of this process.

Journalism-Communication 10:29 03-07-2023 1 năm trước

Personalized political communication in the age of big data

Personalized political communication in the age of big data

Abstract: The digital age with breakthroughs in data collection has rapidly created big data, allowing media subjects to easily identify the public. This is the basis for personalizing the audience receiving media information. The digital age has not only created the foundation but also posed an indispensable requirement for political communication in Vietnam to develop in the direction of personalization. The article initially identifies the trend of personalized political communication based on big data. The author examines a number of successful personalization-oriented political communication campaigns in Vietnam recently and thereby presents some issues in Vietnam.

Journalism-Communication 10:03 03-07-2023 1 năm trước

What are The Positive and Negative Impacts of Artificial Intelligence on Journalism?

What are The Positive and Negative Impacts of Artificial Intelligence on Journalism?

Abstract: Recently, the media panorama has gone through fast and unheard-of transformations, because of the tremendous improvement in Information and communication technologies (ICTs). In the context of the so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution, every aspect of social life has been rapidly technologically changed, and journalism is no exception.

Journalism-Communication 10:52 03-07-2023 1 năm trước

Orientations to develop constructivist journalism

Orientations to develop constructivist journalism

Abstract: Information and Communication Magazine (Ministry of Information and Communications) organized a scientific - practical seminar on Constructive Journalism on December 25, 2022. A number of suggestions were proposed, helping to orient awareness, attitudes and professional behavior towards building constructive journalism. This article raises a few issues about constructivist journalism, contributing to the orientation of awareness, attitude and behavior so that we can join hands to continue innovating journalism in the direction of constructivist journalism in order to continuously improve the capacity of the media, impact and effectiveness of the press on social life.

Journalism-Communication 12:01 13-06-2023 1 năm trước

The Importance of Economic Policy Communication in Vietnam Press Nowadays

The Importance of Economic Policy Communication in Vietnam Press Nowadays

Abstract: Policy communication is an important task and function of the government at all levels. Economic policies play an extremely important role in the development and prosperity of the country. But policy communication in the Vietnamese press still has some limitations. In many cases, policy communication is still one-way. In recent years, policy makers and press agencies have cooperated in policy communication process, however, in some government ministries, policy communication activities have been neglected. Through mass communication channels with different characteristics and functions, the Government's policies will be widely spread to everyone in the society. Economic policies of the Party and Government are communicated to the people through mass media channels, so communicating policies to the public is the essential task of press agencies in Vietnam.

Journalism-Communication 20:19 10-05-2023 1 năm trước

History of Kazakh journalism

History of Kazakh journalism

Abstract: In ancient times, under the conditions of nomadic society in Kazakhstan, journalism existed in primitive forms. Word-of-mouth became a means of accumulating, processing, presenting and disseminating information in the Kazakh steppes. The nomadic poets did this quite professionally. They were called "akyns" and "zhyrau" who were poets, musicians and collectors of legends and songs, moving from village to village, and spontaneously retelling the news. In Kazakhstan, this was called “uzun-kulak” – “long ears”, which was the archetype of today’s “information services”.

Journalism-Communication 23:00 17-04-2023 1 năm trước

Podcast: symbol for power of modern radio

Podcast: symbol for power of modern radio

Abstract: The media industry has been witnessing the explosive growth of podcasts in recent years. It can be said that podcasts have become a symbol for the power of modern radio when they work very effectively and become extremely popular with the public in many countries around the world, gaining admirable economic achievements. With the application of modern science and technology in production and transmission methods, podcasts have brought great experiences to the public, promising a brilliant and shiny future.

Journalism-Communication 21:49 31-03-2023 1 năm trước
See also

Ho Chi Minh Ideology

“Abstract: Stemming from the role, position, and mission of leading class and nation of the Communist Party of Vietnam, pioneering is the first "attribute" of a genuine party member. The development requirements of our country's revolution today require the example and pioneering of each party member to become highly self-aware. In this article, on the basis of analyzing President Ho Chi Minh's ... “

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Mai Duc Ngoc

Assoc. Prof. PhD, Academy of Journalism and Communication

“Abstract: President Ho Chi Minh practiced the complete transition of Vietnamese patriotism from tradition to modernity - patriotism based on the viewpoint of the working class - patriotism connected with socialism. Patriotism in the socialist revolutionary epoch completely inherits and develops the contents of traditional patriotism to a new higher degree in terms of quality. Among these ... “

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Tran Hai Minh

Assoc. Prof. PhD, Academy of Journalism and Communication