Solutions to Proactively Prevent and Respond to Non-traditional Security Risks, Focusing on Ensuring Cybersecurity and Information Security in the Context of a Fast-moving World under the Impact of the Fourth Industrial Revolution

In the context of a fast-moving world under the influence of the 4.0 Industrial Revolution, non-traditional security issues have become destabilizing factors affecting national security, and also ...

Semiotic Applications on TV Images

This article focuses on cultural representation and intercultural communications and looks at how they work in action, using the idea of ...

Role of the Press in the Fight against Corruption and Negativity in Vietnam Today

In the fight against corruption and negativity, the press plays a special role. It contributes to detecting and fighting against cases, ...

Role of Journalists in Fighting against Fake News on Social Networks in Vietnam

Press is a channel that plays a key role in orienting public opinion, refuting and preventing the flows of false information, particularly ...

Podcast: symbol for power of modern radio

Podcast: symbol for power of modern radio

Abstract: The media industry has been witnessing the explosive growth of podcasts in recent years. It can be said that podcasts have become a symbol for the power of modern radio when they work very effectively and become ...

Factors affecting contents of press - media in the context of globalization

Factors affecting contents of press - media in the context of globalization

Abstract: The press and media play the central role in the context of globalization. The information in the press and media becomes important to all areas of life. Research on journalism, global communication in social and ...

External Journalism and the Challenges of the 4.0 Industrial Revolution

External Journalism and the Challenges of the 4.0 Industrial Revolution

Abstract: External journalism is being strongly influenced by the fourth technological revolution. A paradigm shift emerges in a manner that makes communicators change their awareness and ways of approaching the public with a new ...

Developing human resources in Vietnam publishing industry in the current integration period

Developing human resources in Vietnam publishing industry in the current integration period

Abstract: The current international integration is making countries, including Vietnam, pay attention and focus on developing human resources, especially high-quality human resources to develop the country. Publishing is a ...

Role and mission of revolutionary press in defending the Party’s ideological foundation, fighting against wrong and hostile views

Role and mission of revolutionary press in defending the Party’s ideological foundation, fighting against wrong and hostile views

Abstract: The article discusses the issue of promoting the role and mission of Vietnamese revolutionary press in protecting the Party’s ideological foundation, fighting against wrong and hostile views. The author affirms that the ...

Using social media in political communication in Vietnam today

Using social media in political communication in Vietnam today

Abstract: The 13th Party Congress proposed "Innovating the contents and methods of communication and mobilization; effectively using mass media and social networks in a practical direction; strengthening national consensus and ...

External information activities in Vietnam’s main online newspapers of foreign affairs today

External information activities in Vietnam’s main online newspapers of foreign affairs today

Abstract: Even though the pandemic has been complicatedly developing in the country since 2020, online newspapers such as VietnamPlus and The gioi & Viet Nam have accomplished their political mission. They have disseminated ...

Sampling in web-based survey research in the media sector

Sampling in web-based survey research in the media sector

Abstract: Web-based surveys are becoming more and more popular in the social sciences and media studies. The rapid adoption of this familiar research method on a new platform has challenged common knowledge in methodology and ...

Promoting social supervision and criticism of the Press in the current context.

Promoting social supervision and criticism of the Press in the current context.

Abstract: The Youth newspaper, the mouthpiece of the Vietnamese Revolutionary Youth League founded by Nguyen Ai Quoc, published its first issue 97 years ago (on June 21, 1925), marking its birth and development of the Vietnamese ...

Solutions to improve the quality of electronic Journal of Political Theory and Communication in current period

Solutions to improve the quality of electronic Journal of Political Theory and Communication in current period

Abstract: Integrating into the development trend of online newspapers in the digital era, after more than a year in operation, the electronic Journal of Political Theory and Communication has brought into play its strength and ...

Promoting the role of journalists in social criticism

Promoting the role of journalists in social criticism

Abstract: Social criticism of the press refers to the situation when journalists and press organizations offer thoughts or suggestions to improve and get rid of flaws, sluggishness, or stagnation about a policy or regulation ...

Identifying fake news, its spreading mechanisms and some solutions to minimize its harmful effects

Identifying fake news, its spreading mechanisms and some solutions to minimize its harmful effects

Abstract: Social networking sites have easily become places where sharing and spreading news are at a faster rate than any other platforms, despite efforts to control from governments, international organizations, and technology ...

Innovating journalism training in the context of digital transformation in Vietnam today.

Innovating journalism training in the context of digital transformation in Vietnam today.

Abstract: Vietnam has numerous policies on press development, especially on the issue of strategy formulation, development planning, and management of the press system. Investment has been focused on the fields of training and ...

Application of artificial intelligence in journalism: reality and solutions.

Application of artificial intelligence in journalism: reality and solutions.

Abstract: Applying artificial intelligence (AI) in the field of journalism assists journalists to automate certain steps in the process and creating some contents. However, to make a bigger impact on the public, journalistic ...

What are The Positive and Negative Impacts of Artificial Intelligence on Journalism?

What are The Positive and Negative Impacts of Artificial Intelligence on Journalism?

Abstract: Recently, the media panorama has gone through fast and unheard-of transformations, because of the tremendous improvement in Information and communication technologies (ICTs). In the context of the so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution, every aspect of social life has been rapidly technologically changed, and journalism is no exception.

Journalism-Communication 10:52 03-07-2023 1 năm trước

Orientations to develop constructivist journalism

Orientations to develop constructivist journalism

Abstract: Information and Communication Magazine (Ministry of Information and Communications) organized a scientific - practical seminar on Constructive Journalism on December 25, 2022. A number of suggestions were proposed, helping to orient awareness, attitudes and professional behavior towards building constructive journalism. This article raises a few issues about constructivist journalism, contributing to the orientation of awareness, attitude and behavior so that we can join hands to continue innovating journalism in the direction of constructivist journalism in order to continuously improve the capacity of the media, impact and effectiveness of the press on social life.

Journalism-Communication 12:01 13-06-2023 1 năm trước

The Importance of Economic Policy Communication in Vietnam Press Nowadays

The Importance of Economic Policy Communication in Vietnam Press Nowadays

Abstract: Policy communication is an important task and function of the government at all levels. Economic policies play an extremely important role in the development and prosperity of the country. But policy communication in the Vietnamese press still has some limitations. In many cases, policy communication is still one-way. In recent years, policy makers and press agencies have cooperated in policy communication process, however, in some government ministries, policy communication activities have been neglected. Through mass communication channels with different characteristics and functions, the Government's policies will be widely spread to everyone in the society. Economic policies of the Party and Government are communicated to the people through mass media channels, so communicating policies to the public is the essential task of press agencies in Vietnam.

Journalism-Communication 20:19 10-05-2023 1 năm trước

History of Kazakh journalism

History of Kazakh journalism

Abstract: In ancient times, under the conditions of nomadic society in Kazakhstan, journalism existed in primitive forms. Word-of-mouth became a means of accumulating, processing, presenting and disseminating information in the Kazakh steppes. The nomadic poets did this quite professionally. They were called "akyns" and "zhyrau" who were poets, musicians and collectors of legends and songs, moving from village to village, and spontaneously retelling the news. In Kazakhstan, this was called “uzun-kulak” – “long ears”, which was the archetype of today’s “information services”.

Journalism-Communication 23:00 17-04-2023 1 năm trước

Podcast: symbol for power of modern radio

Podcast: symbol for power of modern radio

Abstract: The media industry has been witnessing the explosive growth of podcasts in recent years. It can be said that podcasts have become a symbol for the power of modern radio when they work very effectively and become extremely popular with the public in many countries around the world, gaining admirable economic achievements. With the application of modern science and technology in production and transmission methods, podcasts have brought great experiences to the public, promising a brilliant and shiny future.

Journalism-Communication 21:49 31-03-2023 1 năm trước

Solutions to proactively prevent and respond to non-traditional security risks, focusing on ensuring network security and information security in the context of global transformation during 4.0 Industrial Revolution

Abstract: In the context of a fast-moving world under the influence of the 4.0 industrial revolution, non-traditional security issues have become destabilizing factors affecting national security, and also pose new challenges to regional and international peace and stability. United Nation statistics show non-traditional security is facing dozens of threats. In particular, there are issues that need special attention and effective solutions to proactively prevent and respond such as terrorism, drugs, hackers, environmental disasters, epidemics, human trafficking, illegal migration, especially violations of cyber sovereignty, cyber security, high-tech crime, etc. In this article, the solutions emphasized by the author include human resources, material resources, policies, especially technological solutions.

Journalism-Communication 14:31 10-02-2023 1 năm trước

Factors affecting contents of press - media in the context of globalization

Factors affecting contents of press - media in the context of globalization

Abstract: The press and media play the central role in the context of globalization. The information in the press and media becomes important to all areas of life. Research on journalism, global communication in social and international relations adds important insights to the study of politics and sociology. The increasingly global influence of contents requires the press- media to understand and embrace global trends. Besides, the press-media also face difficulties in connecting information and adapting to cultural diversity.

Journalism-Communication 04:41 17-11-2022 1 năm trước

External Journalism and the Challenges of the 4.0 Industrial Revolution

External Journalism and the Challenges of the 4.0 Industrial Revolution

Abstract: External journalism is being strongly influenced by the fourth technological revolution. A paradigm shift emerges in a manner that makes communicators change their awareness and ways of approaching the public with a new messages, new channels, and perception of a new generation of audience. These challenges require the system of external journalism to actively innovate, especially in the field of journalists’ training.

Journalism-Communication 23:10 03-11-2022 1 năm trước

Developing human resources in Vietnam publishing industry in the current integration period

Developing human resources in Vietnam publishing industry in the current integration period

Abstract: The current international integration is making countries, including Vietnam, pay attention and focus on developing human resources, especially high-quality human resources to develop the country. Publishing is a specialized industry with high specialization, requiring qualified human resources and good working capacity. With the development of information and digital technology today, the issue of human resource is playing a central role. Publishing industry is not an exception. Moreover, its human resources need to be of higher quality than many other industries to meet the requirements of development. The article analyzes the influencing factors and solutions to develop human resources of publishing industry in the context of deeper and broader integration.

Journalism-Communication 16:33 16-10-2022 2 năm trước

Role and mission of revolutionary press in defending the Party’s ideological foundation, fighting against wrong and hostile views

Abstract: The article discusses the issue of promoting the role and mission of Vietnamese revolutionary press in protecting the Party’s ideological foundation, fighting against wrong and hostile views. The author affirms that the revolutionary press is a pioneering force on the front to defend the Party's ideological foundation as well as fight against wrong and hostile views. Also, the article offers solutions for the revolutionary press to promote its role and mission in the context of media explosion today.

Defending ideological foundation 16:35 16-10-2022 2 năm trước

Using social media in political communication in Vietnam today

Using social media in political communication in Vietnam today

Abstract: The 13th Party Congress proposed "Innovating the contents and methods of communication and mobilization; effectively using mass media and social networks in a practical direction; strengthening national consensus and people's trust in the Party, State and the socialist regime"(1). With the desire to bring the Resolution of the 13th Party Congress into daily life, the article focuses on clarifying a number of related concepts, context, requirements, solutions and some recommendations to enhance the use of social networks in Vietnam’s political communication in the upcoming time.

Journalism-Communication 23:48 10-10-2022 2 năm trước

External information activities in Vietnam’s main online newspapers of foreign affairs today

External information activities in Vietnam’s main online newspapers of foreign affairs today

Abstract: Even though the pandemic has been complicatedly developing in the country since 2020, online newspapers such as VietnamPlus and The gioi & Viet Nam have accomplished their political mission. They have disseminated information quickly and timely about Vietnam’s activities in foreign affairs, the issues of East Sea and Vietnam’s actions of combating the pandemic. To improve the effectiveness of external information activities in the future, these newspapers need to execute solutions synchronically, from commanding to organizing contents, methods, and resources for external information activities. Particularly, it is also required to see the resources as the key element and determine solutions to organizing contents in order to enhance the quality of external information activities.

Journalism-Communication 23:07 06-09-2022 2 năm trước

Sampling in web-based survey research in the media sector

Sampling in web-based survey research in the media sector

Abstract: Web-based surveys are becoming more and more popular in the social sciences and media studies. The rapid adoption of this familiar research method on a new platform has challenged common knowledge in methodology and sampling. Within this cognitive framework, the article focuses on analyzing some issues related to sampling in web-based surveys in the field of media.

Journalism-Communication 16:32 31-08-2022 2 năm trước

Promoting social supervision and criticism of the Press in the current context.

Promoting social supervision and criticism of the Press in the current context.

Abstract: The Youth newspaper, the mouthpiece of the Vietnamese Revolutionary Youth League founded by Nguyen Ai Quoc, published its first issue 97 years ago (on June 21, 1925), marking its birth and development of the Vietnamese revolutionary press. Since then, under the Party's leadership, the Vietnamese revolutionary press has always promoted its pivotal role, pioneering at the ideological - cultural front, making great contributions to the cause of national construction and development. One of the noble missions of the press is social supervision and criticism, contributing to the fight against negative phenomena, toxic and hostile information and building a more civilized and modern society.

Journalism-Communication 17:27 28-08-2022 2 năm trước

Solutions to improve the quality of electronic Journal of Political Theory and Communication in current period

Abstract: Integrating into the development trend of online newspapers in the digital era, after more than a year in operation, the electronic Journal of Political Theory and Communication has brought into play its strength and affirmed its position and role in the overall development of the AJC (Academy of Journalism and Communication) as well as its reputation in society. However, its operation still has challenges, limitations and shortcomings. The article proposes a number of solutions to improve the quality and performance of the Journal in the coming time.

Digital media 17:20 28-08-2022 2 năm trước
See also

Ho Chi Minh Ideology

“Abstract: Democratic leadership is a subject of interest for many people from various angles. However, researchers often focus on the external forms and do not delve into the intrinsic nature and the comprehensive principles that connect the content and form. They also have not pointed out the objective relationships and development of these aspects. This paper clarifies the current situation and ... “

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Nguyen Huu Dong

PhD, Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics

“Abstract: Stemming from the role, position, and mission of leading class and nation of the Communist Party of Vietnam, pioneering is the first "attribute" of a genuine party member. The development requirements of our country's revolution today require the example and pioneering of each party member to become highly self-aware. In this article, on the basis of analyzing President Ho Chi Minh's ... “

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Mai Duc Ngoc

Assoc. Prof. PhD, Academy of Journalism and Communication