Fundamental theoretical concepts related to brand building and online brand management

Abstract: Social media is an integral part of people’s lives, particularly among the young generation. When social media expands, it creates a “miniature society”, allowing businesses to develop ...

Factors affecting contents of press - media in the context of globalization

Abstract: The press and media play the central role in the context of globalization. The information in the press and media becomes ...

Sampling in web-based survey research in the media sector

Abstract: Web-based surveys are becoming more and more popular in the social sciences and media studies. The rapid adoption of this ...

Promoting social supervision and criticism of the Press in the current context.

Abstract: The Youth newspaper, the mouthpiece of the Vietnamese Revolutionary Youth League founded by Nguyen Ai Quoc, published its first ...

Promoting the role of journalists in social criticism

Promoting the role of journalists in social criticism

Abstract: Social criticism of the press refers to the situation when journalists and press organizations offer thoughts or suggestions to improve and get rid of flaws, sluggishness, or stagnation about a policy or regulation ...

Application of artificial intelligence in journalism: reality and solutions.

Application of artificial intelligence in journalism: reality and solutions.

Abstract: Applying artificial intelligence (AI) in the field of journalism assists journalists to automate certain steps in the process and creating some contents. However, to make a bigger impact on the public, journalistic ...

Fundamental theoretical concepts related to brand building and online brand management

Fundamental theoretical concepts related to brand building and online brand management

Abstract: Social media is an integral part of people’s lives, particularly among the young generation. When social media expands, it creates a “miniature society”, allowing businesses to develop their brands. Aside from the benefits of social media (e.g. increased brand awareness, lower communication costs, easier interaction between customers and firms), brand management on social media is an urgent issue that attracts many modern media strategic managers’ attention. Basic theoretical issues such as concepts, brand equity, and online corporate brand management activities will be discussed in this article.

Journalism-Communication 15:43 28-03-2024 6 tháng trước

Factors affecting contents of press - media in the context of globalization

Factors affecting contents of press - media in the context of globalization

Abstract: The press and media play the central role in the context of globalization. The information in the press and media becomes important to all areas of life. Research on journalism, global communication in social and international relations adds important insights to the study of politics and sociology. The increasingly global influence of contents requires the press- media to understand and embrace global trends. Besides, the press-media also face difficulties in connecting information and adapting to cultural diversity.

Journalism-Communication 04:41 17-11-2022 1 năm trước

Sampling in web-based survey research in the media sector

Sampling in web-based survey research in the media sector

Abstract: Web-based surveys are becoming more and more popular in the social sciences and media studies. The rapid adoption of this familiar research method on a new platform has challenged common knowledge in methodology and sampling. Within this cognitive framework, the article focuses on analyzing some issues related to sampling in web-based surveys in the field of media.

Journalism-Communication 16:32 31-08-2022 2 năm trước

Promoting social supervision and criticism of the Press in the current context.

Promoting social supervision and criticism of the Press in the current context.

Abstract: The Youth newspaper, the mouthpiece of the Vietnamese Revolutionary Youth League founded by Nguyen Ai Quoc, published its first issue 97 years ago (on June 21, 1925), marking its birth and development of the Vietnamese revolutionary press. Since then, under the Party's leadership, the Vietnamese revolutionary press has always promoted its pivotal role, pioneering at the ideological - cultural front, making great contributions to the cause of national construction and development. One of the noble missions of the press is social supervision and criticism, contributing to the fight against negative phenomena, toxic and hostile information and building a more civilized and modern society.

Journalism-Communication 17:27 28-08-2022 2 năm trước

Promoting the role of journalists in social criticism

Promoting the role of journalists in social criticism

Abstract: Social criticism of the press refers to the situation when journalists and press organizations offer thoughts or suggestions to improve and get rid of flaws, sluggishness, or stagnation about a policy or regulation which will soon be legislated or put into practice. It is a necessary activity to assist the promulgated policies to be adjusted and developed effectively in accordance with the interests of the majority of the population. Press agencies, particularly journalists, must have a clear understanding of their tasks, responsibilities, and required capacities to perform this task successfully. It must be specifically situated in the context of contemporary society with technology 4.0 and the rapid growth of social networks.

Journalism-Communication 17:38 28-08-2022 2 năm trước

Application of artificial intelligence in journalism: reality and solutions.

Application of artificial intelligence in journalism: reality and solutions.

Abstract: Applying artificial intelligence (AI) in the field of journalism assists journalists to automate certain steps in the process and creating some contents. However, to make a bigger impact on the public, journalistic products require empathy, inventiveness, and connection with readers. Therefore, this should be the effective coordination between humans and AI rather than being mutually exclusive. In modern journalism, it is essential for journalists to have a greater grasp of AI as they need a certain level of transparency to update and develop information relevant to society and work issues. At the same time as AI technology will gradually "personalize" the process to suit each journalist, journalists must be aware of the AI working system's processes such as outputs, operating systems, and what they can do to affect their own AI.

Journalism-Communication 23:04 19-08-2022 2 năm trước
See also

Ho Chi Minh Ideology

“Abstract: Democratic leadership is a subject of interest for many people from various angles. However, researchers often focus on the external forms and do not delve into the intrinsic nature and the comprehensive principles that connect the content and form. They also have not pointed out the objective relationships and development of these aspects. This paper clarifies the current situation and ... “

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Nguyen Huu Dong

PhD, Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics

“Abstract: Stemming from the role, position, and mission of leading class and nation of the Communist Party of Vietnam, pioneering is the first "attribute" of a genuine party member. The development requirements of our country's revolution today require the example and pioneering of each party member to become highly self-aware. In this article, on the basis of analyzing President Ho Chi Minh's ... “

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Mai Duc Ngoc

Assoc. Prof. PhD, Academy of Journalism and Communication